The 51 Agents That Committed Treason and Sedition: When a government investigates itself and doesn’t send itself to jail

Do people like John Brennen and James Clapper inspire any kind of confidence? Clapper was the Director of National Intelligence, and Brennan was the Director of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Big jobs, yet they showed such recklessness in their activism against a sitting president that they could justifiably be called foolish. I mean, let’s get some ground rules established here. I despised Barack Obama. I thought, and still do, that he represented evil on earth and was the worst thing that could have happened to America. And he’s still bad for America. But I would have never committed treason and sedition to remove him from office, as Clapper and Brennan did. They and 51 other intelligence officers signed a letter dismissing the Biden laptop as Russian disinformation, which has now turned out to be a complete lie. We saw a bunch of highly paid people with access to our most classified information doing whatever they could to rig the election against President Trump because they didn’t like him. I figured with Obama; if people voted for him, then the game works that you make an argument against him. You don’t go out and plot a government-paid coup against who the voters pick for office. This is what those 51 intelligence agents did, particularly Clapper and Brennan, which indicates just how radical those agencies had become. They felt entitled to do whatever it took to remove Trump from office, so now we know what we do about their level of activism, we must look at everything people suspect was wrong and give it new merit. Because if they would lie about that, what else would they lie about? 

It’s not like I’m talking about this in a vacuum. About a year ago, when this story was being talked about heavily, about the 51 agents who had signed that letter right before the 2020 election hoping to suppress the information about the Hunter Biden laptop, which showed the president’s son doing very despicable things. It also showed the money trail to the Biden family from China and other places where Joe Biden had sold access to himself to hostile contributors who were known enemies of our country. I was able to talk to Mike Pompeo about it, which under Trump, he was in charge of the CIA. So he knows the kind of people who are in the CIA. Under someone like Pompeo, I think better of the CIA. But under John Brennan, it’s simply an interment of domestic terrorism because of his political positions, which he obviously abused under his direction. And, of course, Pompeo was embarrassed about the actions. He thinks a lot of the men and women in the CIA who worked under him and the information about the 51 agents who signed that letter was embarrassing for him, and he would have preferred that I didn’t bring it up. After all, we were at a festive event, and he wanted to keep it that way. Yet such a reference was embarrassing because we wanted to believe these were good people. But they aren’t; they committed vile acts of sedition against our country as they plotted the overthrow of our executive in the White House. Brennan knew what he was doing, as we learned recently from the Durham Report that he briefed President Obama and Vice President Biden on the matter in the White House. They all plotted to remove Trump from office or keep him from office by subverting the election process, and we only know about it because they were caught. Can you imagine what else they have done that they have not yet been caught for?

And we were told it was wrong to question the birth certificate of Obama, which turned out to have all kinds of problems with it. Or that it was wrong to examine why the CIA didn’t know about the attacks on 9/11 and didn’t share information with the FBI better, which facilitated the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. And I can tell you that right after the election, I had a chance to talk with Sidney Powell, who used to be on Fox News all the time until she said that there was election fraud in the last election. She was only the attorney for General Flynn, not exactly someone with a few screws loose. But as soon as she pushed a narrative that the election was stolen, in the open days after the 2020 election, along with Rudy Giuliani, she was dismissed from any public consideration. And what did she tell me, that the intelligence agencies stole the election. At the time, it seemed like fiction. But now we know from lots of evidence that has poured forth that they openly did lie in that letter. Russia wasn’t a factor in the election of President Trump. Our intelligence agencies had been caught, and the results of the Durham Report prove it. And what’s even worse is that the more anybody dug into the matter, the more radicalism from people like Clapper and Brennan came to the surface, and it all connected back to the Obama White House. 

