The Interview Between President Trump and Steve Bannon: A political class that wants to keep the bar low hate those who challenge them

For some strange reason, people have all the wrong values about what makes a good president, and they are reluctant to support President Trump in public. And when I say that, I’m thinking of people who think Ron DeSantis is a better option. This past week, Ohio Senator Matt Dolan made it clear that in his future political efforts, he wasn’t in favor of Trump, which is just bizarre that he thinks that’s a smart political calculation that people will respect. Because when Trump recently sat down with Steve Bannon to give an hour-long interview on the Warroom podcast, the Trump everyone should know was clear to see. Steve Bannon used to work for Trump, was one of his chief strategists, and they know each other well. And Steve knew how to get the soft side of Trump out in the interview. And it was glaringly obvious why Trump won the first time and continues to win. And in being so obvious, it’s then clear who all the bad guys are out there, making it much more conducive to defeat their hostile interests. I’ve said I like Matt Dolan as a person. But what in his mind does he think is needed in politics that he couldn’t support Trump? It’s not that Trump needs Dolan’s support. Instead, the other way around, for anything Dolan might want to do as a senator in Ohio, Trump would be an excellent name to have behind it. But somehow, they were likely the same people he listened to when he changed the name of his baseball team from the Indians to the “Guardians.” Too many politicians think that playing nice and sucking up to the mob will show the voting public that they are willing to work with others instead of fighting for their rights as their elected representatives. 

One of the reasons Trump has been going around and doing interviews on outlets like The Warroom is because he’s putting out a new book, Letters to Trump, which is a collection of letters from many celebrities who have sent the President very nice letters over the years. And in many cases, it’s letters from people who have been recently hostile to him once he entered politics. Names like Alec Baldwin are featured. People at this point forget just how popular Donald Trump has been for many decades; after all, he did have 14 seasons of The Apprentice, which was the top-rated television show produced by NBC for a long time. Under any other condition, if a president or former President has been on a television show, that show would be on syndication perpetually. But it’s hard to get any copies of past shows of The Apprentice under any format, even DVD because the media culture has so invested of itself into the destruction of Trump’s image that they would gladly sacrifice any amount of profit for themselves to destroy any potential of President Trump entering politics again. Why? It certainly works against their self-interest. Leaks from the recent Tucker Carlson firing at Fox News indicate that there is a belief among the executive staff and board that if only they could get rid of Tucker covering Trump accurately, it might harm his re-election chances. Fox News isn’t that influential, folks. More people watch the Warroom over the course of the week; that is the changing marketplace. Yet we see these little pockets of the belief that the media is compelling, especially among cord-cutters, and that politicians think that it’s still fashionable to play softball in politics when the opposition wants to eradicate you and your country along with it.    

The book Letters to Trump is filled with lots of personalities that essentially show how cheap some of the biggest celebrities of our culture are, that they were so nice to Trump when they thought there might be some opportunity for them by sucking up to him while he had the number one show on television, or even before when he had all the hotels and casinos and was on the cover of every tabloid magazine with a new hot model during his playboy years. Everyone wanted to be near Trump; they wanted a donation from Trump or a kind word from Trump. Then to see how many of those same people have turned against Trump once he entered politics is very jolting to people who aren’t prone to such contrasts. But people get it; Trump is still the leader in the polls for all the same reasons Trump had the top-rated show on NBC for 14 years, which the media is trying desperately to hide. Everyone thinks the people out there are stupid. But people get it. They know Trump is the answer to many political problems because he’s a real person who has done real, significant things in life, and our politics is run by looters essentially who do very little and take a lot from the world to produce consistently bad results. And people want successful people running their country with a proven track record over many years. And Trump is undeniably that. He did great the first time around; people had good lives with Trump as President, no matter their political affiliation, and who in their right mind wouldn’t like that?

Watching this interview with Steve Bannon and President Trump was more interesting than other interviews because both men have accomplished a lot in their lives before ever entering politics and had very interesting things to discuss. And that is why the political establishment so hates both men. What people who hate Trump, or Steve Bannon for that matter, hate most is the effect of accomplished people in politics. It really comes down to the old labor union’s jealousy about merit. If one person works harder than all the others, it makes all the lazy people look bad. And where the rubber hits the road with Trump, many lazy people make a lot of money off political inefficiencies, and they hate Trump because he wants to solve the problems. But to the political class and all the support groups that advise them, there is a lot of money to be made off chaos. So they never intend to solve the problem. They want the problems. And voters want solutions, which is why they are done with politics the old way. They want Trump because they want results, which is what many of the bootlicker types out there are terrified of. It’s not just Trump himself they fear, but their own role in a world that expects results. How can they compete with a President Trump, who has accomplished so much over a lifetime, and feel like they have a co-equal seat at the table? So rather than improve themselves somehow, they would rather tear him down to preserve their public appeal as a looter-class politician. And that was all so obvious in Trump’s very unique interview with Steve Bannon. People understand what the problems are in the world. They understand the threat of globalism. And they don’t see anybody else out there who can fix it. But Trump can, and that’s what people are supporting, someone who isn’t afraid to fix things. Who doesn’t write suck-up letters to people hoping to get a job. But they want the person that all the suck-up letters go to because they want to win at life, and not experienced the managed failure that the political class has given them for over a hundred years. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Art of the Comeback: A plan for the future

