The Biden Communist Goverment Goes All In: 34 Counts of Nothing Against Trump

They may want a Civil War, not just a bunch of polite banter and complaining on television, but a real knockdown in the streets war.  And I’m okay with that.  But what happened to Trump with the 34 counts against him in a communist show trial is purely a regional thing that will be overturned, and the court will be embarrassed for centuries.  The short-term thinking that Democrats propping up Biden conducted in this case against Trump in New York was that cheating card in poker a player losing has up their sleeve that they only pull out at the last minute to cover a significant loss.  Their entire political future is invested in this effort, the Bragg case, which is a political experiment funded by George Soros and the American insurgents like him, who are openly seeking to collapse our government.  Yet the failure mode that none of them have yet dealt with is that Americans don’t need a king or a leader.  So, just because they have demonstrated that they control the courts and can go after anybody, any time, over anything, the downside is that people won’t listen to them either.  They can obtain power by manipulating the law, but once they have it and have shown the world that it doesn’t matter, they’ll be forced to fight in the streets against the people they have just angered.  And they are not the fighting types, so they have just painted themselves into a corner from which they will never get out.  Of course, George Soros doesn’t care if America survives all this.  We have natural domestic enemies who have been trying to collapse our political system, and financial system since America was started.  And this Alvin Bragg case where a crooked judge put together a phony trial with all kinds of constitutional problems in New York to squeeze out a guilty verdict from a confused jury on a Thursday evening, right on time for what I said it would be weeks out, was an all in strategy that the communists had no other option.  But to show their hand, which they did.

Trump’s response, which was to give a speech again at Trump Tower, where all this began the day after the guilty verdict, was appropriate and resolute.  He doesn’t have to do any of this, but this is the fight we are in, and we either stand with him or turn away like cowards.  I can tell you where I am on that.  It should be obvious.  I think it’s a waste of time to play games with these losers; I’d just as soon jump into a Mad Max world where power and force rule the day and those with the biggest guns win.  I think I’ll do well in that world, so I’m okay with it.  I don’t believe that people like Fat Alvin, who prosecuted this case in New York, will do so well or that this ridiculous judge, Juan Merchan, will thrive in such a society.  Watching them and listening to them, I don’t think they realized what they have unleashed.  They are like those smug teachers in school who think they are in control when, in fact, they are vastly outnumbered by students who are always on the precipice of rebellion.  They will not get the compliant sheep they thought they were out of all this, but many angry wolves who are looking for blood.  And they’ll get their blood, literally or metaphorically.  As I have said from the beginning, all this is born out of desperation, a need to hide their past crimes and hold on to power to keep themselves from going to jail.  But now they’ve opened the door to a world they will never be able to control.

Republicans have to stop playing so fairly and in a friendly manner.  And to stop depending on a human sense of fairness to keep polite society managed.  These people are never going to be a part of polite society again.  They have crossed the line, and there is no coming back.  One of the hidden indicators in our society is the box office results of Furiosa, a pretty good Mad Max movie.  But it was made under the woke premise of replacing Max with a woman, Furioso, and the public didn’t go see it.  The box office bomb will be felt for years on that one, as it will never recover its budget and will remain underwater from a public that is rejecting it just because the public is tired of woke, Democrat-driven Hollywood.  Hollywood has lost its brand with the public, just like Bud Light has, and they will never get it back.  Neither will the Democrats.  Two-thirds of the country can identify with MAGA, Making America Great Again.  And taking that away from people and giving them a parental communist government that wants to micromanage every aspect of their lives, from the cars they drive to the stoves they cook on, isn’t going to work.  Americans have tasted the kind of freedom the rest of the world has not, and they won’t give back those freedoms to appease some political yearning for a one-world government run by the United Nations, managed by the World Economic Forum, and made equal with a communist country like China.  These pinhead types who come up with all this administrative state stuff just never figured out what motivates people in life, and they miss the mark every time. 

