Rich Hoffman Supported Herman Cain: So why did ‘Yahoo News’ call him a racist?

I enjoyed greatly the accusations from The Atlantic Wire featured on Yahoo News recently that declared I, along with Rush Limbaugh, Charles Krauthammer and writers at The Free Republic were racists because we did not support the President of the United States due to the color of his skin, and that our dislike over federal welfare programs were racially motivated instead of performance oriented. Read the article for yourself at the following link:

(Check out this wonderful video on racism by Bill Whittle)

It is always interesting when the other side, particularly progressive oriented people, use name calling when they can’t debate an idea. In this case President Obama has been an absolute embarrassment in his role as President, and I am personally ashamed of the guy. For many years in the future there will always be a footnote over The Obama Presidency where America tried the closest member of Communist Party U.S.A to ever get into The White House—we had to try—the hippies needed to have a chance to show how terribly they could screw up the world, and Obama is the candidate of the messed up, drug induced flower children of the 1960’s. But my dislike of Obama has nothing to do with the color of his skin, as Yahoo News led thousands of readers to believe. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that out of all the Republican candidates running for President in 2012, it was Herman Cain that I most supported, and still adore.

Contrary to what progressive Democrats who eat out of the hand of Emperor Obama think, Herman Cain is a black man—and he’s a rich black man. If Herman Cain were running for president right now, I’d vote for him in much the same way that I would have voted for Alan Keys in the 90’s against Bill Clinton. Proof of my admiration for Herman Cain goes all the way back to over a year ago when the presidential race for the Republicans was just beginning to heat up. CLICK HERE TO REVIEW, so sorry Yahoo News and The Atlantic Wire, my comments about Obama being a welfare panderer and behind the door communist have nothing to do with the color of his skin. It has everything to do with his world view, and political philosophy which I find reprehensible.

In fact when I said that Obama thought he was speaking to an audience of welfare recipients I never even thought of black citizens as there are over 110,000 million Americans on welfare. There are whites on welfare as well as blacks. If there is any racism going on it comes from people who only look at situations that involve blacks and single them out for exclusivity and political advantage. But the accusations from the political left in this case is to make any discussions of welfare reform or Barack Obama’s handling of the economy an issue of race because nobody can actually defend the terrible job performance of the mob elected president. Many in the democratic mob of America were seduced into supporting him because of his “hope and change” message. The truth behind “hope and change” as well as the current campaign of “Forward” is tag lines for subtle communism—and yes, that’s what it is.

When organized groups proclaim “workers of the world unite,” and the “rich need to pay their fair share” those terms come from Karl Marx—the inventor of communism. Marx is the treasured author in the Obama White House which is beyond refute. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MARX AND WHY THE PRESIDENT AND HIS WHITE HOUSE ARE PUSHING COMMUNISM. When advocates for the President suggest that people like me are racist because I don’t blindly support a seriously flawed President who happens to be black, they also ignore other presidential candidates who are black because they are not down and out poor. The progressive political machine desires very much to always keep the race card handy so they don’t have to answer any tough questions. They make sure the black voting demographic stays in a state of economic need so that progressives can always exploit them in a whim.

When Herman Cain was running for president it terrified progressives because if a “rich” black man were seen by the black population across America, it might break up the bloc voting demographic Obama has over the black population. So they found a way to get rid of Cain, using the press to exploit some of Cain’s loose relationships with women, which certainly isn’t new in The White House. Bill Clinton let a woman his daughter’s age give him a blow job in The Oval Office and nobody cared, because Clinton was a progressive and part of that whole Shadow Party progressive machine. Cain only had rumors of girl friends and he was embarrassed and lambasted daily until he left the presidential race to protect the continued harassment of his family. Wasn’t it racism to protect the white president in Clinton who groped and fondled many women while President, yet to attack a presidential candidate who was black because he was a Republican that was wealthy and didn’t fit the desired profile? Where was Yahoo News on that story?

No, it’s not people like me who are the racists, it’s the people who make race the issue because they have no answers for the behavior of their President—their leader. The people who do such things are despicable, because they are openly exploiting citizens of a particular race just to maintain a voting demographic stronghold. In their view when welfare is criticized it’s because of race, since they can offer no solutions as to why progressives started giving out other people’s money in the first place to redistribute wealth when in fact there are many whites who are just as addicted to free government money as blacks or any other voting group. Bringing up the name calling racial allegation is an old Saul Alinsky trick that reached its fever pitch in the 1990’s and directly led to electing Barack Obama in the first place–to prove that America was not a racist country. The race baiting is a one trick pony and we’ve already seen it. It doesn’t work anymore because people have been scammed badly by it.

But thanks Yahoo News for the national attention. A lot of people scanned over my articles and realized that The Atlantic Wire edited carefully my comments to appear as racially motivated as possible, but even then such a connection was not made by readers. Out of thousands of hits on that particular article, I received not a single derogatory comment once they read the article I actually wrote in the context for which I presented it. Further, all anyone has to do with me is compare how many times I openly supported Herman Cain to know that I could care less if the President of The United States is a black man, a white man, or a yellow man. I just want the President to be a smart man who is a free market guy. When I send my hard earned money to the federal government and see that they give it away like candy it makes me very angry. So I have a right to be angry at Obama for putting my nation 16 trillion dollars into debt on his reckless communist ideology. I’m not angry at Obama for being black. I’m angry at him for all the damage he’s done as president and the division he has exemplified in my country using trivial nonsense like “race” to hide the crimes of a fool.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

With Tale of the Dragon, Rich Hoffman combines NASCAR, Rebel Without a Cause, and Smokey and the Bandit. If you like fast cars, and hate speed traps, this is the book for you. And just every once in a while, any real American wishes he had a Firebird like the one in Tale of the Dragon.

Best Selling Co-author Larry Schweikart, A Patriot’s History of the United States  (CLICK ON THE LINK TO VISIT US ON FACEBOOK)

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3 thoughts on “Rich Hoffman Supported Herman Cain: So why did ‘Yahoo News’ call him a racist?

  1. I just read that yahoo link. Wow, just wow. Classic Psych 101 Projection with an added dose of Cognitive Dissonance.

    In our school district we have a lottery to get into the Magnet Schools which are the highest performing schools in the district. They are “reimagining” the Magnet Program to be more inclusive to our economically disadvantaged. The argument is that although we have a lottery system where they pull names out of a huge drum they say that the disadvantaged have too many life stressers to be expected to read announcements about the program and fill out the form. By breaking the Magnets up and spreading the high performing students around to the lower performing school it would raise the performance of the non-Magnet students. I was called a racist for pointing out their hubris. I never mentioned race ever. The Magnet program is successful because the parents are super involved and they are very small schools. Moving those kids will only bring their performance down.

    Congrats, Rich, for being listed with some very fine people like Krauthammer. Some old sayings come to mind. “Throw a rock at a pack of dogs and the one that yelps the loudest is the one that got hit” or “A guilty mind needs no accuser” or better yet “He who smelt it, dealt it.”


    1. That sounds like the exact same logic used by the proponents of spreading around Section 8 housing…”If you give homes to poor disadvataged people next to successful people in nice houses they’ll learn responsibility!”. We know how that works out.


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