The Whoredom of Taylor Swift: Alex Soros owns her and the NFL is using her for political activism

It was Taylor Swift who decided to get political, and she has very much made herself just as anti-Trump as LeBron James. When I say that her behavior is no different than a whore, how could anybody think differently? Perhaps people don’t know the story, but since the summer of 2023, Taylor Swift has been purchased to be a political weapon by Alex Soros in order to attack the election trajectory for 2024. When Alex Soros said that he was worse than his dad regarding the level of progressive radicalism he was willing to fund for the benefits of anti-American globalism, this is the kind of thing he had in mind. According to some great reporting by Laura Loomer, the Soros family, among others, own the rights to Taylor Swift’s music, and she has been struggling to regain control. Even though she is a billionaire on paper and people think that makes her very powerful, her kind of money is not dangerous. Instead, it’s meant to prop up the lives of celebrities to make them enticing to the public and give promise to the kind of life that fills the mind of a gullible public about a perpetually easy life if only they could become their spouse. People like Taylor Swift, aside from some real talent, are “allowed” to make that kind of money because they serve a social message that people like Alex Soros use for political objectives. And that is certainly the case here; Taylor Swift is owned by Alex Soros in the same way that a common whore can be purchased to appease the ego of the consumer. And the whore has to do whatever is desired of those who pay the money. What Taylor Swift has been willing to do since this struggle over music ownership, to regain some control of her own is the same type of justification that all whores use to sell their services to a public willing to pay for it.

Don’t be a sucker; all this romance with Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs didn’t just happen. It was arranged because the NFL needed to fix its image with young women, and there is nothing better than a royal romance with a pop icon and one of their premier players. And what does Alex Soros get by allowing this romance to brew? Well, the NFL moved in a bad direction with the Black Lives Matter campaign, and kneeling at the National Anthems still has left a bad taste in people’s mouths, so they are looking for a way to fix their corporate image. It has taken a hit from their wokeness, and they feel the revenue slip. So Travis Kelce is a good spokesman to appease all parties. He is, as Aaron Rogers has said about him, “Mr. Pfizer” because he supported the vaccines and his open support of Joe Biden for President. Ironically, when the Mr. Pfizer comments came out at the start of the NFL season this year, Taylor Swift started dating Travis Kelce, apparently arranged by Erin Andrews the sports reporter, and she started showing up in the box during games with Kelce’s parents. As a result, women are happy to watch NFL games with their male partners now, whereas before, they weren’t so pleased about it. Young people have been moving toward socialist soccer rather than American football due to the campaign to demonize it over concussion protocols. So this arrangement with a couple of very progressive young people willing to do and say whatever is needed for liberal politics to utilize as a weapon has been more than beneficial.

It might also be recalled that around the same time all this was happening there is a recording of Taylor Swift talking to her dad about her mission to be more vocal about President Trump in the upcoming election, and to use her power and influence to stop him. That is where the whoredom really comes into play. Up to this point, Taylor Swift has stayed somewhat politically neutral, where she didn’t want to alienate members of the other political parties; she just wanted to make music and perform for audiences. But this was something different, this was part of an anti-Trump move declaring that she would use her celebrity to stop Trump at the voting booth. And that is pure Alex Soros and this leverage he has over her music rights, which is how the Soros family has manipulated politics for years. That makes this Kansas City romance with Travis Kelce even more phony, because for them both, it’s a power move to appease the progressive political forces that look to be shaping the world, from their perspective, and they are willing to do whatever they need to do to appease that power. Travis Kelce made that clear in his recent visit to the White House at the start of the NFL season, again at the same time all this activity with Taylor Swift started. I think they probably actually like each other, but it’s more of an appeasement relationship for both of them. And that is what whores do for money. It’s not always about the sex, which, in this case, it is, too, but it’s about giving a buyer attention when they otherwise wouldn’t have it. Taylor Swift is selling access to herself just like the Biden family has been doing to foreign instigators, and the whole show is being displayed across the NFL platform as a woke, corporate whorehouse for progressive politics. Alex Soros is the pimp who is letting the woke NFL carry the message of his political activism so long as he can attack Trump with the celebrity of Taylor Swift and one of the NFL’s most popular players during an election year. And it was a bad move for Taylor Swift. In the end, she will be viewed in the same way that prostitutes are after their actions with those paying the money, without much respect and as a cheapened commodity. But she is willing to trade that lack of respect for her music rights, which Alex Soros owns. Either way, it’s not a good situation for her. But this romance with Travis Kelce is more of an arranged marriage than a self-fulfilling romance, and she doesn’t have a choice. Sure, many women can feel for Taylor Swift and identify with her through her music, but she is not in control, and by making herself a vehicle of the anti-Trump movement, she will destroy her brand in the process. Alex Soros doesn’t care, neither does the NFL. They are seeking political outcomes and don’t care about the lives of the people they destroy in the process. They’ll use them in the same short-sighted ways that got them into trouble in the first place. But don’t think all this wasn’t planned out for this upcoming election year. This Taylor Swift romance is another form of mind control that is often part of mass marketing. It’s not authentic; it’s purely manufactured. And indeed, in this case, it’s a strategic weapon against the soft-minded who want to believe in the romance among progressive royalty. Just like the person who pays for sex wants to believe that the person with them loves them, when all they really get out of the deal is money to pay their rent and buy some food.

