The Meaning of the Pride Flag: It’s a religious debate, not about fairness

It’s time to stop arguing obvious progressive intrusions as unfair. When Lakota school board member Darbi Boddy took pictures of obvious sexual grooming in the halls of Lakota, and the defense was that the evidence was the result of political tolerance of sexual lifestyles, the reality was much more severe. The rainbows that were being taught to young children in the schools of public school were not just symbols of sexual alternative lifestyles; they were the roots of a cult that was religious in its nature which actually goes back many thousands of years to the worship of the goddess Ishtar from the Mesopotamian region. In essence, the rainbows in the halls of Lakota schools were the same religious symbols with precise meanings, as though there were images of the Christian Cross hanging on the walls with the Ten Commandments. And when the issue of transsexual rights came up at Lakota schools in April of 2023 regarding the bathrooms, the nature of the discussion was not one of fairness but of a religious cult that is actually behind the trans movement, which exploded into American culture late in June 1969, just a few months before the Woodstock music festival and a month before the Moon landing. Many things were happening to America to sabotage the space program from NASA, and the KGB was hard at work to backdoor communism to an unsuspecting public through its young people, which is what happened at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in New York City.

The examination into the root cause of the Stonewall Inn riots was that many of the participants were worshipers of the Cult of Ishtar and were using its sentiments to undermine the Christian nature of America through alternative sex practices, such as gay rights, trans rights, and the ritual practices of drunkenness and ostentatious pornography. Since that time in 1969, since the rest of the world was not landing on the moon, and there were lots of hostilities toward America that wanted to sabotage the effort, the same kinds of religious cults that destroyed previous civilizations, such as those from Sumer were introduced to do essentially the same in the United States. And for the diligent lawyers out there, the foundation argument for all this is in the excellent book by Jonathan Cahn called The Return of the Gods. In that book, he presents lots of evidence regarding the Cult of Ishtar that argues that the Trans movement is not about fairness or tolerance but is strictly a religion that should have the same rules applied to it that have been used to any Christian reference. If we cannot hang the Ten Commandments on the walls of our public schools and court houses, then we can’t put any rainbow references toward the Goddess Ishtar either. Because that is what the rainbow symbols refer to, Ishtar and her cult of followers. The rainbow was the battle flag of Ishtar, and the colors have particular meanings. So the argument that we have had regarding the use of rainbows in the halls of public schools and the evidence that America is a tolerant nation that will show compassion for people who are confused about how they feel inside and what biology they were given at birth, and the desire to desecrate their sexual rolls socially, the real issue was that of competing religions, the desire of one religion, the Cult of Ishtar and the Cross of Christ. If we had to accept Trans rights and activism, then public places had to tolerate prayer in the classroom and reference to the cross as the symbol of Christ’s crucifixion to die for the sins of mankind.  

The rainbow flag dedicated to the Goddess Ishtar was designed by Gilbert Baker, a drag queen and very openly gay man, on June 25th, 1978, just nine years after the riots at Stonewall. By 1994 that rainbow symbol was adopted as the official symbol of gay Pride and became recognized worldwide for that effort. Now the goddess Ishtar was a symbol of sex; she was a prostitute who was very promiscuous sexually. Whether she evoked in mankind the primary traits of sexual conduct and their perversion to satisfy the whims of a perverted deity or whether her reverence was purposely promiscuous intent on the downfall of whatever civilization adopted her practices as a priority, the results cannot be ignored. A worship of her by occult practitioners is why we have such a desire for drunkenness and sexual misconduct in our public schools and colleges to this very day. As stated, the KGB, which very much wanted to destroy the kind of culture from within that could put a man on the moon, was dusting off whatever aspects of ancient occult that might ruin America. And we are seeing the wheels set in motion then clearly in our present times because nobody has made an honest attempt to stop the madness. We instead have reacted by answering the argument posed, are we a tolerant nation? The answer obviously is yes, and we have been putting all our effort into fighting that accusation rather than the actual merits of the case that a religious ideology has been purposely trying to alter our country and destroy it at the foundations of its Christian belief. 

