The Lords of Phony Money: A Dow Jones at over 40,000 is due to inflation, not actual wealth

It’s by logic more than choice that we have to look toward mobster activity as the playbook for modern tyranny.   It’s not just governments that get away from us that is the concern, which has happened.  However, the genuine concern is the behavior of organized crime and their ability to get away with making easy money at the expense of social peace.  People who are lazy but want to maximize their income through force seek collective associations, whether in unionized labor, elected office, or outright theft.  And this is a problem in any society, especially communism, where the government behaves like any organized crime family.  Only there isn’t a free society to dispute the actions.  In a free society, we can at least talk about it, which is what we do in the United States.  But organized crime goes back to when primitives conspired to bring down a woolly mammoth during a big game hunt for food.  When people realized they could work together to make labor more accessible, they naturally would head in that direction, no matter the endeavor.  Criminal thugs developed during Western expansion to rob trains and banks.  When the government became extensive and organized and started making rules people didn’t want, organized crime formed to meet the public demand at the expense of proper government, as a rival crime family, and the mobsters as we traditionally think of them were born.  But then, progressive society wanted a one-stop shop that would muscle out the crime families as Lords of Easy Money.  Of course, they had good intentions, but who could resist the temptation of money manipulation to satisfy the whims of the wicked and lazy?  And in that case, with an extensive criminal syndicate operating without the scrutiny of a free society, the illusions of power have become quite ostentatious.  And we see the level of corruption that is our present problem. 

Specifically, we’re talking about the money supply, and this is something that too many people, like pornography, enjoy the benefits of to criticize it properly.  However, this current scam of the Dow Jones closing at 40,000 is not good.  It’s a long series of mistakes and lousy policies catching up with us and being sold as a benefit when, in reality, it’s a massive crime no different than a classic bank robbery.  The government is playing the role of Jesse James and the gang of bank robbing barrons.  We shouldn’t expect the government to be anything less than an organized crime syndicate of collective-based losers seeking the easiest path to money and security through force as possible.  It’s human nature.  But here’s the gig on the Dow Jones, the 40,000 number that is preparing to break all records since the Dow opened first in 1885.  It’s an inflationary number propped up by an out-of-control money supply where too much money is chasing too few goods.  So it’s a record indicating a big problem, not an excellent report for everyone concerned about their 401Ks.  It’s like those classic bank robbers who break in and steal all the real money in gold and other assets, then leave behind a bunch of phony funds for the bank to give out to the public to keep them off the trail of the actual theft, and it’s a grave matter.  When Biden tries to claim credit for such a massive theft, done because of organized crime that moved from the local syndicates into the halls of government to commit just these kinds of crimes, he thinks he is throwing us off the trail of the truth. 

The Federal Reserve wasn’t a bad idea when it was first proposed in 1913, but under the best of conditions, it would require diligent management, and that just has not been the case.  The government learned it could print phony money with quantitative easing and apply that to a progressive Modern Monetary Theory, which is essentially the same as the transgender movement of claiming a man and a woman can be whatever sex they want any time they want to.  Modern Monetary Theory believes in debt maintenance by over-saturating the money supply by a government that doesn’t have to live by any rules but can make them up as they go.  This led to this crisis in 2008 with the too-big to fail in Housing that, failed.  So the Fed under Obama pumped a lot of fake money into the system and washed it like the crime families from the mob always did, through legitimate businesses, and pumped all that mess into the local economy.  In this case, the Fed printed a lot of money and dropped it into Wall Street to clean up, which was the role that Larry Fink, the political activist turned money manager for BlackRock, played.  And poof, just like that, a lot of money flowed into our economy, made up essentially on the back of a napkin and distributed as truthful.  But that game only works so long, as inflation is the direct result.  When President Trump took office in January 2017, the Dow was at 19,000 and had been going up since 2015, when it started to become evident that he might become president after years of stalled economic growth by the socialist actions of Obama’s administration.  The prospect of Trump did inspire a legitimate money movement in a positive direction.  But the number of 19,000 itself was phony as a carnival game on a hot July state fair. 

This is how BlackRock, Blackstone, Vanguard, and the rest of these popular money managers have gained so much power that they are buying up many companies with that phony money.  It’s a communist plan to make all property state-run, and this is one way that the organized crime elements of government-run enterprises can inflict a political philosophy into the money supply.  And don’t forget, Janet Yellen is Biden’s advisor on these things, and she is undoubtedly a communist sympathizer from the radical left.  She ran the Federal Reserve for a while and is a member of the World Economic Forum, behind the Covid release and centralized planning for a great reset.  This is all inconvenient to know, just as the porn hustling mobsters used to do behind the 22-year-old topless stripper in a peep show plaza.  People don’t want to think about why she is there and are putting twenty dollar bills in her G-string.  They want to enjoy the sights and sounds of sexual temptation.  Just as they want to believe that their 401K plans are making them a lot of money, but it’s all phony money, run by the Lords of Phony Money, the Fed, and its ties to globalism through international banking.  They have stolen real wealth and left us with fake bank notes and a fake economy propped up by a government that has fallen to the temptations of organized crime.  And to hide their efforts, they hope that full 401K accounts will keep the anger of pitchforks from coming after them until after this next election.  So before you get too excited about any economic news coming from government reporting, you must understand that the game is a crime and they are trying to get away with it.  Not profitability from the stock market participants.  The Lords of Easy Money have been hard at work robbing our wealth from our monetary system. They are not making it better.  And eventually, it’s all going to catch up to them.  Which, to my eyes, has already happened.

Rich Hoffman

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