The Definition of War: Yes, there are many enemies at war with America, and us

Before you can fix something, you must admit there is a problem.  One of the concealment strategies utilized against our nation is the reality of what has been done to us.  No matter what level of evil we are talking about, which I would say is innate and subconscious, well beyond the scope of human interaction, reality is well-defined if you apply the correct definitions to things.  And that is that America has been at war with many characters who run various groups intent on our destruction, and it’s been that way from the beginning.  And like the Trojan Horse of Troy, the villains purposefully disguised their efforts to catch us all off guard, and they have done that by hiding their malice behind polite society.  And the war they have declared on us resided beyond our social definitions of human behavior.  But yes, we have to understand what’s been happening to us with definitions that matter, and that is grappling with the concept of war and the fact that our enemies are numerous and vicious.  And they are plotting our doom moment by moment and quickly if they can’t make a lot of money off us.  They seek to destroy us for all we’re worth.  Classically, the definition of war is “to overcome the enemy’s will to resist.”  As I saw the stock market results for the second week of May 2024, I didn’t see good news for 401Ks and family planning.  I saw a strategy to put people back to sleep because Joe Biden is losing in the upcoming election, and the enemies of America are attacking our culture with a clear strategy to remove our desire to resist what it is they want to do to America, and that is to convert our entire culture to globalism, Chinese communism style.  And the stock market is just one of their many weapons in the ways that the world is at war with America, and us as its caretakers. 

This is money created through inflation. Not the actual profit of true value. Fake money printed by the Fed to protect Biden from the reality of horrendous fiscal policy in an election year.

Now I get it; people just walking their dog and thinking of a two-for-one special at their local smorgasbord think of war as our involvement in Vietnam.  Or, Iraq.  War involves military action by governments intent on that purpose.  In the past, a general representing a nation or some other sovereignty directed soldiers on a battlefield toward suppressing the enemy and designing victory from a surrender once an overwhelming force had been established and utilized toward victory parameters. Upon such wins, people fly their flags and feel good about their nation’s victory against other countries, much the way we think about sports teams that we cheer on who win.  In that way, war is thought of as something that happens “over there” and is done by “other people.”  We don’t think of ourselves and our lives as being at war because our enemies use the concealment of the true definitions of things to perform their malice.  One way to do so is to subdue people away from their defense of a nation by changing their definitions of what war actually is and why people would be or would not be interested in having war to defend something they value.  The enemies of America, as we have seen often recently, overtly out in the open, is to destroy our desire to resist anything, such as in the transgender movement where even the concept of a boy and a girl is in dispute.  To our enemies, it’s not the sexuality involved that is the issue but the ability to corrupt even simple definitions so that significant attacks are never seen by a society that has lost its ability to have a conceptual faculty.

For instance, the good news that is not such good news on the Dow Jones closing at over 40,000 for the first time in history is a kind of Trojan Horse intent to sneak the enemy deeper into our culture while disguising it as something beneficial to us.  Many people do not realize how powerful BlackRock as a financial institution is in the performance of this scandal, which is relatively simple.  The Federal Reserve, through monetary easing using a clear strategy of Modern Monetary Theory, is doing precisely what crime syndicates have done since the beginning of time, and what is happening now with the war machine pumping large amounts of money into Ukraine behind a fake, and provoked war effort with Russia, and that is to wash illegal money through a legitimate business to give it the illusion of validity.  Not to mention that this practice is the cause of inflation, which is too much money chasing too few goods, and that even with more money in your pockets, it is worth less in what it can buy.  The sudden jump of the Dow over 40,000 isn’t about making money but printing more to represent the same value at a much lower value.  But it’s all disguised to give the illusion of profit by hiding the inflation behind a historic milestone.  In this case, the Fed dumped money into BlackRock and other Wall Street firms to have them distribute the money as if it were real into the economy through person-to-personal investments in the form of 401Ks and other financial strategies to prop up the economy with fake numbers to help Biden not take the blame for the impact that globalism has had on American sovereignty. 

This financial game is just one way in which the enemies have sought to suppress American understanding of the war that has been conducted against them.  Another means of such vile menace is in pornography.  Through the internet, porn has been made accessible to the public to weaken our resolve toward a just and moral society.  By attacking those values and the family creation that often comes from successful family relationships and the production of children who are healthy and independent, the governments of the world have purposely sought to corrupt our intellects so that we wouldn’t be able to resist them in war.  But would instead be addicted to vices of destruction meant to take away our will to resist their intentions.  When you understand how “they” are attacking us, you can know that much of what we do and what happens to us is the result of war, and the intentions of our enemies are pretty vicious and maniacal.  Most of what we experience daily is an act of war against us hidden behind definitions meant to conceal their strategy and keep us from seeing what they have been up to.  And we are stopping them from doing it.  For them, the best thing to do is take away even the reality of seeing what had to happen to resist their desires, which is our destruction, after they have made a lot of money off us in the process.  This has been going on for a long time, and it’s certainly not just a current thing.  Only the plot has been revealed in ways they have lost control of the narrative, and people are talking about it in ways they never dared to before.  But war is our reality, and it’s not something we can hide behind some soldier’s ethical code of battlefield conduct.  This is coming into our homes and neighborhoods disguised in ways we don’t think of as threats of war.  But you can bet they are every bit as such and worse. 