That was certainly the case with this New York case where the perpetrators of injustice think they can play keep away with Trump and that they will manage to hold power.  But the power isn’t in the White House; it’s purely in deceit, and the Democrat party has forever lost that influence.  Their arrogance was cultivated in the halls of academia, away from the world of reality where real people live.  That is where this short-term menace to our legal system was born.  But it can now be applied toward them, toward Obama, Clinton, and Biden; if the game is to give political figures a label of criminal conduct, then that can undoubtedly be applied to all political figures from now until the end of time.  And before our world descends into a Mad Max movie, as George Soros and his gang of global progressives think they want, the only thing that protected them from an angry public was that nobody thought they would be that stupid to try such a thing.  Because the basic premise of the law, in Amendments 4, 5, and 6, was assumed to be built on a foundation of fairness.  But Democrats threw all that out the window so they could have a purely cosmetic conviction that might disrupt the Republican Convention as if that would change anything at this point.  Sentencing for these 34 charges takes place on July 11th, just a few days from the convention on the 15th, where Trump will accept the official party nomination for President.  And that all these courtroom theatrics will change the direction of the world at this point is ridiculously foolish.  Hollywood has shown that it couldn’t see it, even though they were warned.  They are making the same mistake politically.  Because they never really understood people, they tried to make the world less scary for them by destroying it.  And now they are stuck with what they have done and won’t like the worms that come out of the can they opened because they won’t live with what they created.  And they won’t like the result.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Making The Noose Great Again: Punishing the bad guys with capital punishment

In reaction to many of the things I have been saying and predicting about our present society, people are strongly inclined toward Making America Great Again by Making the Noose Great Again.  The courts have been shown, which I would argue they never were properly working, to be only good for leftist Marxist ideology.  Frontier justice, where hanging for crimes committed against a community, gave people a level of satisfaction that satisfied communities, and their work toward a justice-driven society is being yearned for.  Even though we may look back upon Western expansion with reverence and ideas of romance, in living freely, there were a lot of problems that are much better in our present conditions.  We don’t have to worry about Indian attacks or picking up unknown diseases every few feet.  Our lifespan today is much longer than they used to be.  We have considered that we are much more sophisticated now than when capital punishment was as common as a sunset.  But, the general feeling is that people behave concerning each other if something they might do might come across as an offense that could lead to their untimely death.  If a criminal was caught before Western expansion had traveling judges to enact law and order, hanging the bad guys, happened all the time.  And without it, there would have been no ability to have a growing society.  When people talk about the evils of Western expansion, again, it’s the political left, the same losers who are behind pornography, international financing, abortion, pot smoke, and welfare programs who were against it and think the Indians should still be in charge of a teepee and dancing in some field to make it rain.  Much of what they have brought the world through the pages of Karl Marx has been ridiculously stupid, and people are slowly admitting to just how bad it has been.  And they are ready to make some changes.

I’ve been to court many times and have known many lawyers and judges.  I want to like them.  I like the idea of a courtroom to be respected.  I love our various state and federal constitutions and think a law-and-order society is the only way. Strict enforcement of the law is how you protect the kinds of values that make a society work.  But, and this is a big butt, a suburban mom who votes for tax levies for corrupt leftist government schools big, we were a better society when we had dueling.  I think of Alexander Hamilton’s duel with Aaron Burr and the many duels that President Andrew Jackson had over his lifetime; we were a much more respectful society when bad behavior was called out to satisfaction and carried out with seconds there to represent the effort.  If people hadn’t worked out their differences before one of them ended up dead, they may have ended up friends for life.  That was a much better way to solve conflicts than what we have now, where crimes are punted to the state, and the state processes their punishment through the legal system.  The state, what happens to most things the government touches, messes everything up, and the only people who benefit are the state in confiscating wealth and redistributing it to people who don’t deserve it.  The courts and their lawyers make all the money off conflict resolution.  Then, the worst thing that can happen to a criminal is they are locked up in prison, which then makes them parasites on society for that duration.  Someone has to feed them, and the general hope is that they might be reformed and let out to inflict crime in the future.  That is the best that our court systems are offering us.  And even that is a rare occurrence. 

These people have no idea how much anger is coming in their direction, for what they have been doing to us for years. De Niro has no idea how much the game has changed.

