Foreign Money in Ohio, The Rest of the Story: Why Governor DeWine wants Joe Biden on the Ohio ballot

Why would Governor DeWine push to get Joe Biden on the ballot in Ohio?  Why would Republicans again work to help out their political rivals while the other side is willing to cheat, steal, manipulate, and put in jail any of us?  When I first heard about DeWine calling a special session of the House in Ohio to resolve this matter, my first thought was, “No wonder we lose all the time as Republicans.”  And this isn’t the first time DeWine would let me down, acting more like a Democrat than a Republican.  I’m not a fan of Mike DeWine or any of the DeWines, for that matter, even in the Supreme Court in Ohio.  They are way too liberal for me.  But as the media was going crazy with the irony, I was getting more to the story from many people coming straight out of Columbus.  As I learned more, the smoke started to clear, and I found that this is a position in which I support DeWine.  We want Joe Biden to appear on the Ohio ballot for several reasons.  One big one is that Bernie Moreno and J.D. Vance want it because they don’t want to frustrate any Democrat turnout that will turn in their direction.  Bernie has a tough race with Sharrod Brown for the Senate, and Brown is a deeply entrenched political target.  But in hindsight of this upcoming election, none of us want Democrats to claim they lost to some technicality.  So we don’t want to be desperate and hope to win because not enough Democrats showed up. Instead, we want to win over Democrats and tip support in Republican favor because they think, J.D. Vance and Bernie Moreno, need all the turnout they can get to win over Brown. 

Yet, it’s more than that; it’s the essence of this endeavor.  There is still the problem that is quite extensive regarding the Issue 1 loss in August of 2023, where too late, lawmakers noticed that powerful foreign money was coming into Ohio to pass pot legalization with loose abortion laws in the wake of recent Supreme Court rulings, specifically regarding Roe v. Wade.  Once the Supreme Court finally did the obvious, and that is rule that only the states can regulate abortion, then Ohio became one of the prime targets because Constitutional amendments only required a 50+1 vote.  So, Issue 1 in August of 2023 was supposed to pass in a low-turnout election to protect Ohio’s Constitution with a 60-vote threshold.  But it failed, and that led to abortion and pot passing in November of 2023, which has fed the progressive anti-American destruction efforts of globalists and domestic cut-throats infinitely.  Meanwhile, still mending from a House coup that took out a Speaker of the House who would be much more supportive of an America First agenda. Instead, Speaker Jason Stephens was put in place with Democrats and RINOs to soften the Republican agenda in Columbus and essentially erode any leverage the GOP had with their majority.  It was a matter of some filthy politics, and locally, in Southern Ohio, Sara Carruthers got caught up in the mess as a part of the coup to put in place a more “Democrat” friendly Speaker.  And it cost her in the primary for 2024.  She will lose her seat this year because of her affiliation with Democrats.  Instead, it’s going to be Diane Mullins who will face off against the Democrat Vanessa Cummings in the November election for that Representative seat.  In Butler County, the GOP censured Sara because of her role in putting in place Speaker Stephens, a known RINO.  It cost her the party endorsement, which then went to Diane.  Are you following along, dear reader? This is not the kind of stuff you get from the newspapers anymore, if ever, or the radio.  But this comes straight from the halls of the Statehouse, a building I often say is much loftier and nobler than the people in it, but the effort is worth the consideration.

Republicans this time around are looking at their options, and they can make Biden getting on the ballot much easier for him, but they want something in return.  A few bills in the Senate, S.B. 215, have sought to deal with the foreign money problem that defeated Issue 1 with the amendment threshold and allowed so much foreign money to backdoor our political process for destructive purposes and make a deal with Democrats.  The House has a similar bill that is much more active at the moment, H.B. 114, which has been through the House, went to the Senate, and is now back in the House for a concurrence vote.  And that is where the impasse is, which Governor DeWine is well aware of and wants to break loose.  But, people like Sara Carruthers and her RINO-supported Speaker, Stephens, want to keep that foreign money flowing because there are a lot of corrupt politicians who feed off it for their sustenance.  And they don’t want to take it out of Ohio.  DeWine can afford moral clarity on this as he is in the final years of his second term.  So it’s no skin off his back, and the direction of politics is headed more in this kind of MAGA direction anyway.  Democrats have something they want from Republicans: they want Joe Biden on the ballot.  So, Republicans are looking to get foreign money out of the state for future elections.  And that’s where the impasse is. 

