The Ten Commandments in Every Louisiana Public School is a Great Idea: I would say they should be in every government building

I would say almost everyone gets the Bible wrong.  Religion is often a weapon of the controller over the controlled, no matter where it has been contemplated.  To wash away the positive effects of the Bible but to keep the controlling aspects brought to us by the Roman Empire, the Bible spawned two of the world’s largest religions, Judaism and Christianity, and caused a response with Islam, another religion created to unify vast amounts of people toward a set of ideas that outside forces could easily control.  But the Bible by itself is much more than that, and I have always thought that removing the Ten Commandments from any government building, or society in general, was a terrible, progressive idea.  And all advocates for doing so should be punished for their intentional destruction of society.  The Bible is a fantastic book, and it is scary to think that if not for the Greeks, a very organized society that advanced itself with an empire of its own, without their power and purpose of civilization, the Bible under the Septuagint would have never survived the centuries.  The Bible is one of the rare, lost books to have survived that period, before the burning of the Library at Alexandria, and, astonishingly, we have access to it.  Wherever the values of the Bible have been followed, society has thrived in ways that good thinking tends to produce.  And at the core of that thinking is the Ten Commandments, or what I would call the keys to all foundation laws that can build a prosperous society.  What the Jews started with Moses was the essential ingredient to a positive, self-governed society, which is the root of all the success of America.  And that the enemies of America understand this, which is why they want to destroy the Bible and promote a society of godless heathens who worship at the feet of aristocrats and kings power hungry and corrupt beyond reason, and incredibly short-sighted on global affairs. 

This sets the stage for what we are seeing coming out of Louisiana by Governor Jeff Landry, who has signed a law requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in all classrooms in public schools.  I think that’s a fantastic idea, and I would go much further by requiring the Ten Commandments in every government building.  The Ten Commandments, as passed down to us through the Bible, have proven to give rise to a society that can build on itself and survive from one generation to another.  Before the Bible was widely printed and understood by individuals, society could not have shared values that did not come from a regional king or overlord.  So, the publication and dispersal of the Ten Commandments to mass audiences have been some of the most incredible things ever to happen to the human race, as far as individual empowered common cause is concerned.  It makes sense not to kill people.  It makes sense not to sleep with your neighbor’s wife or any wife but your own.  (and yes, you should have a wife or husband and build families as a personal possession)  You shouldn’t steal.  It would be best if you weren’t jealous of what other people have.  Even though common sense should guide your thoughts away from destructive behavior, the Ten Commandments were written down to share with a mass audience who have taken that common thinking and built several successful societies that last to this day.  And those who want to destroy those societies want to take away their strength, so they work against the Bible in any way they can.  That’s why any culture that works against the Bible and the values in it should be considered terrorist in their intentions and subversive and prosecutable.  This isn’t a debate.  History flushes out the correct thoughts quite righteously. 

I will never forget the reverence for Biblical value when I visited the Westgate Tower in Canterbury, England, and saw the jail cell where Robert Cushman, one of the first investors in the Mayflower voyage, was kept.  The Church of England was an oppressive group, and they were constantly at war with the Pope as Catholicism interpreted religious merit.  Cushman was a Puritan from the new Protestant movement, which the king of England was struggling with to maintain control, so as a street vendor and grocer, Cushman was thrown into the Westgate Tower to punish him for his religious beliefs.  The same kind of persecution we see today for the same reasons, such as Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and President Trump.  So, the Pilgrims fled England and Europe to pursue religious freedom and start their own colony, which would become the United States.  Whenever we talk about the separation of Church and State, this is the context everyone should understand.  Religious law is the foundation of our country.  Those who want to remove Biblical references, such as the Ten Commandments, wish to destroy the creation of the most prosperous nation in the world.  So, they are using the reason that America was created as a means of destroying America because people don’t understand the context of American law.  Without the Ten Commandments, there is no foundation for a law and order society governed by individual input.  Visiting that cell of Cushman in the Westgate Tower was one of the most inspirational things I have ever done and was much more significant than just a religious reference.  America started in that cell in the Westgate Tower, and thank goodness some people questioned the tyranny of their time from the churches of Europe like Robert Cushman. 