Rich Hoffman

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Yes, Alex Soros is a Degenerate: How new media is changing the impact the donor class has traditionally had

It’s a point of frustration that I have even noticed locally among the donor types, a shaken belief that always lingering in the background, they were in charge and had more control over our republic form of government than other people who just showed up and voted in elections.  Because they give political candidates thousands of dollars in local races or millions in national ones, there is an assumption that they are really in charge and that candidates win, lose, and do as they are told based on who gives them money.  In the past, this has hidden itself behind some other behavior, and so long as it wasn’t too noticeable, nobody asked too many questions.  That was the world that George Soros manipulated with his billions of dollars, and those like him, and essentially what has caused so much trouble in politics.  Again, I have watched this at the local level closely, and I know all the people involved, many of whom I like personally.  It’s a path paved to Hell with good intentions but always ends in disaster.  The media will lock itself to whoever has the money, and the political tide always flows to where the money is coming from, primarily left-wing causes.  The willingness to say to the world, I give more money to politics, so I’m much more in charge than everyone else, tends to fuel left-wing causes by default, even if the donors consider themselves Republicans.  Because such ways of thinking are authority-based, they align with Marxist sentiments, so all the money-class influencers tend to think the same way, that they are in charge, and everyone else needs to fall in line somewhere downstream.  That is the meaning behind the threat of Alex Soros, the young kid not yet 40 who inherited all his dad’s money for political activism to destroy the world according to what their money can buy with influence.  But times are different now, and Trump, the leading candidate for the next presidential election, called the kid a degenerate, and that is something new.  Something all those donor class types are going to have to get used to, especially young Alex.

The trend in the future of politics will not be toward more money invested; it will be in the creative use of marketing.  Of course, the machine wants to be oiled, and the entire political machine these days, as America formed, wants everyone to keep pouring money into it, including the whole Fox News business model.  The assumption is that influencers like Fox News or the New York Times could heavily influence the kind of politics that people voted for so that the more money spent, the better the results.  Of course, the people wanting that money to flow in their direction wish to maintain such a belief system.  But what is new is a collision of two things: the realization that playing such a game did not give us the results we wanted as a society.  And that with the decentralization of information, political candidates no longer needed the media to get their message out.  Trump is very much a creation of this new way of doing things, and the donor class moved to support DeSantis because they believed they had more control over the political process than they had, and they have been shocked by what they have witnessed in 2023.  No matter how much money or negative news coverage they created, it has not moved the needle away from Trump.  If anything, it has only solidified the base of those candidates more.  So what’s all that about?

Ironically, I had great clarity on this issue while traveling a lot lately, not just seeing different cultures around the world and how they do things but hanging out with my grandchildren while visiting Disney World.  Here, they had access to the best things that the media could buy with 100 years of being at the top of the pyramid, which is what Disney essentially is: a media empire that believes it is the ultimate donor-class investor.  And with people from roughly 30 to 70, Disney is all they know and the traditional news powerhouse for information.  But my grandkids could have cared less about any of those sentiments.  Disney hasn’t made any new great musicals for their generation, and they don’t care.  Instead, while we were in line for some magnificent rides, my grandkids were excited about the latest YouTube drop of Skibidi Toilet, a whole topic.  I was in line with them watching the video drop that jumped to 1 million views within 15 minutes of airing.  Disney can’t do that, as most media companies can’t even comprehend that level of engagement.  The future of politics will be who can best utilize new media, not throw money at the traditional form, which has been easy and gotten us all into so much trouble.  The Trump presidency is a new media endeavor that will change politics forever.  As they have classically thought of themselves, the donors are learning how little control they have over anything anymore.  And it’s painful for them.  But the world will not be the same for young Alex, the Marxist makeover of his dad George and their many billions invested to essentially buy whores in the media who will do anything and say anything for a little bit of easy money. 

