Remember, You Are Still in Control: The mobsters of globalism are falling apart

Things are becoming more apparent; the latest bit of election fraud in the world occurred in France when Macron was destroyed in a recent election where the right-winged Marine Le Pen provoked the French leader to dissolve the French parliament to call for snap elections.  Globalism does not work unless the parties who want power can commit election fraud, which is precisely what happened in 2020 in the United States.  There were similar elections with similar results in other countries, such as Germany and Belgium.  They call them right-wing political parties that support capitalism and traditional families.  But I would call them anti-Marxists.  When discussing the political left, we talk about socialism, communism, and, ultimately, Marxism.  So, being against those things naturally gets labeled right-winged.  But in the reality of most people, it’s just common sense.  But this movement against the political left isn’t just in America. It’s a globalist movement, and the only way that the villains have held power is through election fraud, which is so much harder now to do in a post-Covid world.  People were awakened to the threat and know what to look for now, so cheating is much more complicated than it has been in the past.  And now, voter representation is more reflected in elections than it once was.  Also, the merging of the lines between nationalism and globalism is more apparent.  And people don’t want what globalism has been selling, so the wheels are falling off quickly.  Even though we are in the middle of one of the most treacherous moments in history, we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The world is not going in the direction of the tyrants at the World Economic Forum.  A combination of decentralized media is a big part of it.  However, they also destroyed their brand with Covid and are now paying for it, which is good to see. 

But as desperate and dark as things have been in the United States, remember that you are still in control.  All this sneaking around and manipulating things behind our backs, which has been going on for decades, is because they have to trick you into thinking one thing when your best interests are otherwise.  They have to work hard to fool you into acting against yourself.  And they have done it so much that they can no longer hide it, even with the fanciest PR campaigns.  From recently declassified documents, and now that many of the original people involved are now dead, the Watergate controversy that pushed Nixon out of office was a CIA operation—an official coup to force him to be moved out of office after being very popularly elected previously.  I have said so much for years now that the CIA learned some hard lessons when they plotted to have President Kennedy killed, which is also now declassified.  It’s no longer a question.  The CIA has been tampering with elected presidents for years now and taking away the right of the people to have self-government.  They also include those friendly to globalism, like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden.  When we managed to beat the stats, just as happened in France, and we elected Trump, the wheels of manipulation and power went into full steam to remove Trump from office and destroy his administration in every way possible.  These are not the actions of people we can trust; we must all remember that local elections that are directly accountable to people are best.  The further away and bigger it gets, the more corrupt governments worldwide will tend to become. 

That is why I say it all the time and must remind everyone that the American Constitution is one of the best and most important documents in the history of the world, and what it does is give the consent of the governed power over those corrupt forces in the world that want to take power away from people and abuse it for as much as they can get away with.  And there is no government in the world, nor has there ever been, where everything just worked.  This idea of communism, connected directly to globalism’s efforts, is detrimental to private enterprise, which is why it is failing worldwide.  But in America and because of our Constitution, others follow our example and stand up to expect free elections and representation in their governments.  Which is presently happening all over the world.  But for all the things that were feared when our Constitution was written, we have seen it and more.  The government can’t be trusted on their own account.  We do need a government to run things, but on a good day, we must be very suspicious of their motivations and political beliefs.  If you follow the American Constitution, it will take away just enough power from the government to allow it to function somewhat correctly.  But we must always watch everything they do, especially when they start trying to coordinate with other countries toward some global union of Marxists and communists, which is what is now falling apart across the world.  They have been running out of control, without fear of prosecution, for a long time now, and we have seen them murder people to stay in power or destroy their lives ruthlessly, as they did with President Nixon. 

