The Corporation of the United States against The United States of America: We are well into this new Civil War, which is behind the actions of Letitia James

I hate to say it, but there is a reason a lot of this diabolical behavior has been allowed to gestate in our American culture, where radical Marxists like Fani Willis and that goofball loser from New York, Letitia James, are permitted to cover for a maniacal menace to our Constitutional Republic.  We don’t discuss it much, but it’s a genuine problem.  I of course have talked about it for years, but to this detail we haven’t spent much time, because it’s a depressing concept.  And that is the idea that the truth of our nation and the nature of globalism is that corporations run it rather than the people.  And that our governments are set up to give the illusion that people are in charge, just like in the marketplace, but that behind-the-scenes decisions are made for the preservation of the corporation at the expense of everything else.  Of course, there are all kinds of things wrong with this idea, and I refuse the premise.  Not that it exists, but that it is the foundation for our rule of law.  Yet, when it is analyzed why so many people in government hate the idea of President Trump, and that they will do anything to stop him from even running for office, let alone being in charge of the Executive Branch, then we have to talk about this essential problem that we do not have a United States of America ran as republic, but a Corporation of the United States ran by corporate communists.  This traces back to the battlelines that the World Economic Forum has established, and we saw their footprints all over COVID-19 and the Great Reset economy they attempted.  However, the roots of this corporation idea started a long time ago, most notably in the 1950s during Eisenhower’s term in office.  He didn’t want to sell us out to the global corporations, but they pinned him down which led to his famous speech upon exiting office, warning us of this menace.

Not only do I know a lot of lawyers, but I also know many people with very high IQs.  And I know and have known quite a few people with IQs in the 200 range, which is supposed to be impossible.  I can say that I have known more than one to keep some form of anonymity for their own good.  Because they are not necessarily flag-waving patriots the way I am, or you might be, dear reader.  These are people who have been trying to recruit me for the last thirty years into the Sovereign Citizens Movement, and they have been in and out of jail and have all kinds of problems.  Not because they are dumb, of course, but they are too smart to play the game, which the rest of us do.  And that game is that America is a free nation run by free people.  They would argue that it’s a corporation, that our Social Security numbers are our only real names, and that we are all products of the state as the state decides.  And that government is run by corporations, which I think is beyond a doubt.  What we’ve seen over these last few years when we talk about the Deep State is these kinds of characters scrambling around in a panic.  Like the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz, Toto pulled back the curtain to the Wizard’s little booth, where he made all the illusions the world saw.  Trump’s was in that effect, Toto pulling back the curtain to the Deep State, and suddenly everything real started to emerge, shattering the illusion of a free republic.

I have told these people over the years that I do not acknowledge a Corporation of America.  I only recognize the American Constitution, and anybody who does not adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America will have a lot of trouble with me.  And that has certainly been the case over a long period, and there’s not much anybody can do about it in protest.  The courts must support an assumption that they follow the Constitution to maintain the illusion of a republic.  But due to their impatience, they have been pushing to subvert the Constitution for years and replace it with a kind of corporation human resource handbook intending to enable outright communism, which most corporations are attracted to for obvious reasons of centralized planning.  But strategically, I have expressed to all these citizen protestors, again, not stupid people, that I would always stand with the Constitution, and anybody who wanted to fight about it would have to deal with it.  Because I wasn’t giving up on it, and I certainly had no plans to be a fugitive rebel living in the mountains, hoping the FBI, CIA, and IRS never find me.  I’m a kick-the-front-door kind of guy, not a sneak-around subversive type.  So, that has been an impasse I have lived with for a long time, and my position on it is essential because of what we are witnessing now.  There are no longer a few random people talking about these things, but essentially everyone.

The reason of importance now to discuss it, in the wake of all that’s happened to President Trump, and the more success he has, the more panic that there is from these Corporation of America types, which we loosely call RINOs, Deep Staters, Administrators of the Administrative State, people like Mitch McConnell and other members of the House and Senate who have become very rich off politics.  People like Biden and his puppet master Barack Obama.  Who do you think put the terrorists from the Weather Underground in power who then put Obama in the White House?  It was not a random act, and it turned out to be the same people who used the power of government to steal the 2020 election.  It’s the members of the hostile Corporation of America, and they wish to keep their gig going without revolution.  But we are in another Civil War as we speak, and yes, people are being killed.  The battlefield is in our living rooms, school boards, and Chambers of Commerce.  And it’s not so easy to see who the good guys are.  But for me, the good guys stand for the Constitution.  Those against it are the enemy.  We are fighting for a free United States of America from the forces of the Corporation of the United States, which is just one door in the centralized planning scheme of the World Economic Forum.  Unfortunately, these guys have been in power operating outside Constitutional law for a long time.  And now we are ripping away their assumptions about existence, and it will be messy.  And the days of battle that I have told my friends over the years that I would stand on are here.  I stand for the Constitution, and anybody who says otherwise is an enemy of the United States, and that’s how it will be.  And they will suffer accordingly.  This isn’t a new problem.  For most of us, it has been in the background our entire lives.  But it’s not how it’s supposed to be, and they won’t give up their scam easily.  Which ultimately, is on them when they suffer for it.

Rich Hoffman

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