When Jerusalem Was a Space Command Center: Why there are wars, to keep power in the hands who have seized it and use ignorance to suppress rivals

Examining the mysterious site of Ishi-no-Hoden in Japan

I find that science fiction and fantasy often contain more truths than what mainstream sources would ever admit to, such as television shows like Battlestar Galactica, where the concept of human seeding on earth was explored, or Lord of the Rings, where the nature of evil in some far ancient past, or future, is the dominating topic, or the Robert Jordan series, The Wheel of Time that was a very good book series that dealt with essentially the Vico Cycle that I talk about so much. And, of course, Star Wars has been a favorite of mine that was set a long time ago in a far-distant galaxy. Not even our own. Examining abstract concepts in science fiction certainly does help us deal with reality much more effectively and provokes the questions we should be asking. And when you start to do that, you can see truths lost to others, such as why there are so many global wars. Well, especially in the hot zone of the Old Silk Road, many of the conflicts we have these days, such as the war in Israel, and then of Ukraine and the whole Russian puzzle with China and other places that don’t have massive economies, but are perpetually in conflict for some mysterious reason. And I would offer that the best evidence indicates that these regions have very ancient pasts, far extending into what we today consider old. We think of a few thousand years as a lot, but the evidence from many sources, not the same idiots who tried to tell us not to take Ivermectin to deal with the lab-created virus, COVID-19, and that there was no election fraud in 2020, have tried to tell us about true history. But the result of decentralized media that is finally talking about real, substantive issues indicates that the wars of our modern times are purely created to conceal a deep and ancient past, allowing a corrupt global network to remain in power over the human race through sheer deceit.

The Millennium Falcon at the Black Spire Outpost

And that’s what I was thinking about when my family recently visited a very favorite place I have, the Star Wars land at Disney World, Galaxy’s Edge. I’ve always loved that particular science fiction story, and specifically the spaceship, the Millennium Falcon so to see a land where all these things were built and you can walk around and interact with them, was magnificent. So, I found that I was able to get my family to Disney World and to that specific place and we had one of the most marvelous days of our lives, together. But there had been something bothering me over these last few years since I had last visited what they call The Black Spire Outpost that I resolved while there with my family. I had a lot of time to think about it, and it all came together for me during this recent visit. The place reminds me of what Ancient Jerusalem would have looked like in a period of largely unrecorded history, around 8,000 BC, when that region of the world was said to have been a space command center for a landing corridor that was very important in the near east area, where many of our most significant religions were born, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. And the haunting passage from the Bible that I couldn’t get out of my head was that from Genesis 22:2, “and he said, take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.” This action was in around the 2070s BC, long after any settlement of a spaceport in Jerusalem would have been located there. All Abraham would have seen of Mt. Moriah, where King Solomon, over a thousand years later, would build the great temple and place the Ark of the Covenant, the Ten Commandments, upon that exact spot where Isaac was to be sacrificed, in that precise spot. In 3000 to 5000 years, most stone structures erode away into nothing, so anything that would have been in that region at that time would have long eroded from 8000 BC.

My kids

I’m a fan of Zecharia Sitchin’s books. Many people, especially mainstream scientists, have said that his books are purely science fiction and not based on accurate science. Even Graham Hancock has said such things. But I think those are not fair assessments, and I think time has proven that Zecharia Sitchin was very authentic. He has since died, but his work lives on in his students, who have done some exciting work on the activity on earth that may have occurred based on stories passed down through various cultures that are just as scientific as anything else over a roughly 450,000 year period, which paves the way not only for our current world religions but also the notion we have of kingships and even burial practices. After all the lies that the world’s governments have told us, more people are looking at things that used to be considered wild conspiracy theories and reexamining them with fresh eyes. When looked at with this updated perspective, it becomes evident that the power structures on Earth who desperately want to hold on to what they consider royal bloodlines given to them through heredity wish to maintain their right to rule Earth by controlling what we know of the past, so that is the real cause of all these ridiculous wars. If there are wars, actual science can’t do any research because those regions are too dangerous for that kind of activity. I’m also a fan and dedicated member of the Biblical Archaeology Review Society, and I understand and sympathize with their task of digging and gathering evidence in such a hostile part of the world, politically.

How things likely looked, a long time ago. But not so far away.

For me, uniquely, I had just stepped off a plane from Japan while I was with my family at the Black Spire Outpost and had visited the very ancient site of Ishi-no-Hoden and studied how the modern city of Osaka was built around the Kufan tombs that were built in the shape of keyholes, very mysterious.  Going to the Black Spire Outpost reminded me of what an ancient Jerusalem would have looked like well before there was Abraham, Isaac, or the Jewish people.  A mixture of high technology that could navigate the known galaxy, perhaps even the universe that has long since come and gone interlaced with primitive structures and building methods erected quickly to facilitate the need from a growing economy not rooted to travel on earth.  But what was left behind was some remote memory of these actions lost only to telling stories and an understanding of that truth within our subconscious brains, which most of us share.   And those memories are most effectively communicated through science fiction.  Yet, at the Black Spire Outpost, you can walk around and touch something that may well have been part of our far ancient past only manifested through storytelling.  But it is as accurate as anything else—perhaps more.  The wars in the world that dominate much of our political discussion these days are meant to hide the truth from us, which is why I am talking about them more than ever.  Because we have been lied to, we must have a culture that deals with the past to have an honest future.  The reason that Jerusalem is such a hot zone even to this day is that power is sought in concealing the truth and giving people controlled narratives through religion that keeps them in power and prevents people from learning their true history, which is buried under the streets of Jerusalem well past the typical periods that we have always thought of as ancient, but in reality, are just scratching the surface.

Rich Hoffman