If the crimes that the 51 intelligence officers committed were not treason and sedition, then what would they be? Treason is the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. The CIA has done that in regard to Trump because he was in the government at the time. And we now know through released classified information that the CIA played a prominent role in the killing of President Kennedy in 1963. That’s not a conspiracy theory anymore. Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority. Isn’t that what these intelligence agents did with the signing of that letter, to alter the outcome of an election, to lie to the American people to manipulate the sentiment of voters by using their trusted positions to do so? If these are not high crimes from these 51 agents, what are? The sad thing about this entire story is that the government investigated itself and decided not to send itself to jail. That is why the Durham Report says many very hard things but can’t recommend any prosecution because who would do the prosecution? Everyone is in on it, and from both political parties. They don’t fear punishment, have a rigged system, and dare anybody to come after them, which is why they committed the crimes against Trump and his voters in the first place. They have no respect for any of us or the Constitutional law they were sworn to protect. They are laughing at us for our naive reverence to such things as “borders” and “elections.” They think they are smarter than we are, they think they know better than we do, and they think they are in charge, ultimately. And they can do whatever they want to anybody, any time they want to. They are examples of abuse of power that was out of control long ago. And anybody who gets in their way they feel it’s their right to destroy. And they’ve been doing it essentially since they were made into existence in the last century. They haven’t been around very long, and perhaps based on these actions, they shouldn’t remain in any form. We’d be better off without such terrorists and their crimes of sedition and treason against the United States which are common, not unique.

Rich Hoffman

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The Whores of George Soros: When our government is guilty of treason and sedition because it was easy

All this leads to the question, what should we do about George Soros? Should we be angry with him for wanting to destroy our country, or should we be mad at the people who are so easily bought with his money? I am angry at both the whore and the pimp; I’d like to see a society without either. George Soros has clearly been attached to many insurrectionist movements in America, a frequent contributor to leftist causes and open borders, and he’s certainly not alone. But his name has come up recently with this communist, Alvin Bragg, the New York DA associated with prosecuting Trump. Soros has invested a lot of money in the kind of legal professionals who would run for district attorney positions and turn our constitutions on their heads, intentionally focused on destroying our system of law and order and, thus, our country. Soros has been associated with purposely collapsing nationalist economies, and he’s been hard at work in America using our capitalist system as an obvious weapon of collapsing it in favor of communism. George Soros is an old man and has been at this for a long time. He’s certainly not the only one. Bill Gates comes to mind, and there are a whole series of whores associated with him and his money that caused the Covid crisis and eventual election fraud that came with it.

But regarding George Soros, should we be outraged and demanding capital punishment for the multiple incidents of treason and sedition that he is directly guilty of? Well, I’d say we should be; we should be angry at people like him who intend to use their money as a military weapon against the laws of our constitution. And we should be angry at the whores people like him have used to conduct their hostilities. 

What are people like Mitch McConnell but whores? We typically think of a whore as someone who sells sexual favors intent to provide physical pleasure in exchange for money. But using the Biblical definition, it would be anybody cheating on the laws of the Lord God. A person can be a whore and never take off their clothes and put themselves in a compromising position sexually. It may have nothing to do with sex. There are many kinds of whores in the world, and most of them keep their clothes on. But they are whores just the same. I would define a whore as anybody in the world who works against our American constitution and refuses to live the life of a moral person. And instead worships godless heathens and the gods of communism. The anger that God had in the context of Baal worship in the Bible is the kind of anger that I think is appropriate in this modern context. The enemy, which people like George Soros have been funding with his money of whoredom provides funds toward people like Mitch McConnell as powerful members of congress so that an intention is fulfilled. Just like the loser who seeks a prostitute because sex within the context of marriage is too difficult, because its too hard to conduct an act of pleasure with the same person that you have to raise kids with or share a mortgage, politicians all the time take the easy way out and rather than work through legal problems with others they are in a government relationship with, they turn toward the pimps like Soros who offer easy money for just doing the sex. In McConnell’s case, he might make decisions as the head senator to be easy on China relations because he has a full bank account because his father-in-law has a shipping business in communist China that requires favorable alliances with the communist party. Otherwise, the family doesn’t get those lucrative shipping contracts. That McConnell example is but one obvious one. There are many more, and thus, a lot of whores who will do anything for easy money because they are essentially unprincipled and lazy, making them easy targets for George Soros money or funds for their institutions like Bill Gates often provides. 