Most of the time, court cases drag out too long, and it’s always the wrong people getting punished.  These days, as we have seen with President Trump and many others, the courts have been weaponized.  Two local cases in my community, the Darbi Boddy school board case at Lakota and the Roger Reynolds case, were clear examples of a weaponized court system that had nothing to do with justice but political power intent to rob voters of their picks for political office.  It was utterly corrupt, and lawyers were the only people who benefited from those cases.  Replacing gun battles with foes with pinheaded lawyers arguing with words, and not bullets, has turned out to be stupid.  And the bad guys know it.  There is nothing about our present system that inspires people to behave themselves.  So why not rape that innocent person?  Or steal from a family and their efforts at hard work?  Why not be a louse, a drug addict, or an abuser of alcohol?  What in our society inspires people not to be losers, criminals, and leeches off society?  The answer is nothing.  The works of Karl Marx from the early 1850s on, and spread through Masonic orders all over Europe and America, have not been satisfactory, and people have given it a chance and have been left wanting.  We are not a better world because of our courts and a lack of capital punishment.  We have empowered the criminal-minded to abuse innocent people in the pursuit of some great society as the radical left envisioned it.  And we have been left with a society of disaster. 

As I have said many times, I have traveled extensively, and one thing that I do while traveling is pick up books from those areas to read.  While traveling in my RV, I commonly get up before anybody else and read outside in the portable office, which travels with me everywhere I go.  I have read many books from exotic places like Deadwood, South Dakota, Jackson Hole, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and Texas—everywhere, about law and order and the attempts during Western expansion to solve these problems.  The conclusion is that society was worse under court systems than frontier justice.  Once the criminals realized they could hide their acts of villainy behind bureaucratic courts and their processes of pinheaded lawyers and corrupt judges, there was nothing to fear from society, so they performed more crimes as a result.  At least with this Marxist-inspired court system, they were promised a free meal every day and didn’t have to work in society to get it.  Once we stopped hanging people for crimes in our communities and shooting them to defend private property, the criminals started to run our society which is a massive problem to this very day.  And people are beginning to admit how unhappy they are about it.  Crime thrives in a society where courts get in the way of justice and where the courts are used as weapons, which is happening now in our daily news.  A better way to handle many of these cases would be through capital punishment. Nobody wants to see innocent people killed and hung for crimes they didn’t do.  But the fear of getting caught doing something wrong kept a lot of criminals from crossing the line, and we became a much better society.  As people think about it, Making the Noose Great Again makes a lot of sense. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Corporation of the United States against The United States of America: We are well into this new Civil War, which is behind the actions of Letitia James

I hate to say it, but there is a reason a lot of this diabolical behavior has been allowed to gestate in our American culture, where radical Marxists like Fani Willis and that goofball loser from New York, Letitia James, are permitted to cover for a maniacal menace to our Constitutional Republic.  We don’t discuss it much, but it’s a genuine problem.  I of course have talked about it for years, but to this detail we haven’t spent much time, because it’s a depressing concept.  And that is the idea that the truth of our nation and the nature of globalism is that corporations run it rather than the people.  And that our governments are set up to give the illusion that people are in charge, just like in the marketplace, but that behind-the-scenes decisions are made for the preservation of the corporation at the expense of everything else.  Of course, there are all kinds of things wrong with this idea, and I refuse the premise.  Not that it exists, but that it is the foundation for our rule of law.  Yet, when it is analyzed why so many people in government hate the idea of President Trump, and that they will do anything to stop him from even running for office, let alone being in charge of the Executive Branch, then we have to talk about this essential problem that we do not have a United States of America ran as republic, but a Corporation of the United States ran by corporate communists.  This traces back to the battlelines that the World Economic Forum has established, and we saw their footprints all over COVID-19 and the Great Reset economy they attempted.  However, the roots of this corporation idea started a long time ago, most notably in the 1950s during Eisenhower’s term in office.  He didn’t want to sell us out to the global corporations, but they pinned him down which led to his famous speech upon exiting office, warning us of this menace.