It doesn’t matter what religion people are in the world; they should thank existence that the Bible survived out of that period to be in our hands today.  And America has every right and obligation to put Biblical law at the center of our society.  The world can cry and whine because they don’t want what’s best for a free society.  Not even religious understandings work authentically on this matter as Cushman and his pilgrims fled the Church as a form of state control and used that same Bible as the foundation of their power and control.  But whenever forces are trying to remove the Bible from public consideration, you are looking at enemies seeking menace at the expense of personal freedoms, and that can’t be tolerated.  So, I’m a massive fan of what they are doing in Louisiana.  I’d like to see the Ten Commandments everywhere and much more often because the separation of church and state issue is a complete fiction by hostile agents of evil around the world.  America was created to separate the right to worship the Ten Commandments away from state control of religion in general, which is what they had in Europe at the time and caused many of the miseries that the world suffers from presently.  Such postures are purposeful in their intentions to destroy the human race if they do not fall under the compliance of the latest tyrant on the world stage.  Affirming the Ten Commandments is smart and is the first step toward a civil society that is productive and beneficial to all the individuals involved.  And the Bible itself is one of the most fabulous creations ever to survive.  And it should be revered much more than we do.  Because if we did, the world’s bad guys would become much clearer as a reference.  This is why they hate the Bible so much and seek its destruction as a public consideration.  They want to remain hidden and the Bible flushes them out, for all to see.

Rich Hoffman

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‘The Crystal Skull of Canterbury’: A new project born from a lot of passion

I have a new book in development called The Crystal Skull of Canterbury and am looking for a good team for its publication.  One thing I have learned after doing this a few times before is that even the best written pieces of work need a good team to get it to readers.  This book is a little different for me, I came up with the idea during a recent visit to the locations featured in the novel—it’s more of a Bridges of Madison County story except more contemporary and featuring an English countryside because honestly they like to read in that country so why not set the story there—for the target demographic.  I’m a business guy, so I think in those types of terms as a first consideration.  This is just a starting point and the story is as follows:

A NASA contractor whose specialty is in preparing mankind for the long-preserved evidence that will be discovered on Mars ahead of a 2030 mission that life much longer than earth’s existed on the Red Planet, is challenged by a former curator of the British Museum to defend claims made by the contractor regarding the authenticity of the popular Crystal Skull exhibit which attracts so many visitors each year. Dorrington Weingarten sees the opportunity as positive publicity for the museum in London, but on a deeper level resents NASA’s Ian Davenport’s theories on the origin of mankind and the revolutionary following that he has been brewing in the United States which stands in stark contrast to the scientific positions established by England’s heritage.

Ian accepts the challenge and during his travels to London and eventually into the ancient streets of Canterbury where a romance brews between he and the curator’s wife–he isn’t just an eccentrically brilliant scientist—he’s determined to crack old Dorrington for reasons that confound everyone whom he refers to as the Crystal Skull of Canterbury. He sees in Dorrington Weingarten the modern embodiment of the wounded Grail King from King Author’s legends and he has set in mind to solve a riddle that has nearly destroyed Dorrington’s wife now madly in love with Ian.  What results is a proposed answer to T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and Wofram Von Exchenbach’s Parzival contained within the elusive life of a man who did everything right his whole life—except for the things that really matter.  A man drowning by his own success, who had everything but lost it through the years without even knowing it.  But can he be saved, can the Crystal Skull of Canterbury be cracked?  It is a job that may be out of reach for the multitalented Ian Davenport who for the first time in his life may have found something he cannot do as an unconventional romance soon engulfs him as well with emotions new to him. For all his life Ian had avoided life in the Waste Land, but now a siren song beacons him from another man’s wife and the lure to surrender to it is strong—too strong. 

I’d like to keep the page count down although it’s a story with many twists and turns—and emotional complexity. I’m targeting women over 40 with this work first in England then in the United States.  It additionally attaches itself to the modern paradox of the many theories coming from the Ancient Aliens viewer base popularly shown on The History Channel and embraces new scientific concerns relevant to the next decade giving this story staying power as a mass market paperback.  The primary purpose for me was a promise I made to a nice old lady in Ashford, England who was kind enough to give me a very nice meal while my family was in route to Paris.  She asked me what I liked most about the English people, I told her it was that they still liked to read and bought lots of books.  I told her I planned to help show more Americans why they needed to become more literate.  She then pressed me on what I was planning to do specifically about it.  I thought for a moment because I assumed we were just making small talk, then I told her that I’d write a novel that was so good that people would want to read it, and bookstores would see an uptick in sales and therefore hopefully inspire others to do the same so that the industry as a whole could become stronger—in a business sense, and as a general philosophy.  She said OK, we sipped some tea, and  here I am doing it.  I always keep my promises.

Rich Hoffman


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