Remember, you are in charge, and they know it.  And the Bill of Rights is there to ensure that you never lose control.  When I talk about the Second Amendment, or anybody does, remember that it was not created for hunting.  It is there to keep the government from getting big ideas of door-to-door raids and seizures, such as they did with Trump.  By using lawfare to destroy a political rival.  Every country has a history of one political party trying to put their opponents in jail.  Why would we ever think that a government would resist that temptation?  That is why we have the Second Amendment and all the other amendments.  To take power away from the government before they fall to the temptation to abuse it, which, left to their own devices, they always do.  Globalism was always a con game, and to employ it, they needed to rid the world of personal ownership of firearms.  But they have been unable to do that, and now it’s too late.  The game of globalism has failed and is falling apart everywhere.  That doesn’t mean that we won just yet.  However, the trajectory of failure of globalism shows where things will end up, eventually.  If we don’t manage the problem, they will be tempted to kill most of the people on the planet before they surrender power and pay for their many crimes.  Don’t ever underestimate them.  But also, don’t think that they control you.  They don’t.  You are still in charge.  The Constitution in America gives you that power, which is needed for any government that wants to be successful.  Carrying guns and practicing free speech keeps the bad guys from getting too bad.  Their thoughts stay thoughts and don’t grow into actions as often.   And that is what they fear most.  So, use your power to keep them from getting too much of it.  And in the end, everyone will be a lot better off. 

Rich Hoffman

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France Will Fail Economically Within a Year: How to detect a socialist

Over the past weekend France had their elections and it was the Socialist Party behind President Francois Hollande who won the majority in the parliamentary elections. The first statements made from Hollande’s Socialist Party upon the news was that they plan immediately to raise taxes on big banks and oil companies, levy a 75-percent tax on incomes higher than $1 million Euro’s and hire 60,000 more teachers. Sound familiar?

Here in The United States, it is not a coincidence that Democrats specifically support almost identical measures. That is because raising taxes on the rich, and expanding the public sector with mindless contributions to the field of education are policies of socialists, so even though union leaders and politicians who call themselves progressives and Democrats laugh at the notion that they are socialists—their behavior identifies them as one. Their denial of their commitment to socialism is a conscious one. For many years they have attempted to sell communism to the American people by changing its name.

A similar comparison would be to declare that they are not football players because they actually play baseball. The commitment to a particular sport is the difference in the title. To those individual players the difference between the two is worlds apart. But to the spectators who attend football and baseball games we might consider all the players of both games under the designation of “athletes.”

In politics if a government believes that the playing field must be leveled so the creators serve the workers, we would call them socialists. Within socialist circles there are of course variations that have specific roles for specific games within politics, such as Democrats, progressives, Marxists, communists and so on. It is easy to become confused when left leaning politicians and political philosophers show different variations and differ from one another on the political left. Bertrand Russell for instance believed that all human beings should work a four-hour day and that managers of industry should not make more money than the workers who do the labor. He actually disagreed with Karl Marx on many points, almost as many points as he disagreed with capitalism. William Du Bois, the famous advocate of the civil rights movement was in many ways a rational pragmatist that I personally agree with on many issues, but then he would stick his foot in his mouth with tremendous praise for Soviet dictator Josef Stalin upon the death of that mass murderer. Noam Chomsky at times as a modern philosopher for the left advocates openly for complete anarchy and is the voice behind the current Occupy Movement. His comments easily betray the desires of presidents like Francois Hollande or Obama. Obama without question is a socialist. He may very well be a hard-core Marxist. He may be as extreme as an open communist. That is to say that if he were playing sports, he’d be a baseball player, a basketball player, and a football player. He’d be a jock in sports, an athlete of the highest order. In politics Obama plays all the sports, bits of Marxism, bits of socialism, bits of communism, all the while calling himself a Progressive Democrat.

