The World Economic Forum Stepped Over the Line: Trust is hard to win and easy to lose, and they have lost it

Something significant is happening that is very obvious, but little has been made of it; people are generally waking up to the malicious intentions of Bill Gates and his friends in the World Economic Forum.  People are now looking for the sideshow games where crimes against humanity have been committed, and Klaus Schwab and the economic Marxist terrorists of the world are not prepared for the wrath that is coming their way, which was most evident in the wake of the Maui wildfires.  Well, at this point, we should call it the Maui arson that destroyed a town that had been discussed as a satellite city for the World Economic Forum’s 15-minute cities.  The best way to build one is to destroy the old one, which looks to be the case here.  A few years ago, nobody would have asked any questions.  Conspiracy theorists would have voiced their opinions, but the mainstream media would have poured cold water on them, and the public would have accepted the controlled narrative.  But not any longer, not since Covid ruined the trust of public officials, and now three years of Biden have shocked people into observing the obvious.  The World Economic Forum has gone too far, and the shock to the world has been a degraded impression.  I noticed something similar when Microsoft, run by Bill Gates, released Windows 95, which was not as well received as Windows 3.1.  And ever since, Microsoft has been further scrutinized to the point it is today.  A necessary evil that people generally don’t trust.  Just as they no longer trust Bill Gates.  That is the case with everyone connected to the World Economic Forum.  People are onto the games and now see them being played everywhere, not conspiratorial, but in the logical way the bad guys have always tried to hide from the public. 

I said that the truth about the Maui fires would emerge in the aftermath as we watched what people did.  As it turns out, the power company had been trying to maintain its infrastructure, but the emphasis was on woke policies for renewables, straight from the World Economic Forum’s radical agenda.  And the power company had turned off the power hours before the fire started, so how could a spark from them set off the blaze?  There are a lot of unanswered questions that only point to terrorist activity, not a natural occurrence or an accident from the power company due to infrastructure failure.  I have seen that same radicalism in my state of Ohio regarding FirstEnergy.  On the one hand, they have adopted all these woke rules to appease the climate terrorists, making them the target of a hostile public upset at the changes.  But then the climate terrorists are trying to set up the power companies for complete failure and are looking to drive them out of business.  It’s the classic gun-to-the-head robber who forces someone they are holding up to do what they are told, only to be shot dead after they’ve handed over all their money.  These climate terrorists doing their deeds for the World Economic Forum behind the efforts of the United Nations are playing for keeps, which looks to be the kind of set-up job in Maui.  But the public is aware of the game, and they instantly rejected the official narratives for the fire and went straight for the developers who have promised to rebuild as a “city of tomorrow” as the instigators of so much death and destruction.  If it can happen in Maui, then it could happen everywhere. 

The bad guys in the world have been doing these things for a long time, destroying the planet and rebuilding it in their version of “Build Back Better.”  That kind of terminology was already being stamped on liberal t-shirts before there was a Joe Biden in the White House, but after Covid was a major overstep by Bill Gates and the gang, they didn’t seem to realize that it was a step too far.  And now people have lost trust in the officials that the World Economic Forum has worked so hard to capture.  But now that they have the power, they have lost the public’s faith and don’t seem to understand why.  Their entire plan, just like every version of Windows ever released that was supposed to be better than the first, has consistently failed in some way because they could never quite get it right.  Power is hard; it’s easy to make a misstep, and that is what we are dealing with now.  Climate terrorists were just caught starting fires in Greece to attempt to evoke an environmental message, and now that fires are breaking out all over the world frequently, it’s not a natural occurrence that people expect.  The first thought is climate terrorism by these radical Marxists inspired by the members of the World Economic Forum who plan to profit off the carnage and then build what they want.  There’s one sure way to overcome the kind of city opposition that building a 15-minute city would typically involve.  Just burn it down and kill all the people who would oppose it.  Then blame the power company you are also trying to put out of business because they use fossil fuels in capitalist markets.  That game has been going on for too long, and many people have suffered.

The public outrage is very energetic on social media.  How much of it gets outside the algorithms tightly controlled by the Deep State is an issue for debate.  Typically, discussions against the administrators of the Deep State and the members of the World Economic Forum who have a lot of money that they think buys their governments don’t get outside of the circular firing squad of specific groups that are easily monitored by the powerful forces who think they are in charge.  But the word is getting out anyway, and ordinary people now see the obvious.  They are asking the right questions that are no longer conspiracies but honest observations that have lingered in the background.  People might have been shy about expressing those opinions, but now they are open.  And regarding the Maui fires, there is actual hostility that is well-founded.  People don’t like to be suckered, and they feel suckered.  Bill Gates has shown the same kind of stupidity with his climate change activism that he did with Windows releases.  Everything worked for him as long as he had a monopoly on opinion.  But once people could think for themselves, which started happening with Windows 95, the value of their Microsoft products began to diminish.  People would put up with it to get along, but they weren’t suddenly yearning for the product.  And that same thing has happened to the losers in the World Economic Forum.  They thought people would want what they were selling: globalism, climate change, a godless, overly sexualized heathen society of sweaty losers looking to them as gods.  But, what they have been caught doing was acting as the latest terrorists, no different from the old hippie Weather Underground radicals.  Instead of operating out of the back of a pot-filled, rusting van playing Beatles eight-track tapes, they are billionaires like Bill Gates who have lost their minds, if they ever really had them.

Rich Hoffman