The Nature of Snakes and Mice: What keeps the vipers from working against Trump during a second term

Many people are concerned that President Trump will keep getting suckered by all the snakes and vipers constantly sabotaging his first four years when he gets back in the White House.  Because they are still alive and well, we learned how many snakes there were just on the surface by draining the swamp just a bit.  If all the contents of the swamp were drained, many more vile creatures would be revealed just out of site, which is why things look so terrifying today.  It’s not new that we see all this criminal activity and deceitful practice.  But it is not as well hidden as it usually is and this is new.  What will be different in this next term from the first, and what will keep Trump from having many of the same vile characters leaking negative information to the press and trying to sabotage the MAGA agenda as they did the first time around?  Well, when thinking about these kinds of things, I tend to look to nature at how civilization is organized for the answer, and based on that, this second Trump term is poised to be something extraordinary.  And that is in understanding the behavior of mice and snakes during feeding time, and how they behave in captivity as opposed to the wild.  You can never change the nature of either, but you can manage their behavior toward a productive existence.  That becomes obvious by watching a snake in a cage, a little aquarium, as I have talked about before.  And how you must feed that snake with a little mouse put inside to be eaten when the snake is hungry.  Sometimes, the snake isn’t always immediately hungry.  It might let the little thing run around with the illusion of freedom until, finally, the snake decides to eat the mouse and swallow it whole, while the mouse, tied to its fate because there is no other option, looks upon the world helplessly. 

When you understand the nature of politics it really comes down to the feeding of mice to snakes.  The purpose of an administrative state and, ultimately, a deep state is to build a society of food for the snakes of politics.  Easy food that is placed in a cage to consume whenever the snake decides it wants to eat.  Most of the administrative state’s service is to create mice for this purpose, for those who run the political order to eat at their will.  And of course, the difference between a caged animal and one free and in the wild is that corruption steps into play when the food becomes too easy to eat because the snakes get lazy and want to be fed, as opposed to hunting for their food and earning their way in life.  Once a system is built to accommodate laziness, corruption begins to take over the motivation for everything.  Often, the little mice have no idea their entire existence is planned for them, that they will be fed to the snakes, and that any illusions of freedom leading up to that act are false hopes toward the inevitability.  This is why the swamp hates President Trump: the snakes want to be fed, and Trump is trying to free the little mice so that they can have independent lives. Suppose they are caught in the wild and eaten by the snakes. That’s one thing.  But just dropping the little things into a cage for the lazy snake to consume seems cruel and corrupt. 

If you have ever watched this action, and the snake isn’t quite ready, it will stay coiled up in a corner as the little mouse runs around, even running all over the snake.  At first, the mouse is interested in these new accommodations and runs around looking for a way to understand where it is.  But after a few minutes, the mouse figures out that the snake is there, which is a natural predator.  And the mouse realizes that there is nowhere for it to go.  There is no escape.  Its decisions have been made for it, and its fate is sealed by whoever puts the snake in the cage to feed it.  At that point, the little mouse will coil up next to a water bowl or whatever looks like it might provide a little cover from the snake.  The mouse will get real still as if perhaps the snake won’t notice it, and it might live a bit longer.  There are a lot of people doing this in their lives right now.  They hope to live just a bit longer by appeasing the power of the snakes in their lives.  Of course, once the snake decides it is hungry, whether, for a few minutes or hours when it chooses to eat, it moves into position, strikes at the little creature, and begins swallowing it whole.   The mouse will typically try to stay optimistic for as long as possible.  If the snake has the mouse by the rear, I have seen mice dig around at the ground, pretending nothing is happening even as half its body is already down the snake’s throat.  The nature of appeasing predators is a powerful instinct, but for the mice, it is quickly consumed and never heard from again.  After all, the snake has to eat, and God made the mice its food.  That is how nature designed the process.  Corruption happens when the process of hunting for food is compromised, and the snakes are made pets that serve even higher predators.  And the mice have no chance in such a world, which is essentially what our political order is all about. 

So, who is who in all this?  Where does President Trump fit into the scheme of things, and how can he protect himself from all the snakes that are naturally part of the government operations, who are used to the access to easy food that they have grown to enjoy?  Well, I would say don’t keep pet snakes that you have to feed mice to all the time.  Don’t keep the snakes as pets, but set them free to fend for themselves.  Don’t let the government be the cage in which they must be fed from the administrative state a constant supply of mice to sustain their lazy carcasses.  Snakes are what snakes are, and so are mice.  But don’t corrupt the situation by trying to keep pet snakes.  When Trump first went to Washington, he tried to make the snakes his pets and had to feed them.  And that didn’t work.  This time, it’s time to take them all out into the woods and let them fend for themselves.  They might still eat mice, but that process won’t be made easier through the corruption of making pets out of all of them to serve the government’s leadership, directly or indirectly.  President Trump will be successful in his second term because he won’t bother to feed the snakes this time to appease all the swamp creatures that reside there.  There is no reason to keep pet snakes.  And there is no reason to make them dependent on a corrupt system where easy food is practically placed in their mouths.  And it is to keep that food coming that the snakes act in such scandalous ways.  The way to fix it is not to try to make pets out of them but to treat them as the actual predators that they are. 

Rich Hoffman

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