The New Mob is No Different than the Old Mob: The bigger the government, the more mobsters there are to exploit it

Organized crime never went away; it just moved into the globalist movement. The old mobsters like Moe Dalitz from Cleveland and Screw Andrews from Cincinnati are now Larry Fink, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerburg. When people get a lot of money and use it to buy our government, it’s all the same game of corruption.  What we have witnessed with the advent of technology is that the lazy, the corrupt, the malicious, and outright evil people of the world still rally together to use mass to exploit easy living for themselves through crime and jeopardy.  Just as during western expansion, Jesse James and the gang would gather with force to rob a bank or hold up a train and steal the wealth from the inhabitants.  Mobsters always sought ways to profit off sin to exploit an endeavor, and what we see happening now globally is no different.  Technology and travel allowed them to do so on larger scales, along with centralized banking.  In other words, the bigger the government and the more organized it is, the more tempting the target is to exploit to acquire wealth as quickly as possible.  So, of course, governments would be targets for mobster activities.  Why would you hold up victims on a train when you can use the power of the government to do it for you?  All you have to do is control the government, and that is the easy part because there are always whores of some kind looking for an easy buck.  Living in Cincinnati, I have had a front-row seat to some of this mobster behavior.  Some of the biggest mobsters of their time spent a lot of time in Cincinnati and Newport, Kentucky, because it was such a centralized hub within the country.  Like anywhere where there is a lot of money; of course, organized crime elements would grow to exploit it as much as possible, which they did. 

I think it was very fortunate that I grew up the way I did.  I have always had a bold personality, and there was never a part of my life where I faced some ramifications for having it.  Instead, I have lived a vibrant life full of massive experiences.  And when danger and dollars were put before me to see if I dared take them, I was always yearning for the opportunities that came with both.  Not so good for the crime, and of course, that caused rifts that led to violence.  Which I was always perfectly fine with.  I enjoyed it.  If I could be said to have an addiction of some kind, it would be danger and it took me many years to find good ways to satisfy that part of my nature.  It’s a topic that came up in a conversation I had where someone asked me how many times I have had a gun pulled on me because they expected the answer to be zero.  Instead, I had to think about it and realized I couldn’t count them all.  It’s not like it was every day, but it was so often that I couldn’t think of them all, even after several days.  Whenever I came up with a number over twenty, I thought of new times.  And for me, it was never a regrettable experience but an excellent opportunity that made my life better as a result.  So, I don’t look back on those experiences with apprehension, but conquerable moments that made me better.  I learned firsthand that mobsters were not as brutal or scary as portrayed in the movies. Instead, at their core, they relied on group affiliation to fill in insecurities in their public lives that led to easy money because they were essentially lazy.  Their only power was fear and the ability to manipulate other people with even less courage than they had.  People sell themselves to the “take” way too easily, and often.   

Naturally, as our world grew smaller with technology and transportation, those types of people sought to exploit more people easily with a centralized government.  The old mob guys, and I met several of them in Cincinnati, mainly when I worked as a busboy at the Mike Fink restaurant on the Ohio River, was no different from the billionaires and manipulators of the world today, such as Larry Fink, Bill Gates, and Klause Schwab.  People who met Moe Dalitz from the Cleveland Four would think of him as a very charitable person involved in many front groups that everyone would recognize.  He was a trendy guy who would essentially become Mr. Las Vegas.  But he was still a thug, just as Larry Fink of BlackRock is today.  They run front organizations that give them the appearance of legitimacy.  But they made their money off the crimes of their mobster behavior, organized crime.  The activity of washing money through Ukraine by starting wars and profiting off the misery would classify as a classic mobster endeavor.  The only reason they used to be regional is that the technology and transportation at the time kept them from getting too far from a central location.  Back in the period known as the golden age of mob behavior, from the 1920s through the 1960s, planes were more challenging to get around the earth as fast as they can today, and cars were big and slow.  There weren’t highways like we have these days where you can be in another state within five hours of traveling all day, seven days a week.  Now, mobster types can hide in the mountains of Davos with all the other international gangs, such as the Khazarian Mafia, the Knights of Malta, The Jesuits, and the World Economic Forum.  Because of technology, those people have found each other easier and aligned for their crimes against humanity, which is in their nature to do.  I only mentioned my experience because I know better and understand the thinking that attracts those people to do what they do.  And why they point guns at people, hoping to use force to gain compliance. 

