This is a really fantastic piece of work. It is not mine, but read it and pass along to a friend.

Becoming American

As I dream I think of all the wonderful things I have experienced in my life, and imagine all the things I would like to do. In my dreams I live in a free world where I build my reality to suit my needs and desires. In my dreams, my wife is there, the sun is rising on the horizon, and my dog perks up his ears as I get out of bed and he rushes to my side for me to let him out.

When I wake up, I realize that I am living my dream. My wife is beside me, and my dog stretches out on the floor after a night’s sleep by or on our bed, and waits patiently for me to let him out. I open the door and he trots out into the morning dew over grass, and I look out to the east as the…

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A Criminal, a Liar, a Communist, and a Terrorist: Barack Obama Insults America

When President Obama stated on July 13th 2012 in his now infamous “you didn’t build that” speech, I was so infuriated that I couldn’t even write about it. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the audacity of his socialist utterances. Like many, I believe that Obama is an open communist behind closed doors, but the evidence was never so obvious as it was on that day. Obama declared to all of America that he was equal to the type of communism that America fought during the entire Cold War and was no less of a communist than Fidel Castro of the 1980s. I was so furious at the obviousness of Obama’s communism that I had to take a chill pill for a few weeks just to calm down. And I wasn’t the only one. Bill Whittle of PJ TV had similar thoughts as I did and as usual conveyed well his frustration and anger at this severally deranged American President in Barack Obama. Be sure to watch this video clip completely and pass it around.

As if the comments alone weren’t bad enough, Obama realizing that he wasn’t speaking to a crowd of welfare recipients, union workers, and general social miscreants, attempted to lie about what he was recorded saying to millions of people. It was obvious that Obama had gotten caught up in the moment when he was speaking to a crowd of blind supporters and didn’t think or care what the rest of America would think of his real, unfettered opinions. Being caught right out in the open, Obama attempted to do what he has done with virtually every issue in his 4 year presidency, he tried to blame someone else for twisting his words around on him which is really quite amazing.

Obama attempted to erase from the mind of America words that were openly broadcast to millions of people and replace them with a different idea. The audacity of his attempt says a lot about his level of integrity and definition of honesty. I can only imagine what Obama would attempt to twist out of the truth on issues that were well concealed from public view. Obama is clearly using the Saul Alinsky methods of manipulation to conceal his real intentions. These same methods are used by public education and other unionized organizations to manipulate the masses off the key topics of villainy which they openly commit.

In essence Obama and his attack dog Eric Holder of the DOJ have utilized the exact same methods of concealment to hide their involvement in ‘Fast and Furious’ which caused the murder of over 300 innocent human beings all in a quest to push more gun legislation. The timeline again is shown well by Bill Whittle at PJ TV and it cannot be ignored. These are criminals and they hide their crimes behind the polite benefit of doubt given by the American people.

The argument in the video is right. The crimes just over ‘Fast and Furious’ are every bit as dangerous and corrupt as Watergate, but they are concealed behind a veil of politeness, and orthodox politics created by extreme activists under the devious methods devised by Saul Alinsky. Obama is so certain of the effectiveness of his manipulation methods that he will lie about a situation even when millions of people heard exactly what he said and there is tape to review it again.

The followers of Saul Alinsky and all the other insurrection artists of the 20th century know that because of the expansion of government which umbrellas so many Americans, that they are conquering an already defeated people. When Obama stands in front of his fans who support him because they hope the president is going to give them some of his Obama money, he knows that the audience who was cheering him on did not have the wits about them to probe into the merit of his declarations, and he doesn’t care, because the goal of government expansion is to make the citizens fat, dumb, and happy. Obama and his gang of thugs that have come before him see the complacency that the population in general displays. It is not the more intelligent members of American society that is the lazy and politically uninterested. It’s the people who do not read the news but simply watch TV and play video games. It’s the type of people who do not read books, but will browse through a magazine to see what celebrities are sleeping with whom. In other words, they are not very sophisticated, and are therefore defenseless to see a lie when they hear it if the person presenting the information is smiling and wearing a suit representing authority. Their minds are simply too lazy to ask an inconvenient question, “is my president a criminal, a communist, or a domestic terrorist?” The answer might cause them to miss the next episode of “The X Factor.”

The audacity of Obama’s open lies displays that he expects there are more stupid people in America than intelligent ones because his programs and political philosophy have already implemented the destruction on more than 50% of the population of breeding stupidity. He knows the audience like the one he spoke to on July 13th did not have the capacity to think because not only did Obama and his politics rob the rich of their money to give to the masses of democracy in the form of mob rule, but he has robbed the poor of their very minds by making it so they don’t even have to think in order to get up in the morning. With such a complacent and lazy electorate, there are no minds to challenge a liar as he declares that socialism is the way of America and always has been.

The only success Obama has managed in his presidency of which the seeds were planted during the Clinton years was that extremism is now the law of the land, and people like me who expect truth, justice and the American way are considered the radicals. It is considered extreme to even question the criminality of a sitting president, which was the criminal intent of the progressive party all along. By putting Obama in office with his loose morality and welfare mentality he was led to the Oval Office by the very hand of evil involving crimes against mankind that were hidden in plain sight and beyond investigation. In this upside down world it is OK for Harry Reid to question the tax records of Mitt Romney but not OK to demand the birth certificate of Obama even though the one that The White House produced was a forgery. The latter are called “birthers” but when Reid does the same extremism against Romney, it is endorsed and accepted by all, because the minds of man are already defeated, and the criminals in government know it.

Obama does not care if there are people who see what he’s up to, because he knows through the power of democracy that if he can get the mob on his side, that there is no stopping him politically, because he has an army of dim-witted people who is growing with every new government program that will carry him like a pharaoh to the presidency. Never has such disrespect for the backbone of America ever been so evident than in the comments of July 13th 2012. Obama, the functioning communist, audaciously declared to the mob that he would steal on their behalf if all they did was vote in his favor. He pandered to them as if they were equals to the productive in society, but the real goal was to remove from them the guilt of their ineptness so that they would pass on those traits to a new generation of progressive youngsters who embrace open communism.

This situation is extremely serious, and if Obama does not pay for his crimes, our society will crumble. The mentality of his looting nature is dangerous, but even worse is his disregard for those who are truly intelligent. He knows the mob outnumbers the wise, and he is openly challenging his detractors. The intentions of those who put Obama in office are nearly complete. Their battle plan against America is obvious. But few have the courage or intelligence to challenge that plan. For myself, I do not acknowledge a criminal as my president, and if the law were allowed to work, I believe Obama would be convicted of many crimes. But we live in an age, and a land where more and more often President Obama leads a nation of the destitute to open looting of the rich for a cause of communism born in the mind of his childhood mentor——Frankie. And he and his fellow attackers no longer feel they need to hide it.

A terrorist is not just someone who straps bombs to themselves to blow people up.  A terrorist is anyone who uses fear to conceal the truth, and President Obama is certainly guilty of that.  Because the truth indicates that Obama is the worst president in the history of America and may very well be remembered among the emperors of Rome who were most tyrannical. 



This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

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