Not only do I know a lot of lawyers, but I also know many people with very high IQs.  And I know and have known quite a few people with IQs in the 200 range, which is supposed to be impossible.  I can say that I have known more than one to keep some form of anonymity for their own good.  Because they are not necessarily flag-waving patriots the way I am, or you might be, dear reader.  These are people who have been trying to recruit me for the last thirty years into the Sovereign Citizens Movement, and they have been in and out of jail and have all kinds of problems.  Not because they are dumb, of course, but they are too smart to play the game, which the rest of us do.  And that game is that America is a free nation run by free people.  They would argue that it’s a corporation, that our Social Security numbers are our only real names, and that we are all products of the state as the state decides.  And that government is run by corporations, which I think is beyond a doubt.  What we’ve seen over these last few years when we talk about the Deep State is these kinds of characters scrambling around in a panic.  Like the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz, Toto pulled back the curtain to the Wizard’s little booth, where he made all the illusions the world saw.  Trump’s was in that effect, Toto pulling back the curtain to the Deep State, and suddenly everything real started to emerge, shattering the illusion of a free republic.

I have told these people over the years that I do not acknowledge a Corporation of America.  I only recognize the American Constitution, and anybody who does not adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America will have a lot of trouble with me.  And that has certainly been the case over a long period, and there’s not much anybody can do about it in protest.  The courts must support an assumption that they follow the Constitution to maintain the illusion of a republic.  But due to their impatience, they have been pushing to subvert the Constitution for years and replace it with a kind of corporation human resource handbook intending to enable outright communism, which most corporations are attracted to for obvious reasons of centralized planning.  But strategically, I have expressed to all these citizen protestors, again, not stupid people, that I would always stand with the Constitution, and anybody who wanted to fight about it would have to deal with it.  Because I wasn’t giving up on it, and I certainly had no plans to be a fugitive rebel living in the mountains, hoping the FBI, CIA, and IRS never find me.  I’m a kick-the-front-door kind of guy, not a sneak-around subversive type.  So, that has been an impasse I have lived with for a long time, and my position on it is essential because of what we are witnessing now.  There are no longer a few random people talking about these things, but essentially everyone.

The reason of importance now to discuss it, in the wake of all that’s happened to President Trump, and the more success he has, the more panic that there is from these Corporation of America types, which we loosely call RINOs, Deep Staters, Administrators of the Administrative State, people like Mitch McConnell and other members of the House and Senate who have become very rich off politics.  People like Biden and his puppet master Barack Obama.  Who do you think put the terrorists from the Weather Underground in power who then put Obama in the White House?  It was not a random act, and it turned out to be the same people who used the power of government to steal the 2020 election.  It’s the members of the hostile Corporation of America, and they wish to keep their gig going without revolution.  But we are in another Civil War as we speak, and yes, people are being killed.  The battlefield is in our living rooms, school boards, and Chambers of Commerce.  And it’s not so easy to see who the good guys are.  But for me, the good guys stand for the Constitution.  Those against it are the enemy.  We are fighting for a free United States of America from the forces of the Corporation of the United States, which is just one door in the centralized planning scheme of the World Economic Forum.  Unfortunately, these guys have been in power operating outside Constitutional law for a long time.  And now we are ripping away their assumptions about existence, and it will be messy.  And the days of battle that I have told my friends over the years that I would stand on are here.  I stand for the Constitution, and anybody who says otherwise is an enemy of the United States, and that’s how it will be.  And they will suffer accordingly.  This isn’t a new problem.  For most of us, it has been in the background our entire lives.  But it’s not how it’s supposed to be, and they won’t give up their scam easily.  Which ultimately, is on them when they suffer for it.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Beat the Marxists in Court with a Visit to the Trump Store: The power of “money, money, money” is the best weapon against America hating losers