No matter what happens, Joe Biden will be on the ballot.  Republicans don’t want to win like Democrats are trying to do with Trump, and that is win in the courts and in a game of keep away.  When you beat someone, you should beat them fairly and squarely, leaving little doubt in the aftermath.  So, Republicans are playing this issue with H.B. 114 very well.  And on May 28th, 2024, DeWine is looking to push the issue toward resolution.  Likely, people like Sara Carruthers will vote to keep foreign money flowing into Ohio because, without it, all the progressive invasions will lose their funding and stall out.  But progressives know what they want to do, and Sara has proven she is one of them, which is how we ended up with Speaker Stephens, a Republican in Name Only—a (RINO).  Many of them would never get elected any other way, and once they are in office, they love access to all that foreign money, so they will fight to preserve it, which is why the issue has stalled out among the Representatives.  They’d rather play dirty tricks to keep the money flowing than make a deal to get their guy, Biden, on the ballot in Ohio.  But yes, DeWine is on the right side of this one, and so are many other Republicans looking to do the right thing in 2024 to beat Democrats fairly and squarely.  In the case of Bernie Moreno, to win Democrats over to Republican votes on the back of a strong Trump ticket that will help all the down ballots, the priority is voter turnout.  This happens best when you get voter representation that is fully engaged and pushes out the foreign influence and soft-shelled RINOs who work with the Democrats to undermine our system of government.  And that is, as Paul Harvey used to say……………..” the rest of the story.”

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Drawing a Line in the Sand: Shut down the Government, Shut down the Border, and force one-day voting, verified with an ID and a paper ballot

Just a note to Mike Johnson and the other Republicans who are getting caught playing in the Democrat game in Congress that was created by radical, unionized labor attached to all these ridiculous government unions. The name of the game is not to keep a majority in Congress. I’m sure the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, thinks that his job is to win a more significant majority in Congress while he is Speaker and that he doesn’t have much latitude to negotiate with the opposition regarding budgets because if just a few more Republicans retire, then he will lose his Speaker role and the House will go back to the Democrats. Then he won’t have any power to play this game. So, from his perspective, I can understand why he would think he has to play nice with everyone on a Continued Resolution regarding the federal budget and how to play that game in 2024. I am happy that my congressman, Warren Davidson, and fellow Ohio House member Jim Jordon have not been happy that Johnson is playing nice with the Democrats and RINOs regarding the budget. These are not the times for timid souls, and with our national debt heading to 35 trillion dollars within a few more months, this is not a time to spend more money. Republicans must stop the bleeding and at least get the budget back to under pre-COVID numbers (I would say pre-1990 numbers), and everyone has to admit to what’s going on. There are hostile forces in the world who are taking advantage of the United States and intend to spend us into oblivion like a bunch of reckless teenagers who suddenly have their parent’s credit card; only they never plan to pay back the money. They intend to collapse America financially, and that would be the type of people designing the Davos meeting next week, where the first topic is the Role America Plays in the World as if it were up to them to figure that out.

Republicans must admit that they don’t have a majority. They have some like-minded people who have a dozen or so RINOs who behave like Democrats. So until the Freedom Caucus types have a majority in Congress, there is no absolute majority. Mike Johnson is in that role without a majority, and if he plays along with the RINOs and Democrats, he will lose his brand forever and certainly won’t be any good to anybody in the future. So what he should do, as well as the other Republicans who are fiscally conservative, is to draw a line in the sand on the budget. Shut down the government or shut down the border. And leave it all right there. Nobody will care if it causes the Republicans to lose the majority in 2024. They will care if Mike Johnson continues to play softball with the Democrats for fear that he will lose his Speakership with that very slim majority. If Kevin McCarthy cared about the Republican Party, he wouldn’t have retired, making that majority even narrower. You can never let the enemy determine the ground for battle. You always have to exploit the weaknesses of your enemy, which is what the Democrats are doing to Republicans: their fear of losing a majority, rather than turning the tables on the Democrats, which is to exploit their reckless spending at a time when we technically have been in a depression economically for a few years now, only propped up by phony media numbers to attempt to make Joe Biden look better. However, all economic indicators show the truth, and Democrats need to pay for that truth by not letting them hide behind Republicans through this little game of budget talks.

