Public Schools are Dens of Evil: They are anti-Family, and anti-American

It has been nice not to talk about Lakota schools much over the last several years. As a public school in my community, I think it would be fair to say that I hate them. I see them as a massive waste of time. Their employees are detriments to our community, and the institution itself is an infusion of liberalism into an otherwise very conservative community. I tend not to pay much attention to them so long as they don’t ask for money by way of increased taxes. But, over this past year, I have had my fill of their bad management, wasted money, and perverse lifestyles, and it has reminded me of why I have hated the concept of public schools for much of my life. Lakota had been experiencing declining enrollment in a community that has been aging. But the property values have been going up, so the revenue at Lakota was good and kept them from asking for more money for many years now. But they recklessly spent their surplus and have been behaving like drunken sailors and living the lifestyle of it as well. Now, much of that bad behavior has come to the surface and been a grim reminder of precisely what is bad about public education. And for me, it’s that public schools, all public schools, are anti-family. 

No matter how much history you study, how much sociology is explored, and what the contents of philosophy are, there is nothing more important to a good society than the quality of individual families. Without the concept of a good family, people are doomed, and countries are sure to fall. Speaking with the benefit of hindsight, which I have been saying for more than four decades, those who have advocated easy divorce, free babysitting in public schools for parents too busy for their children, and reckless sexual lifestyles, a culture of intoxication, and gay relationships as marriage alternatives have had the malicious intent to destroy our country, by destroying our families. It’s obvious now to most people. It wasn’t always so straightforward because it used to be that families were so strong that people took good ones for granted. And these progressive lifestyles have been slowly introduced to us over a long time through our governments, our legal system, and specifically through public education to erode the concept of the American family. For me, family has always been the most important thing in life, and I have made great sacrifices to have a good one. My wife and I homeschooled our kids when they were little in spurts. We had no family support, and socially it was very difficult. By the time my kids were seniors in high school, they were finishing off their time with computer classes and spent their senior years living in Europe to complete their educations. I always gave them the kind of education I knew they were not getting from public education or society. They are in their 30s now, and they are great kids. They are so much better because they didn’t get destroyed in public education. Looking back on it, I wish I could have kept them entirely out of public education because all it did was harm them; it certainly didn’t help.

The public education concept of letting very liberal strangers babysit and raise a family’s children has been horrible for our country. At the same time, the parents live messed up lives putting their careers, and their sexual desires ahead of raising their children in a healthy lifestyle were bad from the beginning. A marriage is a man and a woman who get together and have children. Then they fight it out for many decades together no matter what happens to provide for their children a good and stable life. Being married isn’t about your feelings or your sexual desires. It’s not about getting attention from someone outside the marriage. You get married, stay true to your spouse, and work together to raise good children in a healthy and intellectual environment. You talk as a family. You make decisions as a family. And you stick together and make a great country by being a good family.

Public education seeks to make a menace out of that concept and is a vehicle for local distribution of liberal values that are anti-family in nature. When we hear transgender discussions or sexual alternatives being introduced to kids, we see the arrogance of a public school embedded in our communities, living off taxpayers’ property values and seeking to undo the community from within with anti-family values. And they have smiles on their faces while they do their deeds. And the proof of that arrogance comes out in the lifestyle of the progressive employees. We have certainly seen the evidence at Lakota schools more than we ever wanted to know. But worse, they are intent on justifying their bad behavior with the overall mission of public schools in general, an attack on the American family and the desecration of all that stands behind the value of a mom and a dad working hard to raise good kids to make a good world and a good country. We often find with public schools that the employees themselves openly seek to destroy this concept in everything they do. Over the years, their behavior has led to the destruction of our society in all the ways we can see today. 

The idea that children belong to the state is the central premise. Of course, they never come out and say what they are thinking because if they did, the public school ruse would fall apart, as it has in Lakota. Their assurance to the busy parents is that their children are cared for by the public school and that the shared partnership of the children is something the parents can rely on. From there, over the years, the parents feel that they can do what they want and live out whatever they desire without consequences to their family because the good public school has the raising of children taken care of. But often, all too late, they realize that the public school is the cause of their problems and without the leadership of a good mom and dad and the protection of decades of long-lasting love and affection, the children end up destroyed in the process. They grow up and vote for big government to replace the parents they never had. This poor education took advantage of them like some pervert dressed in a Santa suit. They ended up empty in a wasteland of possibilities that never came to them, making them ill-prepared to have their own families. And this mess all starts with the garbage we teach our kids in public education and the losers who teach them in those horrible places. I would call them the dens of evil because their purpose is the undoing of the American family, which is the key to any great society. And their purposeful destruction of the family concept is all the evidence anybody needs of their actual intentions. Their lifestyles are only the evidence of such a dark and maniacal device, intent on the complete destruction of our way of life and putting in place a mother government that seeks to rule us all with a jealous zeal to satisfy an insatiable and corrupt heart. 

Rich Hoffman

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