In the rainbow flag of Ishtar are definite meanings to the eight primary colors, with pink representing sex, red representing life, orange representing healing, yellow representing the sun (sun worship as a deity, turning the culture to worship of solar gods, solar power, reverence to the forces of the sun) green representing nature, (climate change, ESG measures) turquoise representing magic, (dark art, occult practices) indigo representing serenity, and the last color violet represented the spirit of sexuality, in whatever form it manifested, gayness, lesbianism, transsexuality, all the alphabet sex practices that are being shoved at us today as a value system. The purpose of the priority is to desecrate our traditionally Christian nation and replace it with the flag of domination by the Goddess Ishtar. It truly has nothing to do with sexual tolerance and social inclusion but desecration and undermining of our culture from its roots by hiding behind the concept of Church and State. I do not doubt among my readers that some very clever lawyers can see these implications. Once case law is established that the rainbow symbols are references the same as the Cross of Christ and prayer in public places, we have a whole new way of looking at this vast evil that has been cast upon our culture. Darbi Boddy at Lakota schools has had the right instincts about this issue from the start of her term. And the anger at her for pointing it out goes back to the kind of social activism that was evident at the breakout of the transexual movement beginning at Stonewall in New York City in 1969. These things didn’t happen by accident and aren’t about fairness. They were always attacks on American culture meant to corrupt our youth, and now many of those corrupted youth are running our country from a political position and are embedded in our media and other places of authority. And they worship the Cult of Ishtar, and their reverences, such as the rainbow flags of the Pride movement, are religious. Not symbols of inclusion but the battle flag of cultural domination and social destruction purposely invoked from ancient history to destroy America and everyone in it.

Rich Hoffman

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The Art of the Comeback: A plan for the future

Even though the short-term consequences have been terrifying, the best thing that could have happened is that the secret losers who have hidden behind the curtain of world events for many decades with occult practices and hokey religions are now apparent. Their climate change occult isn’t just one that is socialist against capitalism but is against life itself in favor of protecting a planet they cleave to like a frightened child cleaves to a mother’s skirt, even as they should be grown up enough to let go and face danger with boldness. And with Trump’s first presidency, his “Art of the Deal” term in office, he showed what was possible in politics where all those manipulators had been hiding all along, and he quickly fixed much of the world in a few short years. This provoked an extreme reaction to him, revealing the truth of their nature, which conspiracy theories had only suspected over the last century. Many thought we were having an honest discussion between socialism and capitalism, for which Donald Trump was an unapologetic representative of the Reagan years of bold capitalism. It was easy to focus on the degradation of communist states in Iran and Russia. But the 90s were a different story, Reagan was out of the White House, and the Russian empire crumbled to dust, falling with its perceptions of communism. And Bill Clinton was elected as President of the United States. Compared to the 80s, when I came of age, got married, and started having children, the 90s were horrible, corrupt, and detrimental to the human condition. And during that time, Donald Trump, who had it all, had fallen into being billions of dollars poorer than a homeless person. The world was falling apart, but by the end of the decade, Trump was on top again, and his journey was written in a sequel to his Art of the Deal book, which was called The Art of the Comeback.

Reading The Art of the Comeback now, in the 2020s, is quite a time capsule. It is interesting to see so many celebrities kissing up to Trump, who was one of the world’s wealthiest people at that time. Michael Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Tiger Woods, and many celebrities, who are now professed liberals, were hungry to get their pictures next to Trump. And compared to the 90s, our modern environment is perilously bleak and unhopeful. Covid has changed people in terrible ways; they are afraid to socially interact even years after the CDC nearly destroyed the world with white lab coat bureaucracy and misdiagnosed precautions meant to destroy capitalism at its roots. The occult of earth worship is always lingering behind the political theater and entertainment scenes. It’s a much less optimistic world than it was in the 90s when The Art of the Comeback was written.   But it didn’t need to be that way; it was a choice for the human race to penalize ourselves with politics globally. We saw something unique happen from 2016 to 2020, Trump became President, and America was Great Again. The managed decline planned for us was averted, and the political left and their minions of doom behind the global curtain were in a panic, and they would do anything to get rid of him. But in so doing, they showed us all their cards, and at least now we know what we are dealing with and where they reside. 

