Who Should Trump Pick as His VP: It’s all about continuing the MAGA movement beyond 2028

Now that we know Trump will return to the presidency in 2024, people are wondering who his VP should be.  Yes, don’t take anything for granted.  We still have to win the election in such an epic landslide that the political left will be knocked off the face of the planet in the aftermath.  Don’t take your eye off the ball.  But as things stand, after the Iowa Caucuses and the blowout Trump won there, it’s evident that people want Trump back in the White House to finish what was started, then robbed from us.  Even China realizes what’s happening, and they won’t be able to cheat so easily this time.  They will try, but it won’t be as easy as it was in 2020, that is for sure.  Remember, Trump, did not lose that election in 2020, in which polling in Iowa asked voters what they thought about Biden and 2/3 of them believed that Biden was put in the White House for election fraud.  He was inserted as president, not elected.  I have verified this political sentiment over these last three years, and it’s true.  There was no mathematical way that Joe Biden could have had 81 million votes.  Even Fox News, reluctantly, now that they know there is no Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis in 2024, is jumping on the Trump Train for their own relevancy, even though they now have to discuss all the forms of election fraud that did take place, particularly with the ballot stuffers directly connected to the loose Covid rules.  So without that same kind of chaotic mess as we saw in 2020 and a push for as little voter fraud as possible, there simply is no way Biden can generate enough votes to beat Trump.  To answer Kamala Harris when asked about Trump’s Iowa results, “no dummy, you did not beat President Trump the first time; you cheated.”  And 2024 is going to expose that racket, especially.

So, of course, the next logical question is who the VP will be. And instantly, Kari Lake’s name comes up because she is like Trump in many ways. It would be my advice, and yes, quite a few people who read from me carefully and do care about and influence these kinds of things, that we keep Kari Lake as the hot hand in the Senate. Once Trump is in the White House, he needs a counter punch in the Senate to Mitch McConnell, someone who will give that old establishment a Trump-type person in those hallowed halls. Bernie Moreno is one of those future Senators who will dramatically improve the landscape. But Kari Lake needs to win the Arizona seat and use it to change how the Senate works. She would be best used not to play a second fiddle to Trump, who will soak up all the attention. With Trump, we only get to have him for four years, so we also need to set the stage for the next few decades. That means whoever is positioned for VP this time is simply placing the stage for a presidential run in 2028. Which at this point is not very far away. That VP pick will carry the Trump MAGA platform to the next level. Trump will retire, but the political movement must continue, and that is where things can get tricky. I think Kari Lake is there for the fight, but for how long? How long does she want to do this kind of thing? It’s one thing to fight for the injustice done to Trump. But we’re talking about the rigors of day-to-day management here, so whoever the VP is needs to be ready for at least eight years in office and to normalize the Trump agenda into a change state United States policy.

My first pick would be Kristi Noem for a lot of reasons. She has run a good state in South Dakota and is loyal, but she also knows how to take the lead. She has been very helpful to Trump and could certainly run for president on her own as a continuation of the MAGA movement. She is the kind of person who could keep the machine running once started with the second Trump term. Not that it matters so much, but it would be great for the Republicans to be the party that put a woman first in the White House and to take that away from the Democrats for history to remember. Just as it was Republicans who freed the enslaved people during the Civil War, I don’t care about identity politics in the least. But I always did think that Elizabeth Dole should have run for president in the past, along with a few others who were great in public and could give Republicans a woman in the White House. Kristi Noem would be excellent as she represents the rough-and-tumble cowboy image that America currently needs. After what she did a few years ago when riding that horse through Deadwood and onto the stage holding an American flag, Kristi Noem would be an excellent support to the Big City Trump and make a fantastic VP. A perfect “one-two punch.” And something that wouldn’t end after Trump’s second term.

The other pick and I think that Trump is already leaning in that direction, is Vivek Ramaswamy. I happen to know Vivek a bit. I’ve met him several times, and we know many of the same people, so I was not concerned about the “anti-Vivek” talk before the Iowa Caucuses. I had a pretty good idea about Vivek and what he was trying to do before he finally dropped out of the race after the election results from Iowa came in. Vivek wants to do good things, and he’s young and can speak very well. During this campaign, he would be a perfect VP attack dog, setting him up nicely for 2028. A guy his age who is, like Trump, independently wealthy is how you lay the foundations for a continuation of the MAGA political platform. I know how Vivek became wealthy; he had learned a lot in his young life, and I was present with him when he made a political transition. So, I can say that I trust Vivek in ways other people might not understand yet. You know, you get into some of these situations as Vivek did when he was a biotech firm CEO and worked closely with Wall Street and your perspective changes as you win the game and see what’s really going on. Elon Musk is going through a similar process right now, where you gain the kind of money that gives you freedom enough to see things clearly, and Vivek is one of those guys. I’ve personally talked to him about it, so I know where he’s at. And he would be a fantastic VP. And a great president, another person who could take from Trump what was created and carry it far into the future to not only Make America Great Again but to keep it that way, even grow it over the coming decades. But to do that, we have to have the right person, and if I had to pick, it would be one of these two people, Kristi Noem or Vivek Ramaswamy. But no matter what happens, Vivek has to be part of the economic recovery. He has some of the best ideas regarding that vital category of anyone on earth. And the real fight we are facing, which is the needed destruction of BlackRock and its grotesque global influence, Vivek is the guy who must be part of the oncoming Trump White House.

Rich Hoffman

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