With Trump calling Alex Soros a degenerate, he is essentially establishing his independence from the money machine which has traditionally ruined politics.  Alex thinks he inherited the ability to body-slam any political rival with sheer money from his dad.  But in this world of tomorrow, a person like Alex could spend billions of dollars in traditional media, and achieve nothing, not a move of the needle in the least.  And that isn’t just because it’s George Soros and his kid, but that’s the rule for everyone.  When people talk about how they want to drain the swamp, they also mean the money that flows into it, making the water as deep as it is.  People weren’t kidding; they are tired of not having representative government, and we are witnessing a reasonably peaceful rebellion against the donor class who have screwed up so much over a long period.  Alex Soros cannot do as his dad has because the media has lost its trust and power. Therefore, no amount of money can give them back their reputation.  There is no sucking up to Disney with millions of dollars in ad revenue because the next generation isn’t watching Disney; they are watching Skibidi Toilet episodes, which have replaced the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon programming.  And, for the first time in American history, political candidates are now free of the donor class, which is what Trump’s political investment has displayed with great fanfare.  He’s right to call Alex Soros a degenerate.  But so are a lot of them, and what they are learning entirely too late is that people are upset with how the donor class has tampered with their lives by simply outspending normal people to have more of a voice in politics than they should.  And it has been shocking, but is the state of the world of tomorrow and the politics that manage it.


Rich Hoffman

Alex Soros is Taking Over the 25 Billion Domestic Terrorism Business: But it won’t be as easy for him as it was with George

It looks ol’ George Soros, in his 90s, is finally hanging up his financial holsters in the economic terrorism business and is passing it to his young son Alex.  And the concern is that Alex is more politically active and political than his dad, who is known worldwide as one of the most dangerous people in existence.  George Soros has been working to collapse the United States with economic depravity and has personally funded many acts of terror for most of his adult life.  But in his old age, he has become something of a shell of his former self, and his obvious hope is that his 30-something son will do much more damage now that he’s inherited the multibillion-dollar fortune of his father to fund the globalist intentions of the family business.  The Soros brand has been aggressive in buying up whoring politicians around the world and pushing them into far-left causes.  And “whore” is a fair word.  It’s the word I apply to those who will do anything for money.

Everyone knows that God has blessed me with many ripe talents; if I wanted to, I could likely be one of the wealthiest people on the planet.  As I say all the time, getting rich is easy.  Being a good person is not, so becoming a whore, someone who sells themselves for money, isn’t hard.  In many ways, I view Elon Musk as a whore, because he made much of his money off government subsidies.  He did good things with the money, but he had to play the game to get there, and in a lot of ways, he was not free to express himself publicly because of his relationship with China.  You might meet whores who are nice people, perhaps even intelligent.  But if they are whores and someone is buying them, they switch into boot-licking mode and are no longer themselves because there is money to be made.  And that’s the difference.  I have purposely said no to that kind of thing all my life, and I won’t start now.  And what I have in return for all that restriction is “objectivity” and “freedom of thought,” things I consider much more valuable than money.  And that’s what’s required to call the Soros operation what it is, terrorism.  Because over the years, Daddy George has worked with plenty of whores to help them commit domestic terrorism without being prosecuted because there are plenty of whores out there who love the easy money.