I work with many politicians, and if I’m dealing with them in some way, something usually comes up where lunch or some other costly endeavor occurs. The people I deal with are obviously not people I’d call whores. They are the kind of spouses you marry and stay loyal to. You don’t take the easy way out and cheat on them with a whore. And how do I know? Well, they never let me pay. I was with one particular politician just the other day. It was a lunch meeting in a super-secret location. I told the waitress before this person arrived to give me the check. This person found a way to pay for our lunch out of his own pocket before the waitress even wrote the check to give me. We had a good laugh about it after, but for that person, it was important to maintain no resemblance of a free lunch of any kind of whoredom.

Which I respect. It is like having lunch with an attractive member of the opposite sex without intending to sleep with them but developing a real working relationship is hard. Sex is easy. And too many people just pay for the sex, the “I owe yous” in life. And that is the difference between whores and a sincere person. There are a lot of politicians who want a free lunch and want the easiest path to get one. They don’t care to ensure the check gets paid without the awkward exchange of fighting over who pays it, even if it’s a small, trivial sum of money. 

When there are people like George Soros who clearly love the power of spending money to weaponize politics, you can only draw one conclusion, that they intend to harm America, so he and the people who were whores to his cause are guilty of treason and sedition of our way of life. If not for George Soros and the million dollars or more that was spent getting him elected, and the many other soft money contributions that help make neighborhoods like the ones who elected Alvin Bragg more communist than capitalist, tampering with elections in a whole assortment of ways, a lot of the bad things we see occur, the lawlessness seen on TV daily wouldn’t be happening. The root cause of all the trouble is the whores who are eager to take easy money from pimps like George Soros without any guilt associated with the crime. You can see this kind of behavior on K-Street to this very day late at night. There are a lot of whores selling sex on K-Street, and other places in the world, and a lot of pimps controlling them. I am shocked to watch the police just drive right by them as they are lined up on the street, not enforcing the law. That’s because the police know it’s useless. If they arrest the whores, they’ll just be free a few hours later, so why bother with the paperwork. And that’s where a lot of us are in America right now. We know our members of congress and senate are whores. But we are outspent by people who keep them working as whores, so we just toss up our hands and try to forget about it. But should we? I would say not. We should not put up with whores in our government, and if we want an honest government, then we shouldn’t be sneaking out the window to visit them while our spouses are asleep and dreaming of paying that next bill or getting an education for the kids, and all the other pressures that make sex difficult. The whores are, of course, easy, and too many people use them and whore themselves out in the process. And if we want to fix anything, we must begin there.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The World Economic Forum is Just a Front for Treason and Sedition: Using election fraud to rule the world the way drug trafficking in America has shown how

There have been mass attempts to obtain money in the easiest fashion in every age, leading to criminal life. It’s far easier to take money from people than to just earn it. And that is certainly the case in this internet world where you can fly anywhere in under a day. When we are all so easily connected by technology, it shouldn’t be a surprise that criminals would find a latest scheme to conduct criminal activity, which is clearly the case with The World Economic Forum in Davos. I watched all the coverage, and what you have with them is an administrative state out of control and using the tapestries of process management to conduct massive financial theft across the world with the same justifications that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid robbed stagecoaches in the Old West. The intent to capture the world’s governments under the umbrella of a massive international mob in the fashion of Al Capone’s from Chicago is unmistakable. From the Desecrators of Davos crowd, we are dealing with a massive international mob disguised behind names of good intentions, such as what Klaus Schwab is operating in Davos, for the simple goal of wealth confiscation and personal enrichment based on radical leftist ideology. These criminals sat in front of the camera and broadcast to the world during the last week of May 2022 just how they planned to commit treason and sedition against the most powerful country in the world openly and without fear of any recourse because they had a secret that they are utilizing to ensure their success, election fraud. 

