I Want Revenge: Bathe in the suffering of our enemies–they deserve it

We just had the three-year anniversary of President Trump leaving the White House which they showed recently on the Warroom with Steve Bannon and I’ll have to admit, I want revenge.  I want my political enemies to suffer deeply for what they did; that day was one of the worst days of my life.  And there have been some bad days.  It was worse for me because of what I do and my role; I pay more attention to these things than most people care to.  I was very mad when Trump gave that last speech before flying off in Air Force One that last time after his first term.  I am still angry.  Mad.  I want bad things to happen to the thousands of people who participated in that exile.  There were very few Republicans who were there to send away one of the most popular presidents in history.  The SWAMP was happy to get rid of Trump after all they did to conspire against him.  On that day three years ago, and since, we have learned just how bad the Uniparty truly is and to what effect the Deep State thought it was in charge. And that was indeed one of the darkest days of my life because, to my very soul, I love America and the concept of America.  And it was obvious that we were not in charge of America.  We were shown that we did not have a representative government, and that day’s message was, “Thanks for playing; we’ll fly you where you want to go in our airplane and drop you off.  And we never want to see you again.”  I was so mad at that time that my wife and I packed up our stuff and headed out into the desert for a while in our RV.  I didn’t want to see anybody or talk to anybody.  I needed to clear my head and recalibrate.  And I’m glad I did.  While traveling, Rush Limbaugh died, Biden moved into the White House, and what I think of as the darkest days of America were in front of us.  It was a horrible time.

You don’t want to know what I was thinking when this picture was taken. Thank goodness there was a vast desert for me to cool down in

And as bad as it was I told everyone, some people wanted to grab guns and overthrow the government, to hold tight and use the rules to beat these guys.  I went way out of my way to convince people that the insurrection act of Trump refusing to leave the White House and use the military to fight back against the apparent coup was not the right one, as tempted as I was to snap myself.  To say I hate the people who participated in that day is an understatement, and people can tell me it’s not very Jesus-like.  But I speak to all of them that if Jesus wants to forgive them, he can at the Heavenly gates, or the Devil can at the gates of Hell.  But I want revenge for what they did.  I want them all to suffer and more.  My message to everyone upset has finally come back around to fulfillment and I’ll have to admit, I have been waiting for this day all this time, and I can taste the blood in my mouth from the vengeance I want to see happening to people like Paul Ryan, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and his ridiculous family, Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, Mittens Romney, and the entire band of globalists at Davos, Larry Fink, Klaus Schwab, ABC News, NBC News, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, all of them.  They deserve to suffer for what they did and did a lot.  Covid was a bioweapon made and released to facilitate a Great Reset, a Marxist plot hatched at the World Economic Forum and released from China because everyone figured the communist government could contain the story of its release.  And Covid was released to perform massive election fraud and, steal the election from Trump, and ruin the American economy that was at that time thriving.  And I took it as an act of war that our people were deeply involved in.  The kind of people who did not show up to see Trump off that day.

It was ironic that in a Georgia courtroom at the 3rd anniversary of Trump leaving the White House on that horrendously cold day in January of 2021, it was proven that the digital machines could be hacked and votes changed, which has been happening for a very long time, likely since the invention of the internet. There is no question now what happened. Over these last three years, the proof has come out, and all the conspirators are trying to advance the topic so they never have to pay for what they did, essentially telling us that we are not in charge of our government. And that when they sent Trump packing, they were spitting in our face. Which is why my wife and I went to the desert to think. I had been telling everyone to use the rules to beat these guys because once you drew guns and fought them with a violent insurrection, then you couldn’t use those same rules to put Trump back in office and the whole system of justice would be gone forever. As it stands now, the Uniparty has to make the same move, and if they choose to pick up arms and defend their power, then it is on them. We have waited and played by the rules as much as possible because we have been planning for this day all this time: the revenge tour. And I couldn’t wait.

While in the desert, my wife and I found an excellent place to eat breakfast called the Cowboy Café. Each morning, we would get an omelet and take it back to our camper to dine and watch the news on television.  It snowed in the desert that year, and temperatures were devastatingly cold.  There was a little grocery next to that Cowboy Café where we bought most of our food for that time, and it was the people in that region that picked up my spirit, and I figured out the path to hope that was in front of us.  And I came away from that trip ready to fight and do whatever had to be done, which I have been doing behind the scenes since then and even more than I had been doing up to that point.  But here we are.  Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the race, as well as Vivek Ramaswamy, as the primaries are clearly showing that most of America is ready for Trump again in the same way I am.  But make no mistake: I’m not alone in wanting revenge for what has been done to us.  A lot of people must pay for the crimes they committed.  And as I said, you beat these guys with the rules even though I was tempted otherwise.  They used the rules to steal away Trump, the best president likely in American history, so we can utilize them to turn the tables on them, which is happening now.  But don’t cry for your enemies.  Bathe in their tears, enjoy their howls of anguish, delight in their suffering, and don’t feel sorry for those losers.  They have it coming, and they should handle the kind of wrath that makes people beg for the fires of Hell and the impalement of a pitchfork into their worthless carcasses for eternal damnation.  Trump prefers to take the high road and says the best revenge is living well and winning.  And to be a gracious winner.  That’s not where I’m at and never will be.  I want a pound of flesh from each who contributed to the crime, and I’ll never get over it.  They are lucky Trump is so gracious.

Rich Hoffman

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