The Great Replacement Theory is Very Real: To understand it, just watch the classic film, ‘Scarface’

The Great Replacement Theory is not some politically driven rant; it’s a real political strategy that has been around for a long time, and it’s a heavily used communist tactic.  Even Elon Musk has come to see what the strategy is of Democrats in America, the purpose of the open border policy, which is well underway, and sending over 10 million undocumented migrants into the United States to essentially saturate their voting base.  For them to deny that is what they are doing is to deny history, and one of the best examples of this kind of thing in history was captured in the great Brian DePalma movie Scarface with Al Pacino.  The plot of that movie, which had a historical backdrop supporting a fictional storyline but one based on reality, was that Fidel Castro had let all the criminals out of their prisons to flood the border in Florida in order to saturate a red state with illegal immigrants and convert them to Democrat voters.  It was a Jimmy Carter policy to take them all in, just as Biden is now doing on a much more massive scale.  But the point of the communist regime and the Democrats in America was to take in all the criminals from those prisons and have them infiltrate America, mix in with a lot of other people, and overrun Miami and other Florida cities with massive crime and drugs.  It was a military maneuver, and the movie Scarface did a nice job of showing all the different layers of politics involved and how those decisions impacted people at all levels of society.  The root cause of the problem was the strategy of Castro to offload the criminals of his country to bring down his rival in the United States with poison.  This tactic is clearly behind the modern open-border movement.

People who don’t believe this is happening aren’t very good at geography and politics and don’t understand the characters at play.  Of all the countries that people are fleeing from, such as Venezuela, Mexico, Central America, and even Canada, they are all run by socialists.  Even in Brazil, you might recall they let a communist out of prison to overthrow their own populist leader there.  Everywhere you look behind this open border policy are advocates who want a strong centralized government in the style of Chinese communism, and their method of delivery is to overwhelm countries with immigration to change them into socialist and communist countries by migration.  In the process, they destabilize the economies of their targets with chaos and crime.  We don’t have to speculate about whether such things are happening because we can see them with our own eyes.  But we also now have historical context.  We saw what happened in Cuba when Scarface hit the movie theaters.  The whole point of the movie was to show how criminals were let out of jails only to become members of crime syndicates to push drugs into Miami, Florida, and other places in the United States.  The antics of Tony Montana became legendary in movie history as it was one of the first movies to almost be rated X because of hard language and violence.  But that was back in the early 80s and history remembers what happened.  People were so outraged by the communist insurgency at the time that they elected Ronald Reagan, and America survived even if the character of illegal immigration purposely changed the kind of people associated with Florida demographics.  There is no doubt that the same kind of strategy is being employed now, and behind all the impoverished areas are communist and socialist-led countries that people are fleeing from. They purposely antagonized innocent people to make them want to leave and overwhelm the border of the communist target, America. 

But when Cuba had their mass immigration into Florida, the Democrats didn’t get exactly what they expected.  That is because the way to beat communist countries in policy is to destroy them with capital and wealth generation.  And the capitalist government of America gave all those communist despots somewhere to work and a way to secure a decent life for their families.  And what we have seen over the last twenty to thirty years is a failure of the Democrat playbook to win the immigrants over as Democrats.  The Democrat party is so anti-family that they are unattractive to migrants who are very much pro-family and enjoy their family lineage.  2024 polling is showing that illegal immigrants and their immigrant families already in the United States are leaning toward Trump and the Make America Great platform.  After all, that’s why they migrated to the United States.  They didn’t want to be a part of the communist hellholes they ran from.  And the terrible ordeals they had to endure along the way, the disgraceful conduct, especially among their women.  Behind the manipulators of policy, the consultants, the financiers, and the despots of doom who purposely cause trouble among innocent people to inspire them into mass migrations to overthrow countries, many of their plans have backfired.  But that doesn’t mean their intent shouldn’t be punished.  What they planned to do and what they did do ended up harming many millions of innocent people on all sides, and all that tampering is catching up to them.  What might have been overlooked in the 80s because reporting was slower, and we hadn’t seen what was happening before is no longer hidden.   People understand this game now better than at any other point in history.