I’ve been saying that The Art of the Comeback needs to be the campaign model for Trump’s re-election strategy. So far, the political enemies of America First have been defining who Trump is as a political radical, an unhinged lunatic, and a far-right insurgent. But Trump didn’t ever get where he was by allowing others to define him. He always knew how to build a brand and then to control how people viewed that brand. And that’s what he needs to do now that 2024 is coming into focus. Many thought Trump was done for coming out of the 80s. He and his Trump Tower were doomed, and he was going down. These were the years of his famous divorce from Ivana Trump and his marriage to Marla Maples before Melania Trump. During these days, he took a picture with Hillary Clinton and honored the First Lady for handling pressure well. It was, in fact, that picture that kept me from thinking of him as a presidential candidate in 2015 when Bill O’Reilly was interviewing Trump’s announcement for a run. He had made nice with the Clintons; I couldn’t forgive him for that. But it looks like after he married Melania, he finally found the right woman. I’ve met Melania, and she is a really nice person. And, of course, she is beautiful. But she’s also extremely smart. She has obviously been a great stabilizing factor for Donald Trump, and re-reading his Art of the Comeback, knowing that he would eventually become President himself, the path to his comeback success is evident through his optimism combined with the right woman to stabilize his extremely A Type personality. 

And so it can be again with America. Trump has shown that he can navigate impossible odds to put himself back on top with personal success. And his book The Art of the Comeback is a guidebook for how to do it again, only this time for America. America has been the target of hostile forces for more years than many people want to admit to themselves.   And as things look now, it looks pretty hopeless that the bad guys have been winning and will continue to win. That’s why these next few elections are so important. If we can keep Democrats from cheating and put reasonable people in office positions, we have a chance. But for that to happen, there needs to be a recognizable brand that people can follow toward that success. And of all the people out there, only President Trump has a track record of that kind of success. His success was personal, but during his first term in office, he showed that The Art of the Deal was very relevant, from personal business to international politics. All that really changed was the setting. And that would undoubtedly be the case for The Art of the Comeback. I personally think it was great that Trump had a break at the end of 2020 and could have time to reflect on how things could be improved from his first term. He did a lot of things very right, but there were lots of things done wrong, particularly in his trust in the Administrative State to respect him and not work against him. He learned the hard lesson of just how hard that snake can bite. And people needed to see just how bad liberals really were when they were suddenly on the clock and under pressure to perform. Knowing that they had to steal the election to put their guy in power, they knew time was not on their side, so they had to rush forward all their initiatives, which has scared America because now they saw what was always behind the curtain. And that’s a good thing. It might bring short-term pain, but knowing who they are would only help long-term planning, which is at the heart of it all and is what matters next. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The CISA Halderman Report: What the Jan 6th Commission is trying to hide–Joe Biden likely didn’t get 40 million votes, and lost badly

I’ve been asked hundreds of times over the last several days my opinion about the Congressional Witch Hunt that is the January 6th Committee that put on a primetime show in an attempt to hide the most significant crimes in human history. My reply is that the Committee itself is a criminal class of white-collar bandits who are trying to suppress a massive scam that has been a Beltway secret for years, that we have not had control of our elections for many decades, and that the many socialist countries around the world, including France, England, all of South America, Asia, Russia, Europe, everywhere that the United Nations influences, are socialists who need the illusion of the people’s support to gain and stay in power, and their key to that manipulation has been the digital voting machines, which were built to allow for election fraud. And everyone who has signed off to use them in their states has known it from the start. That’s not the utterings of conspiracy theory; it’s actually the content of the CISA Halderman Report that was released to the world quietly at 5 PM on Friday, June 3rd, 2022. The Jan. 6th Committee had one goal in the effort: to hide the election fraud that occurred in the 2020 election by focusing on the people who were upset that the election was stolen. It’s like in an NFL game when one player punches another in front of the ref after the first player punched first. The ref only sees the second act, and it is that player that gets the penalty. That’s what the Jan. 6th Commission is. It’s a scam to hide a crime committed by the type of government that wants inclusion with all the rest of the communist and socialist countries worldwide.

