Tom Zawistowski Interview: Is it moral to compromise beliefs to be part of the “team?”

A few days ago I announced my intentions to start my own political party called the Capitalism Party.  I also stated that I didn’t care if I were the only member because it has become blatantly obvious that politics in its current form not only is dysfunctional and recklessly collective in its orientation, but catastrophically deficient in their moral underpinnings.  For myself I made the decision that I didn’t like any of the options that have been presented by any “pressure group” currently involved in government, including libertarians, and I will simply not support any candidate who does not support capitalism as the political pursuit of my state and nation.  To further validate my claims, have a listen to Tom Zawistowski who had been in the running for the Ohio Republican Party Chairmanship, who is also a respected member of the Tea Party.  To understand why people like me are turning away from machine politics and starting their own fragmented parties, just listen to Tom’s explanations as to the state of Republican politics in Ohio and the nation in general.

When the question was asked of Tom, “do you think you can be a team player” regarding the upcoming election, and getting behind Governor Kasich in his next run for governor, the question provider said a mouth full without realizing their violation.  Tom attempted to explain that the Tea Party movement is like herding cats, as everyone is a free-thinker who cannot be unified under a flag of compromise, as traditional politics requires.  This is true, and to date, there are not enough cats in the game to make much of a difference in elections, so the Tea Party has been quietly shunned by established political rule in an attempt to maintain the status quo.  The crux of the problem is in requiring free thinking individuals to compromise their beliefs to be a part of the “team” which is the primary problem in American politics at every level, and I for one am tired of it.  In this regard, a candidate either stands for capitalism and is willing to defend it, or they aren’t.  It is that simple.

Governor Kasich ran his 2010 campaign as a defender of capitalism.  He was for business; he was for reeling in the costs of big government.  He was against Obamacare.  He was against taking federal money for silly intrusions that erode away the 10th Amendment through the Commerce Clause.  He was for School Choice in Ohio, so he had a lot going for him that represented much of what the Tea Party stands for.  They all share in common, a support of capitalism—because even if everyone disagrees on various policies—the cats all stand for capitalism as a political ideal and can unify behind such a banner.  However, Kasich and House Speaker Boehner went on a golf outing with President Obama and Vice President Biden and have never been the same since.  It could be noted that Kasich and Boehner were seduced by the snake-like charm of Obama and his collectivist minions because as political parties go, Kasich and Boehner have more in common with Obama and Biden than they do with any citizen in America who stands for individual liberty.

Kasich’s fatal flaw in his thus far first term is that he has attempted to expand Medicaid, which is essentially the same sin that was committed by Barack Obama—it is using other people’s money stolen in the form of taxes to purchase elections.  Ideologically, Kasich didn’t fight very hard for his Tea Party beliefs.  He abandoned them at the first sign of trouble, allowing the rule by force of a mixed economy to determine his core beliefs.  After his golf game with Obama, and the defeat of Senate Bill 5 by the public sector unions in repealing Kasich’s reforms at collective bargaining, Kaisch turned into a progressive.  Within two years of attempting to take on public unions with needed legislation, he surrendered and joined with the enemies of freedom by attempting to expand Medicaid in Ohio to purchase votes for the next election.

The Republican Party currently being led by Kaisch in Ohio expects other Republicans like Tom Zawistowski to fall in line with the party platform and “compromise” their beliefs for the good of the collective party, and that is the difference between politics of the past, and the politics that the Tea Party is pushing for.  It is not Tom’s job to conform his beliefs to the party strategy of John Kasich or John Boehner as both men have elected to sell out their ideas as a compromise to the forces of persuasion—the pressure groups who routinely lobby such men with trinkets of advantage in trade for political pull.   That is not governing, or leadership.  It is simply appeasement in the same way that payoffs to the mob might be encouraged.  If the yielding of beliefs is not achieved, then the pressure groups will pounce with collective authority to change those beliefs.  This is the direct result of the type of economy that has moved away from capitalism and toward socialism.  It is the direct result of a mixed economy.  A mixed economy Governor is the type of man who Kasich is.  When the wind blows from the Tea Party, he spoke of Tea Party values.  When the wind blew from the direction of the opposing labor unions, Kasich then became an advocate of Medicaid expansion to redeem his “sins” of the past.  When John Boehner was throwing his support behind Mitt Romeny for President, he spoke of ending Obamacare with a repeal the first day of Romeny’s administration.  But when Barack Obama won the election through questionable means, Boehner declared that Obamacare was the law of the land, and seemed to forget that as House Speaker he has the power to fund or not fund the train wreck of socialism that Obamacare is.  He simply changed his mind in response to the “pressure groups” in charge.

This is not how government was supposed to work according to the foundation of America.  The Tea Party represented in politics by people like Tom Zawistowski and Matt Mayer are not running for office to respond to the consensus whims of pressure groups—lobbyists.  They are running for office to maintain purity of the Ohio and federal Constitutions.  This is an idea that is not understood by virtually anybody, particularly in the media.  That is the reason the question, “do you think you can be a team player” is such an absurd question.  It openly suggests that Tom should be willing to compromise a right idea for a wrong one depending on the nature of the pressure groups who are really in charge which is against everything anybody who believes in a representative republic stands for.

The way to beat this monstrosity of political corruption is to just make things simple and focus on the idea of capitalism.  In politics, an idea is either good for capitalism or it’s not and from that vantage point, political unification can be achieved by removing the emotional elements from the debate, of which nobody will ever completely agree.   A political commitment to capitalism also declaws the pressure groups that have the mouth of politicians like Boehner and Kasich on their marionette strings rendering them ineffective.  It doesn’t take a heard of cats marching to orders like a bunch of mindless automatons to run a government.   It simply takes the commitment to a political philosophy that carries over to the benefit of the population at large.  Capitalism naturally sorts out the good from the bad, the corrupt from the saint through competitive efforts.  The cheating that goes on so often of which capitalism gets the blame comes from the pressure group relationships such as what Speaker Boehner and Governor Kasich represent—a mixed economy relationship ruled by thugs who have more “pull” than others without such arrangements.  Under pure capitalism, such relationships would not be possible as the best and most effective ideas would percolate to the surface in spite of the desires of various pressure groups.

If I had to make a prediction as to the direction of Tom Zawistowski I would say that people like him will migrate to a party like the one I’m talking about, the “Capitalism Party” to begin the intellectual argument that has to take place in the coming months.  After all, it does free thinking people no good to vote for Governor Kasich once again.  He has shown to be just as fiscally destructive as Governor Strickland, the socialist democrat was.  The biggest difference is that he had a “D” next to his name so he was easy to identify.  In many ways the “R” next to Kasich’s name is more dangerous because voters thought they were getting a Tea Party conservative—instead they got a sell-out, and a LBJ fascist—well intended, but desperately, and catastrophically wrong in his political philosophy. That is why people like Tom Zawistowski are leaving the Republican Party.  If they are smart, they’ll join me in the Capitalism Party then things can really get moving as the debates will evolved from ones of emotion to ones of actual goodness that is not relative to opinion.

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”