You might have heard what Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said recently, the president of Mexico about his role in protecting the American border from the drug cartels who essentially run his country.  He claimed it wasn’t his responsibility, that Americans want drugs, and they make the market for his drug cartels to do their business.  And that was very much the policy when the movie Scarface took place.  How do you attack a free market by injecting poison into that market and letting people die in it?  In that way, the resistance to the communist invasion destroys themselves with gratuitous sex and drug abuse, founded in a lack of morality by the destruction of the modern family unit that would otherwise disgrace such detrimental behavior.  The open border policies in America sponsored by Democrats and their RINO Republican conspirators are an attack against American sovereignty meant to destroy the country in ways that no military on earth could otherwise.  And we know that because it is straight out of the communist playbook that Castro in Cuba historically has shown the world, and the after-effects are still evident during any trip to Florida.  Even if the results failed to make Florida a blue state, as it’s a red state that still votes Republican, the intent can’t be ignored.  And it must be understood that what we are seeing now, with all the open borders with socialist countries, like Canada and especially Mexico is open warfare where people are used as weapons of war to convert capitalism to communism.  It’s certainly not a conspiracy theory.  It’s a malicious attack on our country and all of us, and it’s the only way to understand what is happening today.  It’s not like this is the first time we’ve seen it. 

Rich Hoffman

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Net Neutrality and Castro: Both lied to achieve their political objectives

Anyone claiming that Net Neutrality is a good thing is a political insurgent within the United States and they are lying. They are up to the same kind of lies that history has seen before, and they are after control of information and the taxation of the Internet with the creation of yet another government department. They are following a pattern very similar to one that was seen in Cuba when Fidel Castro overthrew Fulgencio Bastista to bring communism to the small island occupied largely by American businesses. The very same people who currently support Net Neutrality watched and supported Castro’s use of communism as a weapon and are still seeking to apply the same methods to capitalism wherever it flourishes. In 21st century America, there is no place that capitalism is more alive than on the Internet—so those who advocate that the FCC take control of the Internet are using nearly the same strategies as Castro did to win the hearts and minds of supporters to execute the task at hand—the spread of socialism. To illustrate my point watch the clip below where Castro promised during a speech that he was not bringing communism to Cuba. Of course in hindsight we now know better–just as it will be with Net Neutrality. Castro lied openly that he and his party were not communists. He also lied that he did not want power for himself. He’s still in charge in Cuba some 60 years later—and people are still dirt poor and crumbling away into dust because of socialism.

Castro became a communist during his jail term from Bastista after the failed attack on the Moncada Baracks. It was in prison that he formed a revolutionary group with Che Guevara and his brother Rual Castro—who just worked out the deal with Obama to reopen Cuba to Americans. American intelligentsia particularly on college campuses openly supported Castro as a hero of Marxism and thought of him as a rock star. Castro was treated with the kind of fanfare that might only be seen today from a Hollywood celebrity. Yet all during this period Castro denied being a communist, until he was in charge. It was then that he made the subtle announcement shift and began to lace his speeches with references toward socialism. Please take the time to watch the next video, which is a pretty good documentary about Castro and the whole Cuban situation on the world stage. After watching it will become clear what the strategic desires for communism were and what a thin line America really walked on—and still does. For instance, when Castro created the “boat people” as a way to infect the political leanings within America with socialist trained insurgents trying to reach their families already in America the move was a tactical one—just as the push for open boarders is today. The third world countries to the south of the United States are poor because of the open utilization of socialism, yet they are being encouraged to move into the United States to infect the political process with socialist voters. It is the desire of most on the political left in America to see communism spread globally, and to eliminate capitalism everywhere. Go ahead; the history is clear in the following video.