It’s not a mystery; their method has now been well studied. The Desecrators of Davos types have watched how drugs were illegally trafficked in the United States, and they have devised a way to perform the same kind of activity when it comes to election fraud. In the 2020 election, Facebook, a member of these World Economic Forum criminals, paid for the mules who stole that election. And the people who don’t want to talk about it are just like the media and politicians who silently allowed Al Capone to operate his famous mob. In modern times, many people just want to live their lives. They want to take their kids to sports events and maybe an occasional movie. They don’t want to think about all the illegal drugs flowing into the country and what impact that might have on society in general. They’d rather look away from all that ugliness. Well, the Desecrators of Davos types have watched this behavior and have now exploited it for their global theft of the world’s wealth. They are quite well aware that what they are doing in Davos will infringe on the national sovereignties of the world’s nations. But they are pushing for a borderless world that they control, so they don’t care about crimes like treason and sedition because they are already invested in the change state. Rather, their plan is clearly to steal elections around the world and to take power away from the people’s vote to enact their plans, and they plan to get away with it because of what they have witnessed in the drug trade in America. 

In the movie 2000 Mules, it’s ballot trafficking that was happening. Facebook is a Desecrators of Davos member. Bill Gates is too. So is George Soros. They all want to overthrow traditional America and acquire power for their globalist intentions. So, of course, they were involved in making a virus that would be unleashed worldwide by their methods. They own the media so they could control the coverage of what was reported, what the methods were in dealing with the crises that they were creating for the eventual goal of creating chaos to overturn election laws and steal the results, as they clearly did in 2020 to get rid of the people’s pick.

The whole effort was conducted in the same manner as has proven successful with drug trafficking. And everyone knows how drug trafficking occurs. The CIA knows who the drug lords are, where their mansions in Mexico are, and how the drugs flow into America. Who buys it, who uses it, and for what purpose. Every now and then, they arrest some poor fool to give the public the illusion that anybody really cares about illegal drugs. But the truth is that everyone is in on the action, the American government, the drug lords, the cartels, and the mules that haul all the drugs to cities across America. It has worked so well that the Desecrators of Davos have used the same methods now to steal elections. And now that we have seen this activity, because of the overwhelming proof from the 2020 elections, it’s likely that this election fraud by these globalists has been going on for decades. Much of our current congress likely were illegally picked by election fraud, which raises all kinds of trouble for the legality of everything they have been doing as a legislative body. 

The crimes have been committed because the Desecrators of Davos know that people don’t want to see or hear about it. They may not like it, but they consider themselves too small to do anything about it. These are the problems of big governments, not the kind of thing some little ol’ nobody from small-town USA can stand up to. So knowing that’s how people are, the Desecrators of Davos have sought to take over the governments of the world and to run them from Davos, through the roots of finance, and to conduct massive crimes against humanity on a scale that is beyond the reach of most people. And that’s how they have gotten away with these crimes, and crimes they certainly are. Crimes that are punishable by death penalty. And over time, as they have found that their ballot-stuffing crimes got them the results they desired, they have become bolder in how they go about their business, which has left behind plenty of evidence for us to act on if only we had to courage to do so. But their gamble is that nobody will, just like nobody stands up to the illegal drug trade. People would rather do just about anything in the world than confront vast evils right in front of our faces. And that’s why it keeps happening. Good people are certainly in the majority, but they don’t want to look at the evil a minority is conducting because they are too busy and too scared to confront it. So, of course, there will always be some latest version of international criminal who will exploit that trait for their lazy gains of wealth, so they can have the ornaments of money, the things that money can buy, without doing the work of actually earning the money. It’s much easier to just steal the wealth of America rather than work to compete with it to be the next superpower. From the point of view of this new criminal class, the Desecrators of Davos, they would rather destroy the only superpower left, rather than compete with it, and that in the aftermath of that destruction, they could rule the chaos behind charitable foundations and feel good think tanks, which is, in essence, all the World Economic Forum really is, a front for treason and sedition that is in full support of open criminal conduct on a vast scale. And they have no fear of being caught because of what they have learned from the American drug trade. 

Rich Hoffman

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