Rich Hoffman

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We Must Save America: Flying the red, white, and blue over the destruction of our enemies should make everyone very happy

For most of my life, people I would speak with thought that America was a permanent thing that required no maintenance.  They took for granted that the concept of a country would always be there, that we would win all the wars and have the best economy, and all they had to do about it was pop popcorn in the microwave and watch the whole thing go like a movie on a streaming service.  America would be great whether or not they participated in its greatness.  But now, things are much different, people have seen a level of viciousness they didn’t know the enemies of America were capable of.  And it has pushed people to understand just how fragile the concept of a country really is and why we must all work hard to keep a great country great.  After all, a country is just a set of ideas; some ideas are better than others.  However, in the pursuit of global communism, many want to run the world with a centralized bureaucracy through the newly created United Nations, and they don’t like the concept of one country being better than another.  They want communist sameness, especially the corporate communists who are lazy and don’t want one market in the world to have different rules for them than other countries.  They want everything as uniform as possible, and of course, they will try to destroy America to satisfy their own needs in the world from their perspective.  They aren’t out there fighting for America.  They have been working against America, and they have no shame in it.  Many people now reflect on this impasse by understanding that we must Save America because America is in danger, as a concept and Constitutional Republic. 

When I was little, 3 to 5 years old, my mother realized that I was a very patriotic kid who gravitated to parades and shows of national pride.  So she painted my room in stars and stripes of red, white and blue.  As the years passed, I wore an army hat everywhere, so much so that I wore out the bill of the cap with my fingertips.  I never took it off.  I have been intent on fighting for the red, white, and blue in my country for as long as I can remember, and there is no other outcome for me.  There is no, “coexist.”  There is no “not American.”  There is no “global citizen.”  Some people are better than others.  Some families are better than others.  And certain countries are better than others.  Now, fighting for our country does not include military life for me.  I see them as part of the problem; the structure of military life is built on a rules-based aristocracy that I find repulsive.  I’m happy to go anywhere and fight anybody over anything as a contractor.  However, giving up my rights as an individual citizen and being owned by a government is not my idea of patriotism.  Many people think that military service is the only kind of patriotism.  I think of it as one kind, not a very good one.  Patriotism isn’t about dying for your country and giving it all away like some sacrifice to the maniacal forces of existence.  I am way too strong-headed to take orders from anybody.  It just was never going to happen.  Many have tried and found out just how difficult that is with me.  So military life was never in my cards.  But if some attorney generals want to give me a free get-out-of-jail card, I am happy to take care of any problem for free.  We all know where all the bad guys are; we must decide to move on them.  It’s purely out of patriotism.

The next time I see President Trump, I will tell him that if he needs anything, sign me up as a contractor, and I won’t charge any money for it.  But I would be happy to make other people die for their country or for their commitments to collectivist groups in whatever menace they present themselves.  Once Trump is president again, many bad guys in the world will have to be put down, and I’m happy to help out wherever possible.  But the aristocracy of military life is not for me.  But patriotism, in general, is.  With all that said, I was certainly never going to let America be destroyed without doing something about it.  As I have said many times, I will follow the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the general practice of law established by the American Supreme Court. However, being pushed around by some corrupt WHO director or United Nations diplomat isn’t going to happen.  Nor will putting up with sellouts in our Senate and Congress.  If a bunch of communists take to the streets to cause trouble in my country, then in my view, they are behaving against the law and will have to be put down.  There is no compromise with people who want to destroy America.  They must be killed themselves for posing the threat.  And this isn’t just something I thought of a few days ago.  This has been at the core of my life, my whole life.  And I have lived it with every cell of my body, well beyond the traditional reverence to military service. 