I was surprised that more people didn’t know that there was a Trump Store.  I understand that people associate President Trump with politics now, but the way he made his money was off his brand, and people could best interact with that brand over the years through the Trump Store.  This was something I enjoyed long before Trump entered politics, and it was the first place I visited after the E. Jean Carroll verdict, where a judge and jury awarded a ridiculous sum of money off a very thin accusation.  My response was to throw some money at the Trump Organization to help them fight these legal battles, and if all of the people who voted for Trump did that, any financial penalties that Trump might have to endure would quickly be squashed.  So people asked me what I thought about the verdict and the other court cases looming out of the same anti-capitalist sentiment and my response was to tell them about the Trump Store, and the wonderful ties and glasses that you can purchase there.  The vicious banter in the wake of that verdict was disgusting and equated to the kind of behavior that the Bolsheviks had in Petrograd as the communist mob, fueled by the old guard forces of Europe, wanted to take down their rival, the Russians, by killing the Tsar and his family.  We have outright, hostile forces embedded in America no different from those assassins, and they were excited to see mobs run the courts to confiscate wealth and steal it for mobs of lazy, worthless people over such abominations of the rule of law.  I would respond, and have, that the best way to frustrate the ambitions of the Marxists is to show them how useless their petty antics are.  And whatever Trump has to spend on all these Marxist attacks to defend himself from their vile dispositions, the more money we should send to the Trump Organization to sustain its financial health. 

I don’t think any of these people get it, that they understand how much money President Trump has, or how wealth management works. The verdict against Trump is only 83.3 million for the accusation of defaming a public person, in a case that clearly Trump will have a different outcome in appeals court. These courts, including the one with Leticia James in New York, which involves a lot more money and attacks the ability of the Trump Organization to even exist, are going to have major victories in the appeals courts because of the horrendous court procedures that secured the verdicts. From the Marxist perspective, they were only going for the headlines in these cases hoping that public sentiment would go against Trump from people who don’t understand the legal process. And low information voters might act like the Bolsheviks in Russia and rally behind the Democrat Party to defeat the unstoppable President Trump in his re-election campaign. Just as the case in Georgia with Fani Willis is falling apart under the scrutiny of her reckless life, the same will happen to all these characters, and they know it. It would be doubtful that E. Jean Carroll will ever see any money from President Trump because the appeals process will heavily favor him. But by the time all that settles, he will likely be in the White House for another few years, and all these antics will fall by the wayside by then. A few years ago, Trump’s base salary was around 400 million per year for his businesses, not to mention all his other assets and revenue that goes to his employees. That’s a lot of renewable money that goes straight into Trump’s pocket, so he can spend a lot of money to accommodate these petty legal shenanigans. That is how George Soros has gotten away with his terrorism, and Bill Gates, and many others. We need to look at billionaire status in terms of how they intrude on the rest of society with political activism. But in Trump’s case, he has turned the power to good, and these Marxist mechanisms of personal destruction through our court system won’t directly impact Trump himself, or his excellent organization.

Give it back to them, and then some!

The problem with Marxists is that they hate money and what it measures: productivity. So they think these attacks against Trump are significant and bankrupting him, which has undoubtedly been the case with the people around Trump, like Rudy Giuliani, who have had to endure a similar process. For them, the best thing to do is to file for bankruptcy. Anytime your net worth is less than a few million dollars, this is the best defense to protect your assets from the hyenas of society, the Marxist radicals looking for a handout through court-mandated wealth redistribution. And in the back of their minds, their attack on Trump is an attack on his brand that represents unlimited potential and wealth that can be made in America. So it’s an attack on American capitalism at its core, very much like when the terrorists went to attack the World Trade Center, hoping to hit American psychology with a knock-out. They would love to see Trump go from the star of The Apprentice, with the money, money, money intro song, to having to report losses in bankruptcy court and paying off all these Marxist losers with sold-off assets. Again, hundreds of millions of dollars sounds like a lot to petty Marxists who work in the media, but when you are dealing with wealth management of over a billion dollars in assets, the math falls off beyond their understanding.

We like Trump at our house!

With all that said, I find these antics repulsive, and I want to fight back with the support of organizations I like. I had always liked Trump and his companies well before politics was considered.  I have read all of Trump’s books and like his ties. There are many items my wife and I have from the Trump Organization in our home that we enjoy a lot.  They have a lot of great stuff, so I enjoy throwing profit their way in exchange for it.  And I would encourage Trump supporters to support the President with a visit to the Trump Store and to buy something to keep cash flow high with them.  They are fighting on our behalf and have certainly put their money where their mouth is.  Trump’s entry into politics has cost him a lot in opportunity costs, so the least we can do is keep his business organizations healthy.  This will frustrate all these outright Marxists with a bottomless pit of cash and help them quickly endure the appeals process.  Once their feeble little minds get some sense of scope on how much money Trump has to work with, their plots of doom and despair against America as a whole will run out of gas.  And it would be better to see that happen now rather than later.  I would like to see news reports showing Trump has all these judgments against him from all these cases that cost over a billion dollars.  However, the Trump Organization made more than that with new opportunities in cash flow.  Nothing would harm them more than showing the power of capitalism over Marxist antagonisms than showing how futile all their efforts were.  And for Trump, he has made it easy to do with a simple visit to the Trump Store, which I highly encourage.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Darbi Boddy and the Masonic Order of Doom: The fight of social collectivists against MAGA individualism