Even though the short-term consequences have been terrifying, the best thing that could have happened is that the secret losers who have hidden behind the curtain of world events for many decades with occult practices and hokey religions are now apparent. Their climate change occult isn’t just one that is socialist against capitalism but is against life itself in favor of protecting a planet they cleave to like a frightened child cleaves to a mother’s skirt, even as they should be grown up enough to let go and face danger with boldness. And with Trump’s first presidency, his “Art of the Deal” term in office, he showed what was possible in politics where all those manipulators had been hiding all along, and he quickly fixed much of the world in a few short years. This provoked an extreme reaction to him, revealing the truth of their nature, which conspiracy theories had only suspected over the last century. Many thought we were having an honest discussion between socialism and capitalism, for which Donald Trump was an unapologetic representative of the Reagan years of bold capitalism. It was easy to focus on the degradation of communist states in Iran and Russia. But the 90s were a different story, Reagan was out of the White House, and the Russian empire crumbled to dust, falling with its perceptions of communism. And Bill Clinton was elected as President of the United States. Compared to the 80s, when I came of age, got married, and started having children, the 90s were horrible, corrupt, and detrimental to the human condition. And during that time, Donald Trump, who had it all, had fallen into being billions of dollars poorer than a homeless person. The world was falling apart, but by the end of the decade, Trump was on top again, and his journey was written in a sequel to his Art of the Deal book, which was called The Art of the Comeback.

Reading The Art of the Comeback now, in the 2020s, is quite a time capsule. It is interesting to see so many celebrities kissing up to Trump, who was one of the world’s wealthiest people at that time. Michael Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Tiger Woods, and many celebrities, who are now professed liberals, were hungry to get their pictures next to Trump. And compared to the 90s, our modern environment is perilously bleak and unhopeful. Covid has changed people in terrible ways; they are afraid to socially interact even years after the CDC nearly destroyed the world with white lab coat bureaucracy and misdiagnosed precautions meant to destroy capitalism at its roots. The occult of earth worship is always lingering behind the political theater and entertainment scenes. It’s a much less optimistic world than it was in the 90s when The Art of the Comeback was written.   But it didn’t need to be that way; it was a choice for the human race to penalize ourselves with politics globally. We saw something unique happen from 2016 to 2020, Trump became President, and America was Great Again. The managed decline planned for us was averted, and the political left and their minions of doom behind the global curtain were in a panic, and they would do anything to get rid of him. But in so doing, they showed us all their cards, and at least now we know what we are dealing with and where they reside. 

I’ve been saying that The Art of the Comeback needs to be the campaign model for Trump’s re-election strategy. So far, the political enemies of America First have been defining who Trump is as a political radical, an unhinged lunatic, and a far-right insurgent. But Trump didn’t ever get where he was by allowing others to define him. He always knew how to build a brand and then to control how people viewed that brand. And that’s what he needs to do now that 2024 is coming into focus. Many thought Trump was done for coming out of the 80s. He and his Trump Tower were doomed, and he was going down. These were the years of his famous divorce from Ivana Trump and his marriage to Marla Maples before Melania Trump. During these days, he took a picture with Hillary Clinton and honored the First Lady for handling pressure well. It was, in fact, that picture that kept me from thinking of him as a presidential candidate in 2015 when Bill O’Reilly was interviewing Trump’s announcement for a run. He had made nice with the Clintons; I couldn’t forgive him for that. But it looks like after he married Melania, he finally found the right woman. I’ve met Melania, and she is a really nice person. And, of course, she is beautiful. But she’s also extremely smart. She has obviously been a great stabilizing factor for Donald Trump, and re-reading his Art of the Comeback, knowing that he would eventually become President himself, the path to his comeback success is evident through his optimism combined with the right woman to stabilize his extremely A Type personality. 

And so it can be again with America. Trump has shown that he can navigate impossible odds to put himself back on top with personal success. And his book The Art of the Comeback is a guidebook for how to do it again, only this time for America. America has been the target of hostile forces for more years than many people want to admit to themselves.   And as things look now, it looks pretty hopeless that the bad guys have been winning and will continue to win. That’s why these next few elections are so important. If we can keep Democrats from cheating and put reasonable people in office positions, we have a chance. But for that to happen, there needs to be a recognizable brand that people can follow toward that success. And of all the people out there, only President Trump has a track record of that kind of success. His success was personal, but during his first term in office, he showed that The Art of the Deal was very relevant, from personal business to international politics. All that really changed was the setting. And that would undoubtedly be the case for The Art of the Comeback. I personally think it was great that Trump had a break at the end of 2020 and could have time to reflect on how things could be improved from his first term. He did a lot of things very right, but there were lots of things done wrong, particularly in his trust in the Administrative State to respect him and not work against him. He learned the hard lesson of just how hard that snake can bite. And people needed to see just how bad liberals really were when they were suddenly on the clock and under pressure to perform. Knowing that they had to steal the election to put their guy in power, they knew time was not on their side, so they had to rush forward all their initiatives, which has scared America because now they saw what was always behind the curtain. And that’s a good thing. It might bring short-term pain, but knowing who they are would only help long-term planning, which is at the heart of it all and is what matters next. 

Rich Hoffman

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