Trump the Invincible: A person only America could have produced

Now that we’ve been through a few primaries, and the bad guys out there have done everything they possibly could, including gross manipulations of the legal system to exert control over Trump, we are now seeing why only the President could have run for this office, and why he’s the only one who could return. Some real treacherous characters have been wrapped up in our government and media culture, even our military, and they have shown their worst. Trump sees himself as bigger than all them and beyond their influence, which we need now in America. What Trump is doing is something I teach to people, which is why I recognized many years ago the value of Trump running for president, even though everyone laughed it off as ridiculous at the time. I remember returning to the Ross Perot Reform Party days with Pat Buchanon when Trump tried to make headway as a third-party candidate. The key to Trump’s personality is a personal recognition of something significant and is quite specific to the American mindset, which naturally undoes the concept of globalism, which is of the individual showing dominance over collectivist behavior. When I teach these things in public and private settings, I use my metaphor of the lonely gunman who steps into a bar late at night during a storm with lightning streaking across the sky. He gets a drink at the bar with his back to the room, which is filled with criminals, thieves, and maniacal cutthroats. And the gunfighter drinks his drink in peace because he knows something about them that not even they learn about themselves. He places himself above them and their mechanisms of evil in ways that only individuality can do, and it is precisely what America has needed because only America could produce such a person.

A dog whistle from the radical left hoping to eliminate Trump from the realities mass collectivism

To watch Trump bringing the Republican Party together again after all that has been done and revealed over the last few years is astonishing compared to traditional measures, where politicians are always boot-licking someone because of the nature of getting elected, and they can never entirely do what is needed in these kinds of jobs, once they get them.  Even Julius Caesar was a pawn of the public as the conniving political machine of Rome dictated his ever-eroding concerns.  Reagan was an actor and could fake this swagger, but he never was a rugged individualist, the way people recognize Trump.  Trump learned to be that lonely gunfighter through many hard knocks in life, and now he is showing the value, and I’m pretty happy about it.  For some context, I’ll demonstrate here a speech I did to a crowd not long ago, and this was precisely what I was talking about.  I give that same speech to smaller groups of people in more focused settings, but it holds everywhere in every situation.  Trump is performing it on a large scale, but many people operate this way and are very successful in life in many ways of defining success.  It starts with an individual being born of their nature and value and expressing that in a cultural setting.  It’s essentially what the great American novel The Fountainhead was about, the famous novel by Ayn Rand, which should be required reading in every public school as soon as children can learn to read.  If we were serious about teaching kids to be great and have an excellent education in America, we’d teach kids those concepts.  Instead, we teach globalism and righteousness to authority, which destroys them for life. 

Many people never imagined that Trump would lock up the nomination through the New Hampshire primaries, wiping out all the rivals who have come out against him, thinking that collectivism would constantly beat out individualism. To conventional thinking, nobody would survive such a gauntlet. That is, except for me. I knew this day would come and how it would happen, even in the darkest days when everyone thought Trump was toast. Just as nobody would expect that lonely gunfighter to step into a bar of bandits ready to slay him with the twink of an eye at a moment’s notice, let alone enter that room with his back to the room. It is not at all surprising that Alex Soros has been putting out cryptic messages about assassinating Trump. There are lots of these bad guys who are thinking the same thing, but as I say, and sometimes have to prove, just because people intend to kill you, it doesn’t mean they can. Often, many other conditions keep them from doing it, which is part of my speech on individualism and the power of it over the collective masses. Coming out of New Hampshire after a dominating win in Iowa, it is good to see that Trump is invincible to all these hostile forces, even as they now plot to destroy him in any way possible. Just because they want to doesn’t mean they can, which is a condition at the heart of all of Ayn Rand’s novels, especially Atlas Shrugged. Why didn’t they kill John Galt at the end of the book? Because they couldn’t. For the same reason, they can’t do the same to Trump. They need him to make the world work, and the biggest secret is that collectivism is powerless and entirely depends on individuals to carry them through life.

I’ve heard a lot of idiotic stuff over the last four years, starting when the COVID bioweapon was released from China to attempt to destroy Trump’s presidency.  The core of the dispute was collectivism against individualism, and nothing is more effective for scaring the sheep than a deadly virus to convince the masses to run into the arms of an overly protective government and to give up these fantasies of individualism like a global pandemic.  The core of the strategy, which is how you know the whole thing was fake, was the intent to terrify people away from individualism.  When, in fact, the world was rebelling for individualism, which isn’t a new process, but one that started very early in America with a mass movement that was reflected in the Ayn Rand books and certainly played out in the best of the Hollywood movies which expanded on those ideas best when done well.  From Ben Hur and The Ten Commandments to God’s role in the universe as the ultimate individualist, a solitary figure who created the universe and everything in it, which we celebrate on Sundays in church.  The struggle was always against individualism from the mass collectivists hoping to hide their parasitic natures behind a social safety net that keeps their ruse from the world.  But Trump exploits that, and now people can see the truth, a truth they want for themselves.  They want to be free of the parasites of collectivism, and Trump gives them the best chance of breaking free by inserting a barrier between them and those, (who would dare stand at the bar with their back to the crowd and those in the crowd who plot to use that person for all they can squeeze out of them as all collectivist societies do to their individuals.  Trump is unbeatable and has learned to embrace that nature of himself over time and a well-lived life.  As a gift, he is bringing that personality trait to America, which people want desperately, and it’s showing itself in dramatic ways in 2024 politics.  And I love it!  Finally! 

Rich Hoffman

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