Evil is the only word that applies to how Lakota schools, its administration, fellow school board members, various political parties, and the legal system have treated Darbi Boddy.  I told her recently that she should dump all those losers and let the whole thing burn.  But I wouldn’t quit either, even if it is the right thing to do.  That is more my wife talking than me; the empathy comes from concern over Darbi’s family.  On November 17th, 2023, Darbi needed to attend a safety meeting for the Lakota school board, and she had to make arrangements for someone to care for her little girl in case she was put in jail.  I’ve gone to war with people for far less than all this, so I don’t blame her when she says she’s not going to quit.  But the totality of the evil involved here is jaw-dropping and is every bit as bad as I’ve always said it was.  These are terrible, horrendous people engaged in teaching these kids in public schools, and there is a lot worse brewing under the surface.  And Darbi feels compelled to stand up to that evil and I admire her for it.  And so it was when she arrived at the meeting, there was security who told her that she couldn’t be there because of the recent and very dysfunctional Isaac Adi restraining order against Darbi.  But Darbi had spoken to the school lawyers and people who should know, and they told her she could attend, so she did, until the police issued her a citation and a court date for November 29th, 2023 for a violation of a court order.  To show how much these people care about kids, they threatened to throw Darbi Boddy in jail just for attending a school board meeting in which she was elected to participate.  Her husband is serving our country overseas, and she is the primary caregiver to a cute little girl, these people could care less what all this did to her, just as they don’t care about the students at Lakota.  All they really care about is how they can use those poor kids to fill their empty and featureless lives with social conformity.

It didn’t have to be this way; it wasn’t long ago when Judge Lyons was with Darbi and me at a nice political event where I was one of the featured speakers.  The judge was sitting at our table, and I enjoyed his company, as I have on other occasions.  And I have thought of him as a pretty good guy.  But he is also the attorney for this Isaac Adi monstrosity against Darbi, where he and others have been aggressively trying to get rid of the new school board member for the last two years.  And going back to the beginning, they drew first blood.  Lynda O’Connor led the charge, and she has dragged into her antics of personal destruction many characters, such as Judge Lyons, to satisfy a personal vendetta against Darbi Boddy for mysterious reasons.  Reasons that transcend politics.  Many people have been giving me the inside scoop on this story, and it gets uglier the more we learn from the personal experiences of these people.  I understand many temptations for brotherhoods, such as those experienced in Masonic memberships, especially within the legal profession, and Bar Associations, union membership, political parties, and all kinds of groups that give timid individuals a place to hide behind a collectivist mindset.  This bloodthirsty hatred for Darbi Boddy and others in the MAGA movement was tied to this desire to hide personal behavioral characteristics behind various elements of social collectivism and use the disguise of saving the children to mask it all from the public just as the Shriners do a lot of excellent community work when the actual elements of membership may not be so psychologically healthy. 