I also learned that the only thing those people understand is force.  They don’t respect sympathy or pleading.  They only understand force.  I’m still around to tell some of these stories because of force.  The secret to understanding this realization is that they join mobs for the same reason people join labor unions: they hope to collectively bargain for an easier life that pays them the most.  They want as much money as possible by doing as little as they can get by earning it.  And joining a mob, whether the racket is hustling girls, gambling, or bootlegging, or whether it’s drug trafficking, stealing tax money through front group organizations that get sizable grants from the government, and the kickbacks flow into the pockets of those granting the money.  Wherever there is a lot of money and access, there will be some organized crime element to exploit it and the people in the way of getting it. And there is no appeal to their “better” natures.  They will do anything to acquire easy money.  And demonizing cash doesn’t stop the behavior.  Only force manages such thugs.  There is no way to use bigger government to protect yourself from their attempts at organized crime, which Big Pharma is only a modern version of the kind of businesses that Moe Dalitz used to run.  The bigger and more powerful government only makes it easier for more mob types to exploit innocent people for their desires to gain power and money as quickly as possible, which is at the core of everything BlackRock does in the world from a money management standpoint.  And they are no different than what the old mobsters of memory did every day.  The only difference is that technology allows them to do it on a bigger scale, and our understanding of those scales is just catching up to reality.   

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Remember, You Are Still in Control: The mobsters of globalism are falling apart

Things are becoming more apparent; the latest bit of election fraud in the world occurred in France when Macron was destroyed in a recent election where the right-winged Marine Le Pen provoked the French leader to dissolve the French parliament to call for snap elections.  Globalism does not work unless the parties who want power can commit election fraud, which is precisely what happened in 2020 in the United States.  There were similar elections with similar results in other countries, such as Germany and Belgium.  They call them right-wing political parties that support capitalism and traditional families.  But I would call them anti-Marxists.  When discussing the political left, we talk about socialism, communism, and, ultimately, Marxism.  So, being against those things naturally gets labeled right-winged.  But in the reality of most people, it’s just common sense.  But this movement against the political left isn’t just in America. It’s a globalist movement, and the only way that the villains have held power is through election fraud, which is so much harder now to do in a post-Covid world.  People were awakened to the threat and know what to look for now, so cheating is much more complicated than it has been in the past.  And now, voter representation is more reflected in elections than it once was.  Also, the merging of the lines between nationalism and globalism is more apparent.  And people don’t want what globalism has been selling, so the wheels are falling off quickly.  Even though we are in the middle of one of the most treacherous moments in history, we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The world is not going in the direction of the tyrants at the World Economic Forum.  A combination of decentralized media is a big part of it.  However, they also destroyed their brand with Covid and are now paying for it, which is good to see. 

But as desperate and dark as things have been in the United States, remember that you are still in control.  All this sneaking around and manipulating things behind our backs, which has been going on for decades, is because they have to trick you into thinking one thing when your best interests are otherwise.  They have to work hard to fool you into acting against yourself.  And they have done it so much that they can no longer hide it, even with the fanciest PR campaigns.  From recently declassified documents, and now that many of the original people involved are now dead, the Watergate controversy that pushed Nixon out of office was a CIA operation—an official coup to force him to be moved out of office after being very popularly elected previously.  I have said so much for years now that the CIA learned some hard lessons when they plotted to have President Kennedy killed, which is also now declassified.  It’s no longer a question.  The CIA has been tampering with elected presidents for years now and taking away the right of the people to have self-government.  They also include those friendly to globalism, like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden.  When we managed to beat the stats, just as happened in France, and we elected Trump, the wheels of manipulation and power went into full steam to remove Trump from office and destroy his administration in every way possible.  These are not the actions of people we can trust; we must all remember that local elections that are directly accountable to people are best.  The further away and bigger it gets, the more corrupt governments worldwide will tend to become. 