Nobody is going to care if the government is shut down. Instead, Republicans would likely pick up more of a majority in 2024 and beyond if they stood for something and fought back.  I know many of these politicians aren’t used to hardball negotiations; for many of them, their government work is kind of a pre-retirement job or a way to work their legal profession without hustling for customers.  Government work is safe, stable employment that pays pretty well.  So they do the government work instead of working in the dog-eat-dog world of the private sector.  So, we are not talking about the best people in society doing these government jobs, such as representing us in Congress or the Senate.  But when you are talking about the kind of money that countries can steal from its people through taxation and how that money is then spent, especially on government unions where the wages are way too high for the minimal amount of work that we get from those positions, most of these nice guys, like Mike Johnson don’t have a chance in negotiations.  They don’t know how to play hardball, so they are easily suckered when the pressure is applied, and that’s how the Democrats like it.  They like chaos and compromised people who operate with lots of guilt that they can exploit for their infinite needs as social parasites.  And there is no peaceful way to deal with them.  Republicans must learn to play hardball, and they should start now.  Don’t worry about maintaining the majority.  Just do what’s right, and the people will reward them, likely with much larger majorities and absolute power.  Not this sissy stuff they have now.  Don’t play their game. 

This is another reason why it is essential to talk about the massive election fraud we have had in the past and why all Republicans need to get back to paper ballots and one day of voting.  All those dumb ideas of multiple get-out-the-vote campaigns have only invited election fraud.  There is one day of voting on a paper ballot, and you must prove that you are an American citizen with an ID to vote—end of story.  Shut down the border.  Shut down the government.  Return to paper ballots and one day of voting with a verified ID.  And Republicans would find that they would have a much more substantial majority than now, and they’d have the ability to have absolute power over the finances.  This little majority they have now doesn’t do anything for anybody.  Don’t be afraid to lose it.  Let the Democrats choke on it now while it still matters.  Don’t put your names on any continued resolutions for more debt.  Cut off all the parasites who have embedded themselves in our budgets and exploit them for what they are.  But don’t get caught in this silly keep-away game that the media uses to determine wins and losses.  To maintain the slim majority in Congress, Mike Johnson has to work with the people trying to destroy it.  Be ready to give up that Speaker role and toss it back to Democrats so people can see what they are.  Put your energy into preventing election fraud and getting rid of those losers.  Instead of playing the losers’ game and continuing to waste money on a big government none of us need.  Shut the government down and make it so that Democrats are the ones responsible for closing Yellowstone and the Smoky Mountains.  The government shouldn’t control those recreational areas anyway.   Play hardball and play to destroy the opposition.  Put them on stage so people can see what they are.  And don’t feel you must get along with them. Instead, kill them politically for the enemies of America that they are, and don’t feel you have to hold hands with evil to hold a majority in Congress that isn’t real.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The New Speaker, Mike Johnson: Taking our government back from the Marxists and lobbyists

I keep telling everyone how good conflict is to any management system, especially in politics.  A great example is in how the Speaker of the House race was determined with Mike Johnson, a relative unknown who is probably more conservative than Jim Jordan.  This dumb idea of consensus building is a Marxist concept where one party’s rule convinces other people to make their own decisions for their own best interests.  It does not find the best people for the job, it eliminates them, and it doesn’t matter what field of professional endeavor it is applied.  It’s always the same.  The panic when one of the establishment Republicans was not elected as Speaker of the House was comical.  As I said, we can live without a Speaker of the House.  But the lobbyist culture can’t, and those were the people most vocal when House members rejected all the previous offerings.  The days where we get stuck with people who will sell us out, like Mitch McConnell, are over, and it’s because of how often they have let us down.  The free ride for manipulators of our Representative Republic is done.  We have seen the kind of world they want to give us, and we don’t like it.  So, this Speaker of the House situation in 2023 is just the beginning of many things to come that we could best describe for the bad guys as the “gnashing of teeth.”  After much discussion about who the Speaker of the House would be after Kevin McCarthy was removed for breaking his promises to the Freedom Caucus just a few months earlier, it took time to find someone everyone could agree on, and a typical lobbyist representative was not going to cut it.  The news media had meltdowns daily as to why Republicans couldn’t agree on the next Speaker, and for weeks, no names were seriously considered.  RINO after RINO was put forth, but there was no interest in voting for another “do nothing” just to be a placeholder for the lobbyists from K-Street.  Finally, a good person was elected, Mike Johnson. 