George is proud of Alex.  The old man has other sons, but this one has shown his father that he’s the one most interested in open borders and other radical leftist causes.  So it was Alex who inherited his father’s 25 billion dollar business for conquering national sovereignty, and there are plenty of whores like the Biden crime family, Chuck Schumer, and Kamala Harris who are all too eager to sell away anything to get their hands on some of the Soros money.  By themselves, the Soros family has been very dangerous, and obviously, they have gotten away with it because they sprinkle so much money around that they are very popular.  If you’ve ever been to a strip joint with lots of people we feel more comfortable calling whores, women who sell their bodies for sexual gratification, you can see this behavior in its raw form.  The pretty girls who make themselves available to anybody with money under any condition are considered cheap, unethical, and dangerous to the creation and maintenance of a family.  A married woman attached to a husband who would go to one of these places and give such a girl hard-earned family money for some sexual fulfillment outside of the marriage would have every right to be upset because the act is an attack on everything that motivates the couple to stay married and build a family.  Once sex becomes cheapened, then the essential value of a husband and wife relationship is destroyed. 

That is essentially what George Soros has done in the world politically.  Except it hasn’t been over the topic of sex directly.  It’s been on topics like financial stability through currency manipulation, open borders, and manipulating law and order by funding the campaigns of excessively liberal district attorneys.  George has been that guy in the whore house who tips all the girls and pays for a lap dance from each one and even pays for lap dances for other people because his goal has been to use his money to shape policy, to be the cool guy who spreads his wealth to the lazy and unrighteous.  In many ways, what George Soros has done to American politicians and policymakers has been worse than what goes on in a whorehouse or a strip club.  Sex is just one product of misconduct.  But in such actions, the attack of a family is the destructive mechanism inspired by evil deeds.  In politics, the attack is on our nation, so it impacts every person living in that nation.  We are all disgraced wives to some degree or another, being cheated on by our political class who finds the temptation of Soros money too alluring to say no, or to behave in some whoring fashion because it’s easy to get.  Then once they take it, they are scared for life, so they make no future attempt at ethical behavior, and our society declines in value, just like the family struggling with the tendencies of a cheating husband leaving his wife alone at home while he sluts himself to strange women for the silly benefit of personal pleasure.  But the Soros family isn’t alone in this enterprise.  Many of these billionaires use their money for radical leftist causes in similar ways, and they have been the greatest threat to us all.  China and Ukraine are just distractions.  The real danger has come from these people.

But I don’t think it will be as easy for Alex as it was for his dad.  George was able to hide in the background more than his son will be.  More people are onto this whoring game than they used to be, and I think Alex Soros is going to get criticism where his father got awards.  People don’t like a society of cheats and scandals, and now that it’s been quite visible who in our society goes to the whorehouses and cheats on their constituents for easy pleasure, voters have more value in their say than they used to.  These are not the times of tradition that brought us to this precipice of doom.  As I heard this news, my first thought was that I felt a bit sorry for Alex, the kid.  I don’t think 25 billion dollars is much, and it could be turned around and used against the kid easily If people understand how the game works.  People are tired of whoring politicians and business leaders who are unethical and lazy.  And they are ready to take power back and give it to those who aren’t tempted by the whorehouses of life.  As we now know that there are lots of whores in the world, not just 22-year-old girls who are too lazy to do anything productive in their life but use their looks for some easy money while they can still get it.  Plenty of middle-aged men laugh at all the jokes from someone they consider richer than they are, hoping that some benefit might come their way from the relationship, which is cheap in its own way.  Not much different than the whore selling sex.  And in a world where people pass judgment correctly on such people, it will be much harder for Alex Soros to operate than it was for his father, which will be fun to watch. 

Rich Hoffman

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There is No Going Back Now: Trump’s school choice and the playboy antics of Alex Soros–Hillary’s crimes have changed the world

As bad as I have reported Hillary Clinton to be with all the things I have written about her over the last six years, actually—she is even worse than I have said.  What has been revealed with factual evidence lately—before Labor Day in America during 2016—has been enough to not only keep her out of the presidency, but to put her in jail.  Hillary Clinton’s email scandal alone is a hundred times larger than Watergate—which sunk Richard Nixon–leaving the establishment in Washington D.C. with a terrible choice.  Those who continue supporting Clinton will have to do so by surrendering justice in our legal system, or they have to throw her to the wolves and thus end their own political lives—and that includes media press credentials making a living off the happenings of the Beltway.  Either way, there is no going back—because the crimes have been that monstrous.