In that context, there are domestic and foreign enemies, and all of them must be destroyed when in conflict with the idea of America.  Any notion of communism, given the fact that we have spent most of the last century fighting communists, is not going to rule over America.  All these foreign and domestic enemies have gained a lot of strength because people have not protected America the way they should have.  And now we have a situation where violence is very likely on a mass scale.  But accepting this communist, globalist view of the world is not in the cards.  This is not just from my point of view; now, many people are just realizing how precious and delicate the concept of a good country is.  They took it all for granted, and now they see the threats to their country, and they are angry.  Well, they should be.  There is a lot to be angry about.  But it’s not too late to Save America.  America is a set of ideas that are better than the ideas of other countries.  In a competitive world, good ideas are apparent, and bad ideas are snuffed out due to the pressure, which is how it works.  Artificially, propping up ideas to make globalism work isn’t possible.  I’m not going to let it happen.  Many more people are increasingly aware of this trend and are poised to stand against it.  So, any fantasies that the globalists out there had about a one-world government rooted in China-style communism are going to see those dreams shattered.  I have been ready to fight these people all my life, so I’m excited about it.  But yielding to any of them.   Well, that’s just not going to happen.   The only thing on my mind is their destruction, entirely and with great fanfare.  And I intend to fly a red, white, and blue flag over them to rub their faces in the majesty of their destruction and warn others in the future what is coming their way. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Yes, We Have to Impeach Joe Biden: Give Democrats worse for all the trouble they have caused

Wait, you know they are bluffing, right?  The Democrats don’t want Republicans to impeach their puppet president, Joe Biden.  Senators like Fetterman and his little hoodie are talking tough as if seeking the impeachment of the criminal Joe Biden would boost his public support and ensure he will be in the White House for another term.  They know better.  They count on you being so much of a sucker that you won’t figure it out.  But they don’t want you to know that.  What they fear most is that you’ll figure out the truth, that they are all paper tigers of Marxism intent to bluff their way into an overthrow of America.  And they want you to think they are daring you to conduct your own destruction.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Democrats know they can’t win elections unless they can rig them, like Brazil’s elections have been going on in Russia, China, and Venezuela.  The Marxists are trying the same thing in America, and so far, gullible Americans have let them have their way, and we are supposed to believe that we are a 50/50 country right down the middle.  But that’s not at all true, either.  That is how the uniparty of globalists wants you to believe things to be.  That is not the actuality.  Democrats have only gained power by bluffing their way to it, and Republicans have been played as suckers for most of the last two centuries.  And until they fight back, Democrats will continue to steal power through nefarious means and laugh about how they keep getting away with it.  Democrats will never wake up one day and apologize for what they’ve done.  They intend to destroy our country and us with it and they don’t care about your feelings.  They are ruthless.  Never forget that they are what John Fetterman, the goofy senator from Pennsylvania represents. 

The first reason we must impeach Joe Biden is because he deserves it.  He has been caught lying to everyone and selling his office to foreign and domestic enemies for much of his life.  He’s certainly not the only one, and yes, many politicians on all sides are guilty of precisely what Joe Biden has done.  But he’s president of our highest office in America, and we must protect its sanctity for our preservation.  That means Joe has to go through the wringer, and it has to be embarrassing.  We have to do it because it’s the right thing to do, not some political calculation where we worry it might hand him the next election.  First of all, it won’t.  But if it did, it wouldn’t matter.  When anybody does something wrong, they should be punished for it.  And the more powerful they are, the more public their embarrassment should be so that others might learn a lesson and not do as Joe did in the future.  History needs to remember Joe Biden in a salacious and horrendously corrupt way, because in America, we must continuously pursue justice, no matter where it takes us.  Our fear, because so many other people are also dishonest, keeps Joe Biden from being prosecuted, which should have happened long ago.  But now we’ve caught him and we can’t turn away.  Patriotism does nothing if we have loved ones die in foreign wars, but we can’t even secure an election, keep corruption out of public offices, and allow ourselves to be suckered by government gangs like the one Joe Biden has been running for decades. 

But secondly, look what they did to Trump, a rightly elected Republican president.  They impeached him, and who thinks we will move on in our country without revenge?  Democrats have it coming.  Forget all this stupid turn-the-other-cheek stuff.  Joe Biden and the government thugs running in his crowd must be punished severely.  They took the shot at our politicians, so they have it coming back at them.  They did not worry about going after Trump, even trying to jail him, because they were playing hardball.  All this taking the higher ground stuff is nonsense.  When political opponents come after you and your team members, you take them out.  You give them back everything they’ve given you and more.  And for what they did to Trump, they all deserve a good beating, everyone from Chuck Schumer to Fetterman.  They are disgraceful, and they don’t care even to be caught.  They have lied to our faces, jailed our supporters, and deliberately tried to take out our representative in the Executive Branch.  They are fair game for the worst we can do to them because they’ll do it again if we don’t.  It’s not like we are waiting for them to punch us in the mouth.  They already have done it.  They wanted a fight, they picked it.  And their aggression has been what it was because they think Republicans won’t fight back.  They believe Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals tells them so based on his history of studying mob behavior.  This is a government mob, and there is only one form of expression they understand: force.  Force for the sake of power to eradicate our political enemies.  In the end, there should be so little left of them that they won’t even exist well enough to have a Netflix account. 