What socialists always error in is their blanket assumption that a name plate position will execute the results of their desires. For instance, as in France, they intend to create 60,000 teachers. It is the belief of socialists that school teachers are important in expanding the desires of their philosophers such as Bertrand Russell who was born in Wales and taught at Cambridge University and influenced many of the current minds occupying the French Parliament as socialists. Russell was the big advocate that working less contributed to more human happiness, and used the Great Depression as a platform to attack capitalism and advance his cause. He had great influence on most of Europe at the time which migrated across the Atlantic to FDR’s ears. It is largely Russell’s ideas that shaped the modern European concept of such early retirement, which are bankrupting Greece, Italy and Spain with France soon to follow. Germany just rose their retirement age to 67 and they are currently the most stable of the countries in the European Union because of decisions like that. Yet all of Europe currently are looking at Germany to bail them out of their financial woes because somebody has to pay for all those benefits due to non productive citizens who are living till age 70 and 80 yet retiring at age 55 and 62. The math just doesn’t work out and rather than admit that their social engineering gods were wrong from the halls of the great Cambridge University, they would rather steal the money from their neighbors to balance their budget resulting from their failed philosophies.

In The United States Obama’s commitment to socialism has pushed the national debt to nearly $16 trillion dollars before the conclusion of his first term. He has blamed everyone but himself of course, because he is fundamentally flawed in his thinking. His Marxist teachers at the University of Chicago and at Harvard lied to him, and he can’t come to grips with it. Obama coming from a broken home looked to education as a stabilizing force in his wrecked life, and the tragedy for a person like him is the same as finding out that a dad is not superman, or a mom an angel. For too many evenings Barack Obama smoked dope with his Marxist college students and professors discussing the merit of philosophers like Marx, Russell, Du Bois, and Chomsky.

But the theories have fallen apart under practice, and a lack of emphasis on quality has destroyed even the basic premise of socialism. We have learned here in America that hiring 60,000 more teachers or spending $200 million more on education will not improve the intelligence of our youth. Because quality is not the emphasis, most of the teachers will be proven to be complete failures who shouldn’t teach a turtle to walk let alone help shape the fragile mind of a child. Yet politicians like Obama will say that his plan for saving the American economy is to “create” more government jobs and that will somehow fix everything.

Socialists forget that somebody has to create the things that they give away to the lazy, the stupid, and the diabolically lackluster. If all the money the rich make is stolen from them and given to a bunch of lazy loafers, then what incentive is there for a job creator to take a chance at creating something if they cannot reap the benefit of their labor? Socialist because of writers like Russell believe that the rich land owners and managers of enterprise are exploiting the workers unjustly by living lavish lifestyles off the backs of the oppressed while they live sumptuous lifestyles with beautiful women, fur coats and exotic cars. But the truth is, the rich person created something which gave a job to those who lacked that ability, and they deserve the benefits of ownership.

Socialists miss the entire concept of ownership, and without that ownership their utopian society fails 100% of the time. France will bankrupt themselves within the year and it won’t take long for them to be worse off than Greece, because the government philosophy they are functioning under is a failure. It’s a flash in the pan that was over before it ever got started. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that people will have a tendency to irresponsibly vote themselves gifts, and that is what happened in France. The French people want their guaranteed vacations, their early retirements at 62 years old, and their medical coverage. But they don’t care where the money comes from. They are counting on bailouts from Germany or even The United States if their country can’t balance their budget because now that all of Europe is in a union together nobody is incentivized to lead themselves. This is why socialism fails. Without personal incentive, countries, governments, and people will fail without exception, because their lives are built on the premise of looting from others who do the work, so that they can loaf in the comfort of collectivism.

A socialist can always been identified by their blind commitment to education, and a belief in shared sacrifice. Their mentality is a disease upon the face of the planet and there is no question that there are some in a neighborhood near you. Because socialism is the political philosophy of the weak, and timid pacifist, and those are not the type who create jobs—so their commitment to socialism costs them nothing. All they have to do is sit back, vote in favor of socialism and miraculously food falls into their mouths without their effort to obtain it. This is why any society that commits to such a preposterous concept will eliminate themselves from the economical game of life.


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