Net Neutrality advocates are performing the exact same strategy and are openly lying to the American people so the FCC can create a Department of the Internet. Their intentions are first to put on the breaks to the open capitalism currently so prevalent there. They then intend to tax the Internet so that they can increase the amount of revenue to the Federal government. Then, most importantly of all, they want to control information. For those on the left who have captured our education institutions, the media and even the values of the American nation with sentiment, they are still a party that looks like its going to be extinct within a few years, just because they are mathematically a minority party. Just look at their upcoming field of candidates for the 2016 elections. They really only have Hillary Clinton as a viable progressive. There are no other challengers—whereas the Republicans have a dozen or so. There is a lot of competition in the Republican Party, but hardly any within the Democrats and most of them are within the groups mentioned. Mainstream America still leans toward the right and toward capitalism. The only way the progressive left can win elections is through voter fraud, or by encouraging right thinking people to just stay home and not vote—because it’s a pointless exercise, which then cuts into the voting numbers.


The desire by the left to allow amnesty to illegal aliens is the same strategy that Fidel Castro imposed on the United States when he used his own people to infect the Florida political system with socialist Cubans so to slowly rot America from within. It was a strategy that even modern communist loving progressives still want to continue—because it’s working. It’s a way that Democrats can turn red states into purple states and continue to do the work that Castro started in the Western Hemisphere—the end of capitalism and the spread of communism.

Communists can’t have an open exchange of ideas on the Internet. China regulates what people can see, and there is a desire for the same in America. After all, the political left has control of the current media—including Fox News. Fox would be a lot harder hitting if they didn’t want to play fair and so not to threaten their White House press pass. And anybody who has worked for media knows that editors and program directors trained in liberal institutions lean to the left as opposed to the right. Those on the right often find themselves clamped with FCC regulations that target the removal of such characters with surgical precision—which is how the left managed to take over the media in the first place.

They wish to do the same with the Internet. Because the left controls the media citizen journalists have risen to challenge traditional broadcasts-and information is getting out that the government clearly is embarrassed by. For instance, take this article for example. No broadcaster on the air today would dare make such comparisons to Fidel Castro and Net Neutrality—even though the strategies are clearly the same. Castro to achieve power lied about his support of communism until it was too late. In the same manner the producers of the below commercial are doing precisely that—denying the real intention of Net Neutrality by attempting to capture the position of their opposition—which progressives do all the time. It was Republicans that ended slavery in America.   Yet to this day, it is thought that Democrats are for all people of color. During the Iraq War, the left pounded President Bush for American involvement. Now, under Obama, they are calling for war to attack a group of radicals they helped empower in Egypt, Libya and the entire Middle East. Now suddenly the left-leaning media is pounding the drums of war. When people like me point out the hypocrisy, the political left is embarrassed, so they seek to remove the observer so they can continue to hide in the shadows behind lies. If they can regulate me out of existence, they can continue to rule politics as a minority party. That is what Net Neutrality is all about—control.

This is typical among communists; they are second-handers who live through other people. They falsely expect others to do the work while they benefit and in Cuba once Castro took possession of all the American businesses there, their economy died and they essentially currently live in the stone age, until fellow socialists in America desired to come to Cuba’s rescue with an insurgence of American investment hoping to further spread the message of communism to the heartland of the United States through vacations and interaction with the landmass south of Florida.

Net Neutrality is about destroying capitalism and the advocates in favor want control—just as Castro wanted control of Cuba. The political left has already destroyed an entire generation through public education and sappy entertainment options from a Hollywood no longer supporting capitalism. This has given rise to the value of the Internet and created a desperate need by liberals to capture and control the Internet for their own survival. The only way they can perform the task is through a Trojan Horse insurrection, just as Castro did in Cuba-by openly lying about their intentions until it was too late. For the Internet that time will come when the FCC creates a Department of the Internet and seeks taxation and permits right out of the gate to destroy their philosophic rivals—just because they can’t compete. Because that’s the real secret between those who support socialism and communism, and those who support capitalism—the capitalists aren’t afraid of competition because they are always striving to get better. But the socialists are already of the weak type and just want to be told what to do because they are too lazy to think. Those are the type of people buying into Net Neutrality—and due to the lies being spread—historically the perpetrators know that the results will likely reside in their favor.

Rich Hoffman