The Best Way to Fight Terrorism is to Buy a Gun: Israel should have had private gun ownership

I think my wife’s reaction to the attack on Israel is similar to most people.  She is such a sweet, loving person, and not some radical ideologue, that her opinion represents the majority.   And as we watched the footage of all the poor young women being beaten and raped by the thugs of Palestine, she turned to me and said, “I want to buy more guns.”  I asked her how many guns she wanted because we weren’t lacking in that department.  For my concealed carry, I always have my .50 caliber Desert Eagle.  When people ask me about my leather vests, I always wear them because it’s the only thing I can wear that conceals that gun in public.  Additionally, I carry with me at all times a Smith & Wesson .500 Magnum with an extra long barrel to keep the recoil down when firing.  Some people think that is too much heat in a civilized country like America, but I have much experience that says otherwise.  The default mode for all humans is just above that of a wild animal.  The only thing that brings about civility is good laws through a decent religion.  Governments have never been able to install a philosophy that protects people from a centralized state.  So, the key to a civilized society that ensures destruction from a villainous perpetrator is gun rights.  And instinctively, my wife understood that as she watched the carnage from the news coverage and heartbreaking reports.  So I told her we could go up to the gun store at the end of our street and buy as many guns as she wanted.  I’m always good for a few more guns.  They are the best votes you can make in a society that you want to be civil and law-driven. 

Israel’s most significant problem that facilitated all this carnage is that they don’t have gun rights for individuals, which opened them up to this attack.  They have a good military and generally a decent government, which is a deterrent in most cases.  But their lack of personal gun ownership allowed the house-to-house raids in Israel and the Hamas checkpoints, which stopped and slaughtered entire families.  I would further add that if not for individual gun rights, there would have already been terrorist raids like we saw in Israel in the United States.  I do not doubt that there will be attempts by some radical terrorist cells to bring similar horrors to our communities.  That is the intention of the open border policy people.  Hamas is just another terrorist weapon that agents of evil in the world can tap into at will to inspire fear and death for political advantage, and this attack in Israel was far from a spontaneous event.  It was the result of a culture that built into it the vulnerabilities of a liberal world order on purpose so that mass control of the population through fear would be easy to achieve.  I get the ability to travel extensively, and I can report that countries that do not have personal firearm protections and functional religions are ingredients for outright destruction.  Without personal protections and military-grade defense of private property, society cascades into chaos quickly.  The people of that society are either too compliant to be inventive and economically potent or too dangerous to coexist with other people.  Only through the maintenance of private property and a standard of value everyone can share does success in a social regard begin to function correctly. 

I could tell many personal stories I have had from my past where carrying such large caliber weapons makes perfect sense, even if it’s not the shared experience of the everyday business person or soccer mom hauling their kids around to sporting events.  On more than one occasion, I have learned how dangerous people can be just one carload away at a traffic light, so I keep myself prepared for the worst they can offer.  Government rules do not deter villainy; instead, they attract malicious characters like flies on a hot summer in July.  The more guns a culture has, the safer that society is.  And that would be my recommendation based on a lot of personal experience as a lesson from this attack on Israel.  Any government that says it wants to control the private ownership of guns is setting up that culture for personal violence, especially in the United States, where the open border policy in the south has purposefully allowed so many characters with a bad reputation into our country.  The same people telling us they want to take our guns are also creating a policy where Hamas-level terrorists are moving into our cities and communities with just as much hostile intention as they attacked Israel during Yom Kippur.  Only fools would follow such ridiculous instructions.  If they could, they would have attacked already and are always looking for a vulnerability to exploit.  Should society always be that close to complete mayhem?  Well, that’s up to the people’s values, and religion is a means to regulate society into some mutually agreed sentiment of value.  But in an open society with free expression, where governments tend to be corrupt on a good day, people must be able to protect themselves.  Because the government won’t, can’t, and is inspired to evil on its own.

So, if you are considering getting a gun, I would say to do so.  I would also say to carry one with you all the time.  Everywhere.  Do not trust the government to protect you.  It’s great if they do.  But don’t be a sucker and expect it by default.  I told my wife she can buy as many guns as she wants.  I recommend purchasing a new weapon every month and supporting our gun manufacturers.  With more than 300 million guns in America, I want to see more than a billion in private ownership.  And the bigger, the better.  Criminals break the rules, and there is something to steal wherever there is value.  Something to bring harm to.  Israel is a country of value in a pit of vipers who live a substandard, collective existence.  To adequately protect their people, they should have had private gun ownership for those days when Hamas would attack them and perform such acts of terror as we have just witnessed.  It can happen in America, too, and while you can’t remove such intentions from the mind of the malicious, you can stop them once they start shooting and minimize the carnage.  To have a free society that protects private property from even the government gangsters, which, even under the best circumstances, they are, you must always carry firearms with you.  You must have your house filled with them.  And if you want to vote for true prosperity, you can buy lots and lots of guns to let the world know you are more than prepared for anything that might come your way from dangerous personalities.  Buying guns is an act of civility and law and order.  Without the maintenance of every individual in a culture toward that objective, there is no hope to wrestle away from the villains of a stable society of mutual respect.  Only with superior firepower can a society hope to thrive from those despotes of civilization that always want to crawl back into the cave and retreat and stop human progress to fear every approaching thunderstorm that streaks across the sky, unleashed by the gods because somebody forgot to sacrifice a goat.

 Rich Hoffman