Smoke Shops in Ohio: Nothing says ‘Loserville’ more than a pot economy

Nothing says loser like a smoke shop.  I used to make fun of them while traveling through states that had legalized pot, such as Colorado.  They trash up a community.  But now they are in Ohio because a bunch of leftist losers took advantage of a bunch of stupid and naive people and convinced them to pass marijuana in the state, which then says to the world, our community is a bunch of dope-smoking losers.  I can avoid them daily, but recently, while going to Dunkin Donuts to get breakfast for my grandchildren, my wife had to look at two of them right by our house.  Smoke shops have become the new go-to for brick-and-mortar plazas, struggling to find tenants as most companies compete against online sales.  I understand that, too; I was shopping at a brick-and-mortar store in Columbus, Ohio, with a long list of needed items, mostly books.  But they didn’t have everything.  I ordered on Amazon and was able to get everything I needed, fast.  So brick and mortar’s are struggling.  Plaza builders and strip mall operators have too many products chasing too few goods.  Most of them have their usual nail salons and Chinese restaurants in them.  Or if not one of those, a Mexican restaurant.  But it’s been tough to keep them filled with all the brick-and-mortar failures.  Add to that the effects of a Biden economy with massive inflation and over-regulation that has crippled economic flow and you end up with a lot of strip malls at 60% occupancy.  It probably would have been a good idea in our economic planning to say no to some of them before they were built.  But the plans were all rubber stamped and now the owners of those developments are hard pressed to fill them.  So, to save the day, comes smoke shops along with Cheech and Chong to sell pot to a desperate public dazed and confused being taking full advantage of by a criminal government exploiting them until the public rots away with pain and betrayal. 

If I have to look at pot smokers and smoke shops, I can assure everyone that I’m going to be a far less nice person.  I despise pot.  I once had a group of friends in my very first apartment who smoked pot in it while I was gone.  I was 18 then, so I was in the prime age for people who did that kind of thing.  It was everywhere, especially at rock concerts.  I always had, and continue to now, a strict policy of no pot, anytime, anywhere, under any condition.  I had a little parakeet that I kept in a cage in my bedroom.  Yes, I was a weird teenager.  I liked those kinds of things, and while the apartment was a bachelor pad intended to pick up many chicks and have wild nights, I wanted to be married and start a family.  I was tired of party life, and I never liked it.  So that little bird was special to me, and a good companion as I started in life.  When I came home one particular day, after working very hard on one of my first sales jobs, three of my friends had smoked pot and tried to get the little bird stoned.  I was furious.  Actually, beyond furious.  Not only had they gone into my room with pot, knowing how much I hated the stuff.  But they blew smoke onto my little bird to get it stoned.  I had been friends with some of these guys since childhood.  That was the last day I ever spoke to them.  They reached out over the years, but I did not reach back.  Some found the light much later in life, but I did not forgive them.  If Jesus wants to be an idiot and forgive people like that, have at it.  I despise people who do things like that, and I, in general, despise pot users. 

Just because a bunch of loser politicians listened to their donors about the need to get into the pot business, it doesn’t change my sheer hatred of the stuff.  I’ve heard all the arguments; believe me, some really intelligent and powerful people have worked hard to change my mind.  After all, Speaker John Boehner, who is a neighbor and we share many mutual friends, left Congress because he saw the writing on the wall with Trump entering politics, and he became a pot lobbyist.  People like him for years have been talking about the medicinal properties of pot smoke and how you can make a rope out of it.  They have looked for every excuse to use the pot industry as some expansion of business in the state of Ohio, to make it a business-friendly concept to attract businesses to the state.  They tried to justify pot advocacy with economic expansion.  To me, if that is the best you have, then you are a dying economy with a dying workforce run by a bunch of suckers and losers.  John Boehner cries a lot, smokes too much, and was a globalist sellout when he had the third most powerful seat in the world as Speaker of the House.  And he went from that to being an advocate for pot in Ohio, and now we are seeing the results of what people like him have brought to our state.  Smoke shops everywhere. 

My wife is less tolerant about pot than I am.  We have family members who have bought into the whole “I need pot for my chronic pain” argument, and we have no respect for them or anybody who uses pot for that matter.  We’ve heard that the Indians used pot, so we should too, to be more aligned with “nature,” is what they say.  The Indians ended up a culture driven to extinction with their rain dancing and peace pipes.  And that’s what happens to all cultures that embrace intoxication in any fashion as a driver of economic means.  And my wife returned from that particular visit to Dunkin Donuts very upset that she had to look at those smoke shops because they were signs of an invasion into our community.  We’ve lived in Liberty Township for a long time, me much longer than her.  So we have watched the changes to the negative as all these East Coast people bring with them their Democrat ideas from socialist influence in the places they moved from.  Generally, we put up with it with as much understanding as possible. But seeing those Loserville smoke shops in our nice little community was too much that day.  And for me, it’s the parakeet all over again.  I have no tolerance for evil, and certainly not vehicles of evil, such as pot consumption.  I see nothing good about it, not medicinal, not by making rope, not in a Cheech and Chong movie.  And a pot economy is a drain on all other aspects of economic growth.  Any society that is built on the degradation of the mind, which is what pot is, even as a pain killer, will destroy your society.  And when you see a smoke shop catering to pot consumers, that is the kind of world you are building.  It is disgusting to see and hear about it from people who should know better. 

Rich Hoffman

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