So don’t cry for them. They did all this to themselves.  They chose to live the way they do and to break all the many crimes they have committed.  Republicans can’t just talk tough; they have to be tough.  And they have to earn respect.  Democrats need to fear Republicans, starting with a history of follow-through.  Democrats don’t respect Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy, who is just being friends with people like Marjorie Taylor Green so that she can be controlled within the Freedom Movement.  McCarthy wouldn’t even speak to people like Margorie if not for that.  These are professional con artists, many of them who are drawn to government work because it’s a target-rich environment.  There is only one political calculation to consider regarding impeachment: the cost of not doing it when it’s so apparent that Joe Biden should be impeached.  We get criminals like Joe Biden because too many people in the past let him bully them into submission.  And he has brought a disgrace to our senate and Executive Branch.  Why do you think they want to drop the dress code in the Senate? Because they are trying to destroy it.  Not sustain it.  And do you think they care about integrity?  They are inspired to break the law because they want to overwhelm the law and destroy it and the country with it.  It’s too late to save them or to work with them in a bipartisan way.  Democrats declared war on America long ago, but people have been too slow to recognize it.  And that has empowered these domestic enemies to do their worst, and they have.  These are all the reasons and more that we must not only impeach Joe Biden but all those like him who have abused their offices at the expense of the public.  And to make it very painful in the process. 

Rich Hoffman

The Marxist Dream of Modern Monetary Theory and the New Ways of War

We are currently seeing the largest-scale military maneuver against nations in the history of the world.  Only the weapon of choice isn’t traditional military weapons.  But for all the same reason that wars have been started to defend national borders, this is how we must view Modern Monetary Theory.  The scam is currently, for instance, in the United States to use the strength of the dollar to print infinite amounts of cash to prop up the wealth of companies like Blackrock, Blackstone, and Vanguard.  Then use that power to take over the corporate boards of most of the world’s companies.  Once that has happened, then the world will move away from the dollar and convert everything to a digital currency that is controlled by China.  Then the entire wealth of the United States would be evaporated, along with everyone in it.  It would be an attack on a much larger scale than when Mesopotamia attacked Israel, the Persians attacked Greece, or the Romans the known world.  But the attack is just as bloody and ruthless, and this is how they are doing it with MMT.  And the Biden administration is the insurgent force controlled by the World Economic Forum, which is behind the effort.  

Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT, is a relatively new economic theory that has been gaining traction in recent years. Developed by a group of economists including Stephanie Kelton, Warren Mosler, and Bill Mitchell, MMT challenges traditional views on government spending and the role of taxes in the economy.

At its core, MMT argues that governments that issue their own currency can never run out of money. This means that, unlike households or businesses, governments can always spend more money than they take in through taxes. This is because they can simply create more money out of thin air.

This may sound like a recipe for hyperinflation, but MMT proponents argue that as long as the economy is not operating at full capacity, increased government spending will not lead to inflation. In fact, they say that increasing government spending can actually stimulate the economy and create jobs.  But of course history proves this not to be the case.  These people are crazy, and not very smart.

One of the key insights of MMT is that taxes do not actually fund government spending. Instead, taxes are used to regulate the economy. By taking money out of circulation, taxes help to control inflation. In addition, taxes can be used to incentivize or discourage certain behaviors. For example, a carbon tax could be used to discourage the use of fossil fuels and encourage the adoption of renewable energy.

MMT also challenges the conventional wisdom that government debt is a bad thing. In fact, MMT argues that government debt is necessary in order to provide the private sector with the financial assets it needs to function. When the government spends more money than it takes in through taxes, it creates new financial assets in the private sector in the form of government bonds. These bonds can be bought and sold just like any other financial asset, providing a stable source of income for investors.

Critics of MMT argue that it is a dangerous and untested theory that could lead to runaway inflation and economic collapse. They point to examples like Zimbabwe and Venezuela, where excessive government spending led to hyperinflation and economic disaster.

However, MMT proponents argue that these examples are not relevant to developed countries like the United States. These countries have much more stable political systems and financial institutions, which make hyperinflation much less likely. In addition, MMT argues that the government can always use taxes to control inflation if it becomes a problem.

Overall, MMT is a Marxist dream and controversial theory that challenges many of the traditional assumptions about government spending and taxation. While it is still a relatively new and untested theory, it has already gained a significant following among economists and policymakers. Whether or not it will ultimately prove to be a viable alternative to traditional economic theory remains to be seen. 

Rich Hoffman

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