What Happens on the Day After: If we find out we don’t have a country

So……………that debate was so bad between Trump and Joe Biden that it left people wondering, what happens if we get through the election and Trump does not end up in the White House?  At this point, it’s obvious everyone is going to vote for Trump.  The Democrats should have never tried to put Joe Biden on stage for more than a few minutes.   He was a mess, a diabolical disaster, Joe Biden.  Going into the debate, Trump was ahead in the polling.  Coming out of the debate of June 27th, 2024, there will be no question.  Biden is the candidate of globalism, which means he’s a guy that the globalists think they can control, which is why they stuck with him for a puppet presidency.  And it has blown up in their faces, leaving the question, why did they put him up there?  They had this debate early, two months before their Democrat National Convention, so they could adjust and get another candidate while there was still time.  But honestly, there isn’t time.  Democrats are stuck with Joe, and now there is a lot of head-scratching from the come lately crowd.  It was never clearer how things should go in this upcoming election.  So people want to know what happens on the day after the election; what do they do if Trump isn’t elected back into the White House, even after the choice was as clear as this and people picked him overwhelmingly more than Joe Biden?  I would argue that this was indeed the case the first time around in 2020.  Biden did not get 81 million votes.  He was put in office, not elected by the people.  When it comes to globalism, it is not an unusual concept.  Joe Biden is good for globalism because they do not want a strong American leader.  And they think they are in charge of the world, especially the results of elections. 

Well, it’s not time yet to grab the guns and charge down the globalists who are behind this mess.  Don’t panic.  These are horrendously bad people who are power-hungry to extremely detrimental levels. For example, Jill Biden displayed after the debate to a wondering, aloof Joe Biden looking around aimlessly with a weird smile, a panic that startled a lot of people.  I would say this is what losing power looks like, and Democrats are losing it.  They wouldn’t have put him out there a long time ago if they had a better option.  But they didn’t because this is how they thought they could get away with all the globalist agenda criteria.  Most of the world has rigged elections.  The United States is unique in that we have stable law and order that isn’t easily toppled, but the Democrats have been caught trying to, and now ordinary, regular, everyday people see what’s going on, and they are going to vote for their own best interest.  But for the first time, the globalist, Deep State types won’t be able to trick people into providing them a cover of legitimacy behind policy disputes, as they have been doing for decades.  The communist left has a big problem, and yes, they will turn to violence to take power and hold power.  They have been rigging elections all over the world, and in the United States, they have been caught, and we are going to have to do something about it.  I would recommend working this out in Congress through legal means.  But if we find out that we don’t have a functioning government, which is what we are talking about, what will we do? 

I would say that this is precisely why we have the Second Amendment.  The only thing that has prevented an all-out war with firearms against communist insurgents is that they have been functioning from the perspective that they could always trick just enough people into following their radical agenda.   And who they couldn’t convince, they acquired through election fraud against an unsuspecting, well-meaning public.  But that’s gone now; there is no way to recover from that previous position.  The world, especially in America, will never return to what the Democrats had previously enjoyed.  They have lost the trust of the people.  Trump is a much more attractive candidate after that debate than before, and the process of trying to destroy Trump with all the weapons of an Administrative State has only revealed the game to the public that has always been going on.  So when the election is held, and if people don’t get Trump, when the pick will be so clear, then what?  Do we say, “Ah shucks, we gave it a nice try, now let’s return to our everyday lives?”  No, that won’t be the thing to do.  We’re going to have to take back our government from the control of these globalist insurgents by force.  It’s a promise we all make to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.  And we can’t give control of our government over to these globalist managers.  What they have done is nothing short of an attack on our country and all our lives, as hostile as any military attack in history.  And they have to pay for what they did.  They all have it coming, in as much of a menacing way as possible.  They did it to themselves. 

But what does that mean?  I would put it this way: this is precisely why we had to do what we had to do.  Keep your powder dry and expose all this in the way we have.  It’s much more exciting to go into these kinds of things with guns blazing and a clear winner of good guys and bad guys that can be written about in the context of history.  But we have to play by the rules if we want to win by the rules, and honestly, what we see is never supposed to happen.  By now, the globalists were hoping that there would be a civil war of violence in America so they could tip-toe into the background and hide in the mountains of Davos behind the mask of chaos.  Instead, they have to hide behind this fool Biden and be exposed for their tampering the way they were in this debate.  And if Trump had played anything differently, we wouldn’t know much of what we do know now.  The communist left is in trouble everywhere that globalism has stuck itself into.  They have also been exposed in America through the Biden presidency.  If there was doubt during Obama’s administration, or even the Bush administration, those doubts are now gone.  And the election is clear about how it should go.  And if we find out that we don’t control our elections, and they make a pick for us that we don’t want, we will have to get nasty about it, which we can afford to do because we have played by the rules entirely up to this point.  But the fact does not mean we surrender our country to globalist insurgents.  We have a right and obligation to control our country, and we will do so.  And if it turns to violence, it will be the fault of the communist left.  And I am personally ready for that.  But not before we exert every notion of the rule of law through the election process.  If they take that away from us, as they did in 2020, we must take it back with more than a patty cake sentiment.  But that will be on the day after and not before. 

Rich Hoffman

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