The Three Wise Men, The Elohim, and UFOs: What the heck was Tucker Carlson talking about

Tucker Carlson always did reports on UFOs, as he was interested in the subject when he was on the mainstream news. But now that he’s on X as a news platform, he has the freedom to cover subjects I knew would make him a much more powerful voice. And UFO subjects come with a kind of stigma where just mentioning them throws the conversation into a conspiracy territory that abandons rationality from the outset. It’s then that you know that many people have been up to no good because UFOs are probably the most significant story worth discussing. They undoubtedly exist; we can see them and often do. Yet for Elon Musk to say that humans will become an interplanetary species for the first time in 4.5 billion years invites scrutiny. How could a person like him not know, who has spent so much time looking into space, studying the surface of Mars and the Moon, and listening to every story from every astronaut who has talked openly about UFO encounters, especially Buzz Aldrin’s descriptions of what they found on the moon? Undoubtedly, much of the anxiety of our times is that these long-held secrets are getting out. Mass media and decentralized discussions have made it so, probably not part of the plan. And now, the world forces are scrambling to keep themselves concealed. Because in concealment comes power, people are always terrified of what they can’t see. Once they realize what something is, they are much more prone not to be afraid of it. So, the UFO stories have a natural inclination toward authoritarian rule by those who can broker such information. And that power has a lot of desire to be maintained. So what did Tucker Carlson, newly freed from Fox News, mean when he said that UFO stories had a spiritual element to them that he found terrifying?

Time and definitions are often shaped by tyranny

I read an excellent book over the 2023 Holiday season called The Magi, which was about the Three Wise Men, or instead, the people who brought three gifts to baby Jesus, and what the nature of the star that led them there was all about, and even how translations over time and various cultures, and languages can undoubtedly create a haze of folklore that means different things to different people.  Tucker Carlson is a good and serious reporter who has been doing investigative journalism for a long time now, so when he admits that his view of UFOs is that they aren’t necessarily coming from Mars and are very ancient, what could he mean?  This is a good reason why we should talk more about the Jewish word for God called Elohim rather than the other words we have misused.  The word “god” does not give us all the information we need to know about Divine Council politics, their motivations, and how they interact with humanity.  It even further gets interesting when you take the reports of ayahuasca users and apply their experiences to UFO abductees.  They have remarkably similar stories to tell, and I find it quite stunning that Peruvian shamans from remote villages high in the mountains paint descriptions of UFOs visiting them under the influence of psychedelics because they have no point of reference to draw from.  All this opens up a discussion I think we all need to have about what we know about these things and how long we have known it, particularly in how power has ruled over humanity, and the cost of that power toward human intellect.

I think there is enough compelling evidence to discuss the Bible as a chronicle of UFO stories during a time when nobody had a stigma about what they were, including the Three Wise Men story of Christmas.  We have defined what they are to keep humanity under control.  But if we are looking for the little Martian from Bugs Bunny cartoons, we will likely be very disappointed, and Elon Musk may be right about humanity with some wordplay added in.  What you see isn’t necessarily what something is if you have been convinced it is something else.  For me, the more proper way to talk about UFOs is to discuss the role that the Elohim have played in Jewish culture and to consider that supernatural events aren’t so unusual but have been expected.  It has been our experience that was limited and our vision suppressed so that what we did see and when we saw it and reported it through literature, art, or entertainment, skepticism followed so that those who wanted to maintain power, either through the spirit world, or the material world, could remain in power and pull their strings to make humanity dance at their whims, maliciously as has often been the case.  The first step in unraveling this story is to treat UFOs not as unusual but as standard and not recent but ancient.  And they may not be “something else” from “somewhere else,” but they are us as we have always been and continue to be everywhere.  It has been our wrong definitions, not our observations.  And they were unfit to control us and for no other reason.

As I said in Elon Musk’s statement on space, we will deal with these problems now. Going to space is the right thing to do.  With the freedom of speech that the X platform gives him, reporters like Tucker Carlson will be able to report these UFO stories in new and unusual ways.  Ultimately, we will discover that they are very ancient and that we have a past connected to the rest of the universe in very complex ways that all our mythologies and religions have failed to capture correctly.  When we get into space, we will learn what all these astronauts have been seeing, and we will have to deal with it from an archaeological perspective.  And it’s not something for us to fear because it was us all along, and we have been interacting with these Elohim since humanity could write things down to remember later.  The desire to continue to fear visits from outer space by aliens is a lust that governments have to grow and protect us from.  But the more we learn, the less there is to fear.  And the more we realize that all along, the powers of the world have been lying to us and having us worship ancient pagan gods and maniacal political figures from the Elohim who do not have our best interest in mind.  And they are losing their cover story of deceit, which has always been part of their interactions.  So what will happen then?  We will find out, as Elon Musk said, about Starship’s role in taking humans into space.  We’re going, and we need to.  And what we learn is what we should have known all along.  Our ancient past isn’t well understood, and the ramifications of that purposeful ignorance will undoubtedly play a role in the future of politics on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Heaven isn’t necessarily somewhere else far away on a cloud somewhere, but in our backyard, and it was always there, as Jesus said, that mankind did not see it because they weren’t looking at it correctly.

Rich Hoffman

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