We Can’t Trust the CIA About Anything: Of course, they were involved in paying off informants of the lab leak in Wuhun

Sure, we believe the CIA was not paying off informants who wanted to leak that the Wuhan Lab in China unleashed COVID-19.  Why wouldn’t we believe them?  They lie about everything.  We know they have lied about tampering with the 2020 election; they get themselves in trouble with governments worldwide and get wrapped up in instigating conflicts.  We know they have been lying about their goals with the drug trade.  And due to recent actions on classified information on the Kennedy Assassination, they have their fingerprints all over it.  So now that we have info saying that Covid was a lab leak and the CIA knew about it all along, we are supposed to believe their denial.  I don’t trust the CIA; I have been saying for a long time that they were a form of government we shouldn’t be involved in, they aren’t worth the tax money given to them, primarily since they work against the country, not for it.  The CIA is not a Constitutional-based organization; they are a terrorist group of domestic enemies who have so little regard for the people of America that future funding them is ridiculously stupid.  They have been caught many times trying to overthrow America in the same way they have foreign dictatorships, and this latest COVID news is just adding to the pile of evidence showing how worthless and anti-American they are.  Funding them is essentially funding our destruction, which makes no sense.  No evidence indicates that the CIA, (Central Intelligence Agency) has the best intentions of America at the heart of its mission.  Only lazy, stupid people would think otherwise.  The CIA is an example of what’s wrong with the government when it grows too big and loses accountability to the public. 

I’ve always said that the COVID-19 virus was a created enterprise intended to facilitate the Great Reset’s grand plans through the World Economic Forum intent on infusing communism into global commerce.  Of course, the CIA would be interested in helping those anti-America factions; they have been caught so many times in similar conditions, and nothing says that it’s just an accusation this time.  Based on what they do as an organization, they would be involved in unleashing COVID-19 to the public to inspire that long-planned Great Reset, and whistleblowers who wanted to come forth about that information would be managed by the CIA.  That is precisely their relationship to the drug trade, which is purposeful poison intent on the destruction of American sovereignty.  We have learned that we can’t trust the CIA about anything or the FBI.  They are just a few examples of government that has spun out of control and has to be eliminated to inspire reform.  They believe they are a fourth branch of government accountable to the Deep State only.  And they forget that Americans don’t want to be managed by them like cattle led to the slaughterhouse.  But since its inception, the CIA has been a lousy organization, creating trouble wherever they involved themselves.  The only saving grace is that people believed that they were well-intended and meant to keep Americans safe.  That illusion is no longer practical because the evidence shows that there is no foundation in assuming they mean safety for Americans as a sovereign nation.  Instead, their behavior has been hostile to the people who pay for them, and the intentions of a country with borders.  They have lost their way, and have too much power, and too much money.

This is important in that the CIA not only worked with government forces to overthrow a sitting president, Trump, who had been voted popularly by the people of the country, but they openly participated in the killing of innocent people with the COVID-19 so that election fraud had an open door to success.  They were aligned with hostile forces in the process of voter participation, and they were caught in the act.  Their denial means nothing in this case because their behavior is consistent with guilty behavior.  Entire economies were ruined, and many lives were lost by their direct involvement.  And once their objectives blew up in their face, they are only trying to erase what they did to help make Covid happen.  Because of these impediments, we must defund all these intelligence agencies.  We would find that our world would be much safer without them not in it.  Even about the 9/11 attacks, which the CIA got caught allowing to happen through stupidity, as they claimed if only they had more power, which they were given after the Patriot Act.  But all they have done is slow down society needlessly for trouble that they are the ones perpetuating.  When you study all these stories of terrorism, very few work things out independently.  There is always some intelligence agency blowing on the fires to spread terrorism strategically for the goals of globalism.  Knowing that, why should we continue funding such a hostile force?  The CIA is filled with losers who couldn’t get a job in any other field, and they tend to be seduced to abuse their power, which was always a concern with a country having standing armies.  Safety in this case is that the CIA acts as their firefighters, as they are the ones often starting the fires. 

I’d love to cheer on the CIA and other intelligence agencies as patriot organizations.  But they aren’t.  They have proven themselves to be hostile to American sovereignty and seek to change the American way of life, a strategy that globalism wants to implement.  Not real Americans.  They should be eradicated as an organization for what they knew and when they knew it regarding COVID.  They are liars, and they lie about lying.  Nothing they say can be held to represent the truth. And everyone involved in knowing terrorism regarding COVID needs to be punished.  When they say they did not act to pay off informants, the same statement would apply to drug dealers and enforcement officers, and we know that is not the case.  The CIA is directly connected to the drug trade.  They are actively involved in assassinations—election tampering.  And now the release of artificial viruses made in a Wuhan Lab is part of their multitude of domestic actions intent on destroying all Americans.  They are not our friends, they are not protectors of the Constitution, and they certainly have made it so they aren’t accountable to voters.  As a fourth branch of government, they believe themselves to be committed to a Deep State of unelected bureaucrats, and their intent was well revealed through election fraud in 2020 carried on the back of the COVID-19 virus.  So that’s where we are with the CIA; they are not trusted, made that reputation on their own, and should be defunded completely.  They are a globalist terrorist organization of domestic enemies, and until we face the truth, we will continue to be disillusioned with their results.  We may want to trust them.  But we would be fools, based on the vast amount of evidence, to continue.

Rich Hoffman