The Spoiled Brat Government Gangsters: RINOs and Democrats love corruption and are fighting to keep it

I don’t have a problem with the Speaker drama in Congress.  I could care less about the structured order of things because whenever the game is known and predictable, there will always be scandalous characters willing to exploit it for their personal gain.  And that is certainly the case when it comes to Washington D.C. politics.  With all the attempts to get Jim Jordan over the finish line to be the new Speaker of the House, the truth is that the process has exposed the real problems we have in government, that there are more than 20 Republicans in Congress who are not what people voted for.  They are Democrats more than they are Republicans, and rather than give up the excellent gig they have, where money is attached to the power they have acquired, they are perfectly willing to side with the Democrats to preserve a system many of us want to destroy.  If the government isn’t representing the people who vote but is instead representing lobbyists and other special interests, then who cares if we have a Speaker of the House?  Everything they do is simply ceremonial and worthless anyway.  So, I see a great benefit in a locked-up government that isn’t doing anything.  I’m certainly not in a rush to have Congress get together to show unity for Israel.  I can get a dog to do something like that.  The only good Congress can do is make sure that the fiscal strings of the nation are healthy and they haven’t been doing that for a long time, so to me, they are next to worthless, with worthless being an actual positive value relative to their true condition.  The panic from the media and others to get back to the established optics of the government scam is to get the machine going for all those who are sucking off the system to enrich themselves with worthless antics and the real value is watching them squirm.

I’ll review Kash Patel’s new book Government Gangsters soon, which is quite good.  But that title is the key to understanding what has been going on with our government, which we are working out now.  When the election was stolen in 2020, I started explaining to people the truth of the matter, because people were scared and unsure that what they saw was real.  I explained that one of the reasons you don’t hear much about the mob anymore is that the mob moved into government jobs and away from the private sector.  The kind of people who were in the mob found it much better to be in charge of the law instead of running from it, so yes, the government is filled with a gangster mentality, and they dare anybody to come after them.  Because these days, they are the law.  It’s not like the FBI and other law enforcement officials work for the people, as they used to.  And would crack down on illegal mob mentality.  Now, they are the Government Gangsters.  And the Kash Patel book lays it all out in ways that most readers don’t even come close to touching.  Of course, I would know because I’ve done work for mobster personalities in my youth and I see them for what they are.  They aren’t typically the scary Al Capone types who beat in the head of someone who betrayed them with a baseball bat at a dinner table as they show in mob movies like The Untouchables.  Rather, they are much more passive-aggressive than that.  They are every bit as brutal, but when they want to bash in someone’s head, they hide behind lawyers and process controls rather than actually doing the work of swinging a bat themselves and getting all dirty.  In many ways, these Government Gangsters are like spoiled brat teenage kids protecting their right to be douchebags, and they feel they are entitled to lash out when things don’t go their way.

You can tell kids growing up in a single-parent home where a mom is trying to appease their teenage sons and no stable man is around.  The same loser government gangsters who have been telling us for years that women can get divorced and that they could turn their kids over to the government to raise have been suckered.  And the product that has come out of those arrangements is a lot of loser kids who grow up to be loser adults.  Most of the fools you meet on K-Street who work for some money padding operation could be said to come from such family environments where they have mothers who overly cuddled them, and they are simply unable to deal with the reality of adult life.  So they seek government jobs to hide in the role of a Government Gangster, who essentially becomes a grown-up spoiled brat teenager who is untested in life and needs a good ass kicking.  It’s bad enough when you get one or two of these types of people involved in anything.  But when you build your entire government off those types of personalities, there is no hope of anything good happening.  And that’s what has become obvious in the post-Trump years.  Before Trump was president, we suspected these things about our government.  But in the wake of it, we have had everything confirmed. 

And that’s what we are getting from the news culture, the Beltway thieves, and the established Republican and Democrat circles.  They are government gangsters of essentially spoiled brat teenage kids raised by weak mothers void of fatherly power and wisdom, and it has left them vacant of morality and ethics.  And to cover up their flawed personalities, they have thrown money at the problem which is represented in our national debt.  And all of Washington D.C. has been built around this government gangster mentality.  So it doesn’t matter who the Speaker of the House is.  It’s a collection of thieving losers intent to rob and steal from the American people, and they want their scam back.  This journey to find a Speaker of the House has simply revealed the true nature of who these government gangsters are and what they have been doing all along.  I see the same struggles in local politics as well.  Actual voters expect a government that represents them when it has been formed to enrich with easy money spoiled brat adults lacking a moral compass for many immature reasons.  And they don’t want anybody to disrupt their easy money gig of acquiring office and then selling it to those willing to pay the most.  Then, if anybody challenges them, they destroy them in court with laws they control to preserve their scam.  This mess wasn’t created overnight and won’t be fixed quickly.  But at least we are discussing it in ways we haven’t before.  And the illusion of a Speaker of the House hasn’t been able to hide all this detrimental behavior behind a veil of polite society.  These were always losers, spoiled brat grown-ups using the government to conceal their worthless natures.  But now people see the truth, which is why a paralyzed government is the best.  America will function just fine without many spoiled teenage kids running the show for their self-enrichment, which is true of most world governments in general, which is now becoming more evident to people who previously thought otherwise.

Rich Hoffman