Looking at this case, if it weren’t for Judge Lyons’s networking, this restraining order against Darbi Boddy from Isaac Adi would go nowhere.  The recent appeals court process of Roger Reynolds, the former Butler County Auditor attacked by rivals in the Republican Party purely over power, has been much slower than the case with Isaac, which has been lightning fast.  So fast that Darbi has barely been able to react to it, which is the point. You can tell how weak a case is when they build it around entirely procedural conduct to disguise merit.  If judges weren’t also the attorneys in this case, this whole thing would stall with everyone waiting for a trial.  But this one is moving lightning fast because other elements at work look to go well beyond political parties.  This is the same kind of legal warfare that Democrats are using to harass President Trump, and it all looks scary until you get to the details.  Notice how Trump is winning in court already, especially regarding the Colorado case, which was just decided yesterday in his favor.  And the gag order in New York.  I have said from the beginning what the legal result would be in those cases, and Darbi’s case is similar.  The restraining order trying to keep her from attending school board meetings, which is all this is really about, will likely be dismissed, and the citation she was issued will be as well.  And regarding the issue in Columbus where Isaac is pushing for a violation of the incorrectly applied court order, at best, it’s a misdemeanor.  So, there is a lot of overreach where judicial activism is on full display, but there isn’t much legal merit.  Just a serious abuse of authority.  But it’s the intent that is so alarming, and that people that you think are, or were, reasonable people can be so treacherously malicious to the point of self-destruction. 

One week before all this, I sat down with Isaac to discuss this drama. We were at a political event together and hadn’t talked much, and he approached me to have a conversation and tell me how much he forgave me for all that had gone on. Which I thought was odd, but I listened, as usual. He told me how much he “loved Darbi” and wanted to do the right thing. He also told me how much differently things look on the inside as opposed to the outside, and that I didn’t understand. Well, I see pretty well, and I’ve heard all that before from people up to terrible things. What’s going on is collectivism, the same behavior that rots people’s minds toward various degrees of Marxism, and it manifests in the kind of memberships people socially engage in. Whether it’s the club of a school board where the political elements are making clear to the public that they don’t care what the voters think, they will remove Darbi because it’s their club and they decide who is in it. The voters are not in control, which is what the same cop who investigated the various sexually related antics of the previous Lakota superintendent and let him off the hook, did when he issued Darbi a citation for attending a meeting on safety as an elected officeholder just doing her job. The message was that people from the outside were not welcome. President Trump isn’t welcomed into the Swamp, and Darbi Boddy isn’t welcomed to the Lakota school board, and they were going to try anything to remove the voter’s pick from their club of malcontents and social parasites. I wouldn’t blame Darbi if she did want to quit. The message is clear to all like her that the Republican Party is not open to outsiders. It’s the club they value and the networks of social collectivism that are all about not doing what’s suitable for the kids or the community—bowing to the wills of a politically radical teacher’s union and all the associations that spawn from it. It’s as ugly as anyone can imagine. And thank goodness someone like Darbi has come along to expose it all. Like Trump, there is so much we wouldn’t know until someone was willing to challenge that system and show the world just how bad these people always were. I want to say I hate to be correct, but I can’t think of when I have ever been wrong. And I certainly have not been wrong about the Lakota school system from the beginning. If anything, I’ve been too polite.

All these brotherhoods, yet they would sacrifice the responsibility of freedom for social acceptance all the time. Many evils are committed under such an arrangement.

Rich Hoffman

The Attack of our Judiciary: How evil works in the background of the Bar Association

One undeniable way that evil moves through the world is in penetrating our society through rules and regulations, making compliance the value of morality while the act itself might be sheer evil. And that is often where our judiciary finds itself. If they follow the law, they often find that it has been corrupted by evil and malice, yet they are compelled to stand by it by law. This was the fatal flaw of the Israelites in what I think is one of the most important lessons of the Bible, in the Book of Judges, where the people of Israel want a king like every other nation and beg for Saul. God rebels against his own people and plucks King David out of the crowd, undermining King Saul for most of his life. Saul becomes a kind of bumbling, jealous figure who, as the first king of Israel, is disgraced by his very existence because, as God tells Samuel, the people wanted Saul; I gave them the God they wanted, which was God’s way of punishing the people for violating his vision for them. Until that point, Israel did not have a king and would not have a king; regional judges managed the affairs of the people, leaving it so that there would be no other God before Jehovah, not on earth or in heaven. It was this notion that was built into our own Constitution, a society that would have a judiciary to balance out the tendency of mankind to be corrupt with equal power over the other branches of government. Such a concept is a slap in the face of the lazy tendency that humanity has had to have a king, something of a representative of God on earth. 

