The Scapegoat of Yom Kippur: Why the bad guys expect Israel to be destroyed, and President Trump

The acceptance level of sacrifice indicates in any society the ratio of liberalism we are dealing with.  The belief that by appeasing some greater power through sacrifice, redemption for some mistake can be made is at the heart of all liberal policies in the world.  And that notion is also used to control people.  So it was no accident that the Hamas attack was initiated against Israel during their festivities of Yom Kippur which is a direct association with the two goat ritual, which is the origin for the term “scapegoat” that we often say all the time without knowing its meaning.  In that ritual, one goat is offered for killing in the usual way, so a high priest would slaughter it and sprinkle its blood appropriately on an altar as an offering.  The other high priest would put their hands on and dedicate the nation’s sins, then send the goat into the wilderness to carry those sins away.  The insertion of the Jesus stories into the Bible was always meant to represent him as the ultimate scapegoat.  As an innocent man, his social role was to take away the guilt of the nation killing him, and through his crucifixion, he would carry that guilt into the afterlife.  So over the years, very evil cultures have built into people this accepted belief that they are not responsible for their actions, but can redeem themselves through Christ by sacrificing him or innocence to the needs of a corrupt society.  With that in mind, Hamas, who is dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish people, felt that they would be protected from retaliation if they struck on that Day of Atonement Holiday so that the sins would be carried away in the usual sacrificial manner.  That is why many of us watched, astonished in the aftermath, as such attacks were expected to be part of the sacrifice.  Israel wasn’t supposed to strike back, they were supposed to be the willing participants in the notion of sacrifice, which was being exploited at this particular time for purely political reasons. 

Of course, Israel has a right to attack the Palestinians who have been plotting their destruction.  The only logical rationalization resulting from the horrendous Hamas attack against Israel is the destruction of all those who stand against the Kingdom of God.  Not just because religions say so but because we now have a history that shows the benefits of Western Civilization, and we must defend it for the perpetuation of the human race.  Yet, even religions we like have apparent traces of the concept of sacrifice that are part of a much larger problem.  And that assumption was evident in the days after the attack in protests worldwide that didn’t expect the goat to fight back.  It was supposed to go quietly into history and carry away the sins of corrupt nations and religions seeking global domination.  So now we have protests from the attackers against the country that was supposed to be their scapegoat.  An enemy on paper and policy, but functionally in pursuing the ever after, the carrier of sins from those most guilty of reprehensible behavior.  The belief is that evil conduct can be committed just by the nature of living and that those sins can be placed with blame upon whoever will serve as the scapegoat for that society.  And everyone else will live happily ever after.  That is the absurdity of the belief that Israel must be like Jesus, to accept the role of international scapegoat, take its slaughter and the blame, and carry it away from those most guilty. 

This is the essential Deep State plan against President Trump.  The Government Gangsters so well flushed out in the excellent book by Kash Patel made President Trump their target for the carrying away of their sins, and it is expected that he will serve that purpose, which was the intent of the J6 controversy, the Russia hoax, the FBI spying and all the tampering of a fourth branch of government and its desire for sustainable power as a creature of liberalism and the perpetuation of the Liberal World Order.  What most people have in common is some notion of religion, and at the core of that belief system, no matter what gods are celebrated is a notion of sacrifice for some greater good that can then override whatever individual input might get in the way.  When personal responsibility is not a value system of a culture, then these kinds of beliefs can then be used to mass control entire civilizations into a guilt shedder and encourage sinful behavior with the knowledge that the gods can be appeased in the rituals of mass sacrifice.  This is how we constantly see this Democrat notion that what they are guilty of can be erased away by the creation of some social scapegoat.  They could kill and destroy individuals as long as they identified them as a scapegoat for their culture and could justify the violence as a redemption process.  That’s also why the Romans were sure to include Jesus in the context of the Bible because what was important to them was to have the entire story wrapped up in a sacrifice.  Once people are willing to sacrifice to a god, they will be open to the next best thing on earth: sacrifice to the state.  That’s what the Romans were after, and the Arab world was as well with their expansion of the Quran, written by many people because Muhammad didn’t know how to read or write.  But many of his Christian friends did, so he would have them write for him; after all, their results were all for the same purpose: creating scapegoats in a social context to wash away the sins of evil nations looking to justify their vile actions.

Like many things lately, people are watching this apparent evil and scratching their heads.  But it has been at the heart of all liberal ideas since the beginning of time, and this is the essential Democrat playbook and that of the uniparty antics many have become so frustrated with.  Of course, individuals have a right to defend themselves when attacked by some antagonizers.  That is the heart of the concept of the American Second Amendment.  And, of course, Israel can defend itself when attacked by terrorist ideas.  But to those looking for a scapegoat for their sins, the belief is that individuals and even nations should sacrifice themselves for the greater good, just as Jesus did, or any other character that suffered through martyrdom the sins of mass society.  And if the masses desire the eradication of their sworn enemies, enemies because they have expectations of good conduct, then those scapegoats are to happily offer themselves to the mob for consumption, which is how the world’s evils have always spread.  Personal behavior is never improved because the mass population believes that a scapegoat concept will wash away those sins without correcting the detrimental behavior holding back that society.  And you get the kind of mess we see daily on the nightly news.  And we see the attackers of Israel, then protesting not at the country itself but in not accepting their role as the sacrificial scapegoat that was expected of them by a corrupt and evil Liberal World Order. 

Rich Hoffman