That is why I say it all the time and must remind everyone that the American Constitution is one of the best and most important documents in the history of the world, and what it does is give the consent of the governed power over those corrupt forces in the world that want to take power away from people and abuse it for as much as they can get away with.  And there is no government in the world, nor has there ever been, where everything just worked.  This idea of communism, connected directly to globalism’s efforts, is detrimental to private enterprise, which is why it is failing worldwide.  But in America and because of our Constitution, others follow our example and stand up to expect free elections and representation in their governments.  Which is presently happening all over the world.  But for all the things that were feared when our Constitution was written, we have seen it and more.  The government can’t be trusted on their own account.  We do need a government to run things, but on a good day, we must be very suspicious of their motivations and political beliefs.  If you follow the American Constitution, it will take away just enough power from the government to allow it to function somewhat correctly.  But we must always watch everything they do, especially when they start trying to coordinate with other countries toward some global union of Marxists and communists, which is what is now falling apart across the world.  They have been running out of control, without fear of prosecution, for a long time now, and we have seen them murder people to stay in power or destroy their lives ruthlessly, as they did with President Nixon. 

Remember, you are in charge, and they know it.  And the Bill of Rights is there to ensure that you never lose control.  When I talk about the Second Amendment, or anybody does, remember that it was not created for hunting.  It is there to keep the government from getting big ideas of door-to-door raids and seizures, such as they did with Trump.  By using lawfare to destroy a political rival.  Every country has a history of one political party trying to put their opponents in jail.  Why would we ever think that a government would resist that temptation?  That is why we have the Second Amendment and all the other amendments.  To take power away from the government before they fall to the temptation to abuse it, which, left to their own devices, they always do.  Globalism was always a con game, and to employ it, they needed to rid the world of personal ownership of firearms.  But they have been unable to do that, and now it’s too late.  The game of globalism has failed and is falling apart everywhere.  That doesn’t mean that we won just yet.  However, the trajectory of failure of globalism shows where things will end up, eventually.  If we don’t manage the problem, they will be tempted to kill most of the people on the planet before they surrender power and pay for their many crimes.  Don’t ever underestimate them.  But also, don’t think that they control you.  They don’t.  You are still in charge.  The Constitution in America gives you that power, which is needed for any government that wants to be successful.  Carrying guns and practicing free speech keeps the bad guys from getting too bad.  Their thoughts stay thoughts and don’t grow into actions as often.   And that is what they fear most.  So, use your power to keep them from getting too much of it.  And in the end, everyone will be a lot better off. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Global Government Mob: Of course, they want to get rid of Trump to show their power over people

It used to be more common to assume that organized crime ran specific sectors of our economy, and they stayed just a bit out of range to hide in the background. People knew they were out there, but so long as they could live their lives, they typically didn’t know much about them and their workings. But that hasn’t been the case for a few decades. I have a bit of experience in this kind of thing, I used to be personal friends with several hitmen who worked for various mobsters, both in Newport, Kentucky, who had their very aggressive fingers in the Chester Road enterprises in Sharonville in the 80s, and of course, all roads for the mob went to Chicago if you lived in the Midwest. I spent a few years in that kind of life driving them and their girlfriends around town because I was the one who was always straight, so I was able to see how this relationship between the underworld and the common world worked. And how people were killed or prosecuted to take out rivals and how all those relationships interacted with politics. Ironically, I was associating with these people while a slow transition occurred from private sector interactions to where the best way for the mob to operate was by moving into government. And why not? If you want to rob people, then why not get the power to do it legally? From their perspective, it made perfect sense. So I’m not being inflammatory when I say that most of the world’s governments, especially anything coming out of the World Economic Forum and its relationship with the United Nations, are simply a global form of the mob. Not so much run by regional families but an international cabal of conspirators who see themselves as a New Age aristocracy.