I’ve had the benefit, likely guided by some divine logic, of getting to know a lot of judges over the years, starting with my teenage life. I’ve often talked about the get-out-of-jail-free card I had in some very wild and violent days of my teenage years. A judge offered himself as a mentor to me as I was surrounded by crime and malice. That judge was very much what the kind of people from the Bible had in mind, wise, composed, and a bit defiant against tendencies of social power. He understood my rebellion and didn’t want to see me in jail over it. So, he was there to help keep the doors for my life propped open instead of being thrown in prison for the rest of my life when obviously there was a lot of good life to live. And since that time until just yesterday, I have had judges in my life and have had the opportunity to know them as people; whether it’s a supreme court chief justice or a regional municipal judge, I have a value for them that is unique based on my experience, and the understanding of what the Founding Fathers wanted to do with them while starting America, taking lessons from the Bible on how to start that ideal society. Judges were to be established as protectors of philosophy in a civil and strong society, and it was a great concept.  One of the greatest things President Trump did during his term in office was appointed many conservative judges. But in doing so, he revealed a much more sinister plot that became obvious, the destruction of our judiciary at the level of the Bar Association, where liberalism has been taught for a very long time and has been injected into the concepts of law and order at the start of many judges’ careers. 

The mechanisms of evil we are talking about here have been around for a long time, and it indeed showed itself when the Israelites first founded their country. Human beings are terrified of self-government and want to be ruled, whether by a god, by some regional religion, or by a king. The tendency of the lazy is to allow something to tell them what to do, and for the lazy, they don’t care if that mind is focused on justice or evil intent. So the malice that we find today against a judiciary is the same malice that the people of Israel found when they tried to run their country without a king. Then once kings were established, then we saw a parade of historical references where kings abused their power because power was too focused. The story of King David taking the young woman Bathsheba, getting her pregnant, then sending her husband to the front lines of war to have him killed by circumstance is a good example of how a good person was corrupted by evil and the temptations to abuse his power and authority over innocent lives. God eventually punishes David with even more violence and mayhem, but obviously, the cycle never improves after that, cycling through all kings and emperors around the world until you get to the United States, where our presidency has a check on their power designed to eliminate just this very kind of problem. Yet the enemies of America want that problem to exist, so they have baked into the procedures to judges’ frustrations through the Bar Association that will ultimately get the people of America to give up their judiciary. It is much easier for evil to influence one person in a kingly role than a series of people following the rule of law to protect high society. But if they are stuck following such restrictions, then the second best thing is to corrupt the laws that such a body of government follows, the legal profession itself. 

This has been most obvious regarding election fraud; whether the case was the Trump case in 2020 or the Kari Lake case in Arizona in 2022, judges find themselves in the strange position of not protecting the individuals involved, as they should be, but in following corrupt laws as established by the rules of wokism coming out of the Bar Association.   I have had discussions with many more lawyers during 2022 than in most past years. This issue has come up often, were following the process was more important to those lawyers than the righteousness of the entanglement itself. And the evil of a matter resides behind the processes. It’s the same trick I have explained to various trustees in rubber stamping United Nations Agenda 21 and 2030 policies at the local level because zoning is filled with progressive planners who learned to be that way in the various liberal colleges. The needs of evil are to frustrate the population in general with their systems of government, whether it’s trustees, judges, or general politicians, and to direct them to the desire for a king, a regional king, a national king, or a king of the world. And in that way, evil would be much better positioned to control that one person. We see this problem in just about every workplace where people don’t like their overpowering boss. The abuse of authority over a population is a continued problem that flourishes where there aren’t checks and balances. And I can promise that the local McDonald’s has all the same issues, and the sentiment is exacerbated by the corporate policies that don’t teach leadership but submission to a process where evil hides its signature. In so doing, the tempers of the population are rallied to the causes of malice. That can take the form of a worker’s revolt crying for communism to make everything fair against the greed of corporate profits. Or in the local judge, who finds themselves rubber stamping election fraud because the pressure from their own progressive Bar Association may never forgive them if they don’t follow the unwritten rules of voting certification challenges that, if utilized, would topple the entire political system. Rather than do what’s right, they help evil conduct its affairs, just as the people did when they begged God for a king. And that’s where the downfall of any civil society starts when the judges can’t judge but are controlled through their fraternal affairs toward the work of malice disguised as justice.

Rich Hoffman

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