Most people don’t realize, because their lives are so entangled in it, just how much Marxism is lodged into their lives.  I live my life wonderfully free of its effects, so it is surprising to me how much people have been seduced by Marxism over time, and it’s obvious when fights like this Speaker thing show the beliefs of the mass population.  But what else would people believe? Ever since the invention of mass media, the mind control apparatus of vile characters has been working full-time to sell Marxism to the world through its trusted news sources.  Well, trusted until a lack of performance has let us down to the point of no return, which is where we find ourselves today.  People have been disrespected by those who want to essentially rule the world and apply Marxism as their means to maintain control.  I have been writing about it for decades and talking about it for far longer.  This consensus-building nonsense has always been destructive, and it’s the method of every school board in the country learned by their established practices.  We see it in corporate America, even globally.  But in essence, all it is is a rip-off of gullible people taken advantage of by the wolves of the world dressed up as grandma only to eat Little Red Riding Hood.  We have self-rule in America, and it has produced the most excellent economy in the world, which then provides the best opportunities for most people, which is also why the world as a whole is doing whatever it can to get into America.  But the methods of established practices through the nonsense of consensus building is as anti-American as you can get, and that’s why we have so much corrupt politics in Washington, D.C.  Mike Johnson is a decision to move in a different direction.

It is almost a joke that so many people, especially in the media, are surprised by the selection of Mike Johnson to be the new Speaker.  I talk about it all the time; my experience with Washington, D.C., has never been a good one.  I find it obliviously disgusting that there are so many leeches off the system. You see it best displayed if you spend time on K-Street and compare the daytime with the night.  So many people are there with very low moral codes, running around busily as if the work they are doing has any meaning when all they are doing is paving the way for big donors to buy a policy that benefits them.  Going way back into the 90s, I saw the writing on the wall.  Businesses felt they had to pay lobbyists to do essential representation for them because that was how the rigged system was developing.  We had elections, and people would vote, but the representatives did the deeds of those who padded their pockets financially.  And that’s obvious by the bank accounts of many politicians, pigs at the trough like Joe Biden.  It’s not just him, but the SWAMP makes people like Hunter Biden, crack addict losers who live off the efforts of others, just like Marxism produces everywhere in the world.  This is why corrupt people love Marxism because they can permanently hide in the background and never do anything of real merit but still be treated with importance.  And it has allowed political figures to sell off their offices and get rich while the rest of the world clamors in desperation for actual representation in government. 

And I keep telling people that the support of President Trump is not a fleeting thing.  The nature of politics is changing for good not because of Trump.  But people like Trump will only find that people will support them, which is the issue with selecting Mike Johnson for the Speaker role.  These MAGA supporters are looked at as terrorists by the Marxist insurgents who have placed themselves under the wheels of the will of the people because that’s how our system is thankfully designed.  They have been functioning otherwise, but that’s to their detriment.  In truth, Mike Johnson is just the most recent example.  In a few years, there will be people like him running the Senate, too, and running the FBI and Department of Defense.  People were conned; they weren’t stupid.  They got caught trusting bad people, and over time, the clock has run out on that trust.  So, we see people like Trump and Johnson moving into government positions.  The gravy train is ending, and there is no way to stop it, so the media is panicking over how the Speaker was selected.  There will be a day in the not-so-distant future when Trump won’t be in politics any longer.  But the desire for people like Mike Johnson won’t go away.  It will only increase, and that is because people desire proper representation by competent people.  It’s not the kind of sell-outs that gave politics a bad name in the first place.  Everyone should know better than to think that this scam would go on forever.  But people weren’t going to trust these losers perpetually.  People don’t want Marxism in America, so all the plots that have worked to make Marxism the standard of the world were always going to fall short, and those effects are happening as we speak and in ways that nobody has previously considered, to their detriment. 

Rich Hoffman

The Spoiled Brat Government Gangsters: RINOs and Democrats love corruption and are fighting to keep it

I don’t have a problem with the Speaker drama in Congress.  I could care less about the structured order of things because whenever the game is known and predictable, there will always be scandalous characters willing to exploit it for their personal gain.  And that is certainly the case when it comes to Washington D.C. politics.  With all the attempts to get Jim Jordan over the finish line to be the new Speaker of the House, the truth is that the process has exposed the real problems we have in government, that there are more than 20 Republicans in Congress who are not what people voted for.  They are Democrats more than they are Republicans, and rather than give up the excellent gig they have, where money is attached to the power they have acquired, they are perfectly willing to side with the Democrats to preserve a system many of us want to destroy.  If the government isn’t representing the people who vote but is instead representing lobbyists and other special interests, then who cares if we have a Speaker of the House?  Everything they do is simply ceremonial and worthless anyway.  So, I see a great benefit in a locked-up government that isn’t doing anything.  I’m certainly not in a rush to have Congress get together to show unity for Israel.  I can get a dog to do something like that.  The only good Congress can do is make sure that the fiscal strings of the nation are healthy and they haven’t been doing that for a long time, so to me, they are next to worthless, with worthless being an actual positive value relative to their true condition.  The panic from the media and others to get back to the established optics of the government scam is to get the machine going for all those who are sucking off the system to enrich themselves with worthless antics and the real value is watching them squirm.