And that’s largely why we have the mess we have today; the government has become the new generation mob. Instead of trying to hide their activity from the cops, they simply gained control of the cops. Instead of killing people, dumping their bodies in a river, or cutting them up and sending all the body parts to a grieving mother, they became the prosecutors and even now control the White House. The Biden family is a crime family; that observation goes far beyond political sentiment. Facts support it, and when you can see how the law is protecting those crimes, it’s easy to understand why these types of people want power so much. Because they want to commit crimes and not represent people in a Republic, they are parasites, and this is now a global operation that uses the United Nations as a front group. Many people still have a hard time understanding what happened with Covid, but what must be realized is that the government aligned with big pharma to assist a change state attack by the World Economic Forum in implementing a strategy built by insanity. It’s an evil so vast that ordinary people can’t even get their minds around it, which I saw happen many times in my own personal experiences. People just minding their own business didn’t want to know that the person they were shopping next to in the grocery store just killed someone and put their eyeballs in a jar of olives just as a practical joke. People don’t want to know that people are that evil, which is partly how these international criminals hide themselves in plain sight. But that’s what we are dealing with; the type of people who used to get involved in organized crime now find that the power of government does the same thing for them. They gain infinite ability to commit crimes against innocent people to provide for themselves easy money for their lazy lives. That’s why they are attracted to power because they are too lazy to work for money. So they make a living stealing it, and with the government, they get the power to steal money without a mask but under the laws of the IRS. 

Examples of this were never more evident than in what the American government and its connection to the cabal of the World Economic Forum, the people I call the Desecrators of Davos, than what they are currently doing to President Trump, just for daring to run for president. The tentacles of this mobster monster of government are now easy for everyone to see. They run the media; they run most of politics. They usually run the political parties, not entirely, but by default. The people in these positions don’t see themselves as mobsters. They look in the mirror and see a saint confiscating wealth from people who have it and redistributing it to those who don’t. Jesse James thought of himself as just this sort of equalizer of justice. It should be remembered that he and his criminal brother were Democrats who fought for slavery. But their tendency for crime was masked by their belief that they were Robin Hood types of characters, stealing from the prosperous north and giving it to the disenfranchised poor. They really aren’t any different from John Kerry, who steals from everyone to satisfy his insanity on phony climate science. And now that they have control of this political machine, who thinks they will give all that power back without a fight? 

Trump represents the people’s pick for their government, but what was exposed in the last few elections is that elections aren’t honest. There is too much power at stake to let some busy soccer mom pick officeholders that won’t be friendly to this new mob of global commerce. Of course, they rig elections. Of course, they are going to use the power of government to send a message to the people that Trump can’t save them. They want to put Trump in jail to show their power over people. It’s similar to that scene from The Godfather where they cut off the horse’s head and put it in bed with the target of mob terrorism. They aren’t hiding who they are because they don’t think anybody will stand against them. They own the government and think they own all the resources to terrorize anybody they want; anytime they want to. We’ve seen isolated gangs of evil in the past, such as mentioned about Jesse James and other criminal outlaws. The difference now is that globalism is the new mob because of international finance created by the Federal Reserve, BlackRock, and other malcontents of activism. The internet gives them the ability to communicate and spy on their markets. The media gives them propaganda terrorism to keep everyone stirred up into compliance. And there isn’t anybody to look over their shoulder at anymore. They don’t worry about the cops getting them or the FBI knocking on their door because they now run those agencies. It’s a great gig for them. Left unchecked, the mobs of the world always rise up to take control, which is why they can’t be left unchecked. Now, they won’t be put back into their place without being punched in the mouth in a way that hurts. There is no peace in the world. There is no way to coexist with these people. But they aren’t invincible either. They are very vulnerable once you understand what we are all fighting.  But first people have to admit what they are.

Rich Hoffman

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