How Everyone on Earth Could Get Rich: A Space Economy with 16 Psyche’s 700 quadrillion dollars of Value–what a Trump/Ramaswamy Administration Could Start

The other day, I was talking to some very smart, rich, and well-credentialed people, that I thought was the kind of conversation that a lot of other people would benefit from.  The subject was Vivek Ramaswamy, why he should be the V.P. for Trump, and how he has a definite economic plan that will carry over well into 2028.  In the short run, it’s all about BlackRock’s destruction and strengthening the dollar from this global banking cartel of destroying it in favor of globalism, and for America to be great again, we needed to produce around 57 trillion dollars of value to pay off our national debt, and the lingering costs, and then some.  And where on earth were we going to get that kind of wealth?  That’s where things went sideways because I started talking about space.  Now, some of these people are very rich; some were PhDs and had several Master’s Degrees in various fields, from law to engineering, and they didn’t see a way out.  Their wealth had been built off the traditional model of real estate, where three generations watched the value of a property increase proportionally until everything flamed out and people couldn’t afford the new pricing structure.  Then, the economy collapses, and a new country takes over as the key destination.  Globalism has tried to set that scenario up to be China, and corporate communism has bet everything on that eventuality.  But I told them that space was where it was at.  I said we needed a divorce from globalism.  They said we need each other with interdependence; otherwise, everything would fall apart.  I told them that Vivek had an excellent economic plan to undo the work that BlackRock has done to the world and that while that was going on, SpaceX was going to refine its Starship craft so that in a few years, there would be two or three built every week, and they would be launching into space just as fast.  That left them all looking at me and asking why.

A space economy is a new frontier, and people do not yet see the benefits of it.  And I know that SpaceX isn’t just thinking of a space economy that will make America wealthy again.  Under a Trump/Ramaswamy administration, returning to an oil-based economy will solve most of our problems, quickly.  But what about after that?  They didn’t see why we would even go to space because there was nothing there.  Why would Elon Musk want to colonize Mars, the moon, or any place else?  Again, these are all brilliant, rich, and influential people.  And what I was talking about was science fiction to them.  At least until I told them about the asteroid between Mars and Jupiter called 16 Psyche, which has on its 150-mile surface over 700 quadrillion dollars in gold and precious metals.  And that’s just on one asteroid.  The next great gold rush will be in mining companies who can go to these asteroids, which Starship will make the whole experience very easy, and our entire national debt will be gone with a new value economy that the world is not prepared for.  America would be prosperous; and would forever take humanity deep into space with the wealth gained.  Legend has it that the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter used to be the planet Tiamat.  It was abundant in gold, and once it was destroyed, its occupants left and formed colonies on other planets, like Earth.  That is why all Earth cultures worship gold the way they do as a precious metal: because it is the subconscious reaction to the grief we all feel from our lost homeworld.  And that stories of Atlantis, Eden, and the foundations of all Earth cultures spawned from this lost knowledge.  This is about when everyone stopped eating and wondering if what I was saying was the next great thing or the utterances of insanity from someone who has read too many science fiction books. 

But what wasn’t in question was that 16 Psyche was a massive opportunity from a mining perspective.  We need precious metals on Earth for many reasons, not just direct monetary value, and going into space didn’t hurt anybody.  There were no indigenous people to exploit, as is the excuse of the first few gold rushes on Earth, such as the one where Spain raided Central and South America.  Then, in the western expansion, Americans found gold in California and ran through the Indians to get to it.  On 16 Psyche, there are no Indians or Aztecs.  It’s just a destroyed collection of rocks floating around in space.  You must land on them and pick up enough gold and platinum to fuel Earth’s economies for centuries with a few full payloads.  It’s relatively easy, and given the trajectory of SpaceX and their massive Boca Chica plant in Texas, they will have done their part within ten years.  Starship will be like a trucking line, always in space doing something.  To pay for those things, we know right now that there is plenty of gold and other metals of value to cover the costs.  But first, on earth, we have to put down all these Marxist plots meant to rule the world from the perspective of centralized banking and governments of communism to suppress any competition from limited resources.  The plan I was talking about would completely obliterate all those previous assumptions.  So I spoke about a very different future than they had feared, and they were at least listening. 

The key is to have a friendly administration in the White House and that all these fights between political ideologies have it out and destroy those who are holding back the human race.  There are way too many opportunities for the future to get hung up on anything.  And people like Vivek Ramaswamy get it.  He’s the future face of America, and under this next Trump administration, he’ll be able to shape economic policy with the kinds of opportunities in mind that I was talking about, with a space economy.  And many of the miseries we are experiencing today will be long gone tomorrow if we are smart and play our cards right.  The best thing we could all do is use Trump’s celebrity status to put people like Vivek Ramaswamy in a position to free the lost talent deeply suppressed in the global marketplace and expand the human intellect of the planet and into new horizons for good.  And what I was saying was not science fiction, but are the opportunities for tomorrow, today.  The future is not way out there anymore.  We are living it now, and all it will take to uncover it are some bold personality types to unleash the best that human beings can bring to thought.  We see that unleashed at the SpaceX facility in Texas in many ways.  What they are doing and an excellent economic platform for the next Trump administration are opportunities for infinite enthusiasm.  And we will quickly outpace the communist detriments of globalism driven by aristocrats and not dollars and sense.  Their power is wholly based on limited resources to stay in control.  I mentioned to this group that there was so much wealth that every human being on planet Earth could be very wealthy.  And our future would be out there, not right here.  And while that might rattle previous assumptions, it’s right in front of our faces to grab onto.  If only we dare to do so. 

Rich Hoffman

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