I’ll review Kash Patel’s new book Government Gangsters soon, which is quite good.  But that title is the key to understanding what has been going on with our government, which we are working out now.  When the election was stolen in 2020, I started explaining to people the truth of the matter, because people were scared and unsure that what they saw was real.  I explained that one of the reasons you don’t hear much about the mob anymore is that the mob moved into government jobs and away from the private sector.  The kind of people who were in the mob found it much better to be in charge of the law instead of running from it, so yes, the government is filled with a gangster mentality, and they dare anybody to come after them.  Because these days, they are the law.  It’s not like the FBI and other law enforcement officials work for the people, as they used to.  And would crack down on illegal mob mentality.  Now, they are the Government Gangsters.  And the Kash Patel book lays it all out in ways that most readers don’t even come close to touching.  Of course, I would know because I’ve done work for mobster personalities in my youth and I see them for what they are.  They aren’t typically the scary Al Capone types who beat in the head of someone who betrayed them with a baseball bat at a dinner table as they show in mob movies like The Untouchables.  Rather, they are much more passive-aggressive than that.  They are every bit as brutal, but when they want to bash in someone’s head, they hide behind lawyers and process controls rather than actually doing the work of swinging a bat themselves and getting all dirty.  In many ways, these Government Gangsters are like spoiled brat teenage kids protecting their right to be douchebags, and they feel they are entitled to lash out when things don’t go their way.

You can tell kids growing up in a single-parent home where a mom is trying to appease their teenage sons and no stable man is around.  The same loser government gangsters who have been telling us for years that women can get divorced and that they could turn their kids over to the government to raise have been suckered.  And the product that has come out of those arrangements is a lot of loser kids who grow up to be loser adults.  Most of the fools you meet on K-Street who work for some money padding operation could be said to come from such family environments where they have mothers who overly cuddled them, and they are simply unable to deal with the reality of adult life.  So they seek government jobs to hide in the role of a Government Gangster, who essentially becomes a grown-up spoiled brat teenager who is untested in life and needs a good ass kicking.  It’s bad enough when you get one or two of these types of people involved in anything.  But when you build your entire government off those types of personalities, there is no hope of anything good happening.  And that’s what has become obvious in the post-Trump years.  Before Trump was president, we suspected these things about our government.  But in the wake of it, we have had everything confirmed. 

And that’s what we are getting from the news culture, the Beltway thieves, and the established Republican and Democrat circles.  They are government gangsters of essentially spoiled brat teenage kids raised by weak mothers void of fatherly power and wisdom, and it has left them vacant of morality and ethics.  And to cover up their flawed personalities, they have thrown money at the problem which is represented in our national debt.  And all of Washington D.C. has been built around this government gangster mentality.  So it doesn’t matter who the Speaker of the House is.  It’s a collection of thieving losers intent to rob and steal from the American people, and they want their scam back.  This journey to find a Speaker of the House has simply revealed the true nature of who these government gangsters are and what they have been doing all along.  I see the same struggles in local politics as well.  Actual voters expect a government that represents them when it has been formed to enrich with easy money spoiled brat adults lacking a moral compass for many immature reasons.  And they don’t want anybody to disrupt their easy money gig of acquiring office and then selling it to those willing to pay the most.  Then, if anybody challenges them, they destroy them in court with laws they control to preserve their scam.  This mess wasn’t created overnight and won’t be fixed quickly.  But at least we are discussing it in ways we haven’t before.  And the illusion of a Speaker of the House hasn’t been able to hide all this detrimental behavior behind a veil of polite society.  These were always losers, spoiled brat grown-ups using the government to conceal their worthless natures.  But now people see the truth, which is why a paralyzed government is the best.  America will function just fine without many spoiled teenage kids running the show for their self-enrichment, which is true of most world governments in general, which is now becoming more evident to people who previously thought otherwise.

Rich Hoffman