For me Donald Trump is the “school choice” candidate.  For many years now I have offered that “school choice” was the best option for destroying the tragic monopoly that the government school system has had on our youth.   Trump is the kind of president who would actually have the guts to institute this difficult change which is the best way to prevent any more school levies in Ohio’s unconstitutional property tax incursions—theft of wealth redistributed to labor union dominated schools based on zip code.  With “school choice” the education money given by the state and federal sources would go to the child, not the school meaning that public schools would have to compete with each other for those dollars—which would force an end to the labor union monopoly we have now which has driven up the cost of education without the benefit of any positive results.  In fact, kids have had their minds literally destroyed in these public schools for the last three decades and Trump is offering a complete change to this system, so that alone is a reason for me to vote for him.  There are many others—but for me, that is one of the big ones.  There is nothing but positive things that could happen with Donald Trump as the president—so the election is very clear.

But for Democrats and those who are bottom feeders of Beltway politics—essentially the entire system that people can see on the popular Netflix series House of Cards—everything has changed.  Even if Hillary Clinton survives the 2016 election and can pardon herself and many others for the many crimes committed during her rise to power—the public will be so outraged that law and order will be tossed out the window and vigilante behavior will begin to be openly conducted.  If the IRS lost its credibility during the Lois Lerner ordeal and the Department of Justice with “Fast and Furious” along with its open affiliation with the Black Panthers—Hillary Clinton’s debacles before September 2016 even started are enough to push at least half the country over the brink into open revolution if the rule of law is so openly tossed out the window.  Really, the only thing protecting those criminals in the Beltway and beyond—including the Alex Soros parties in the Hamptons—is respect for the Bible, and the concept of law and order—which conservatives naturally adhere to.  If that is taken from them—an angry desperation will ensue and that won’t go well for Hillary Clinton and her barnacles.

I see only one path at this juncture—which is why I don’t write every day like I used to.  What I have had to say is done—and is happening.  Warnings and contemplations will no longer shape the arguments at local and national levels.  The work is complete.  Now, we can only watch what happens.  Trump has to be elected president because the person running against him is a criminal caught in horrendous crimes before she has obtained the Oval Office.  She can only win that election with continued help from every federal agency including the FBI—which will destroy the rule of law for our entire nation.  Without question, they will try to protect themselves as Beltway surrogates, but in so doing, they will destroy our nation once and for all—which would make villains like Alex’s daddy George very happy—but for the rest of us—open revolution would be the only way to set things right in such a post apocalyptic world.  With Trump as president all the news media would have to change—George Soros and all his influence would wither away within a day of the election—and the Beltway would be forced to adapt to a man who literally rarely sleeps and is at work most hours of every day—even on Sundays.  It would be the most vigorous White House America has ever seen—and nobody could stand in its way for the first time in our history.  Billionaire leftist activists like George’s seed, the Richie Rich playboy Alex Soros would still have their parties with fashion models disgraced for life in front of the Hollywood and sports world celebrities—but their influence would die quickly off their property parameters and for the first time would find themselves on the outside looking in.

But, there is no going back now.  One of the two things will happen as a result of the 2016 election.  We literally either lose our country or the establishment loses their influence.  Either way, they lose.  For the rest of us, we can only gain peace and justice.  Speaking for myself, it’s a win/win situation either way.  If we have to fight the political left in open civil war, then I’d rather get it out of the way now than wait another ten years.  But, for all the millions of words I have written on all these important matters—things like “school choice” would finally happen.  Can you imagine all you levy supporters out there if your kid was on a sports team under a coach you didn’t like and wasn’t helping your kid get that scholarship to college the way you have been planning?  Say for instance that your child is at Lakota in my school district and they just aren’t getting the playing time you need to win that scholarship to the University of Kentucky.

But you did golf with a coach from Princeton just to the south recently and he’s in need of a kid like yours for his team.  Under “school choice” he could actively recruit your kid to play for him and the money would follow your child to that new school.  No longer would you be trapped to a school just because it is in your neighborhood.  Schools would be decentralized, and competition would rule once and for all improving everyone’s lives properly.  Even some on the political left like those maniacal school levy supporters in Ohio would gain something from a Trump presidency.  But with Hillary, we literally lose our county.  At this point, the choice is clear.  Things will never again be acceptable under the status quo of Beltway politics.  Tomorrow will either bring war, or prosperity beyond measure, there is no longer middle ground on the matter—and Hillary Clinton will forever be blamed—rightfully so.

Rich Hoffman


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