The 96-page report was a damning admission by a government agency that essentially validated everything Sydney Powell, Mike Lindell, and Rudy Giuliani had been saying about digital voting machines. I read it with great interest over the weekend; it should have been the biggest story in the world, but ironically, just a few days later, as it was scheduled for Thursday, June 9th, during prime time television, where all the nation’s networks, except Fox News, was set to cover-up the information, where the hearings to talk about the violence on January 6th, 2021 would happen and where they wanted to blame President Trump essentially for existing. They knew when they set up the timing of the January 6th hearings what the goal was, and that was to hide the evidence that all digital machines had obvious vulnerabilities that would allow for the destruction of evidence and vote switching from the candidate that a voter picks to one that is determined by this new global established order. The Halderman Report is enough to create a policy where all states in America should completely rethink their election laws and return to one day of voting with paper ballots and no drop boxes. What we saw in 2020 clearly shows that there is intent in the world to steal elections and that American elections can easily be manipulated by foreign interests; as I pointed out, the many socialist and communist countries who have an obvious interest in destroying the United States. And plenty of RINO Republicans don’t want to think about that possibility because life in their Beltway jobs is pretty good for them. They don’t want to think of the consequences of such a reality. So they are hiding their complicity in the entire scandal behind the January 6th Committee, attempting to paint bad behavior in a light favorable to them. Because if people ever find out just how rigged the 2020 election really was, much worse violence than happened on that day in January might be unleashed. 

As far as I’m concerned, I don’t think this new information matters much about the 2020 election. I don’t want to see Trump have a short term. I want people to see the full mess of Democrat policies that have been shaped by many of those communist and socialist countries. I want them to feel the pain entirely. Obviously, the digital voting machines are appealing to these tyrants around the world because not only does it change votes by giving the illusion of voter participation but ultimate control to whatever established order is in charge at the time, but it destroys the evidence along the way. So for the sake of future elections, knowing this tendency is important, but it won’t change what happened; we can use the knowledge to shape election law. It just helps us decide what we should be doing about it in the future. I was watching the Jimmy Kimmel interview with Joe Biden, where the old man loser said that he won 81 million votes in the election the night before the January 6th hearings on primetime, so the messaging was coordinated to control the story and hide the public from the Halderman Report. Based on that report and traveling all over the country the way I have, then doing some basic math about what we have learned from the Dinesh D’Souza movie 2000 Mules, I don’t think Joe Biden received 40 million votes. If Obama won 69 million votes, Biden didn’t get more than 40, which is the reality of a boots-on-the-ground perspective. Just knowing what Facebook funded with a half a billion dollars of investment into nonprofits that then paid for the ballot trafficking mules to steal the 2020 election, we have all the evidence we need to close the gap on the 45,000 votes that were required to flip the election back to Trump if only legal ballots were counted. 

The truth about the January 6th Committee was that many thousands of people, including networks, got caught participating in election fraud on November 3rd. And they justified it because they believe more in the established global order than in the power of the people to pick. They might only suspect that the voting machines could flip votes, but what they believe in is the system of authoritarian rule itself, such as what was exposed during the Covid crisis that the same people manufactured for the same global goals. I point the ultimate villainy to the Desecrators of Davos types in the World Economic Forum, the general tyranny of the economic union of the European Union. They wanted to put down their own problems with Brexit, so they had to destroy Trump in hopes of quelling the effects of populism around the world. The election fraud of 2020 was meant to take the air out of the balloon. But instead, they saw that people were outraged over certifying an election they knew in their hearts was bogus, and it scared the politicians involved. The guilty parties assumed, as all socialists do, that the ends justify the means, that the group is greater than the individual. Hence, the sacrifice of the voter to the authoritarian systems of global governance was something they would lie, steal, and cheat to achieve. And they did, clearly. Yet, they can’t cover it up because not enough people voted for Biden to sell the steal, so the apparent overvote has revealed the truth, even if the results are lied about. People know they didn’t vote for Joe Biden. Now with all the trouble that has come from his occupancy in the White House, there is more anger now than on January 6th, 2021. The socialists who have been trying to take over America for a long time, by capturing both political parties and using these digital voting machines for the silent insurrection have a lot to be afraid of now. Revenge is hell and a dish best served with a chill. 

Rich Hoffman

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