The Biden Communist Goverment Goes All In: 34 Counts of Nothing Against Trump

They may want a Civil War, not just a bunch of polite banter and complaining on television, but a real knockdown in the streets war.  And I’m okay with that.  But what happened to Trump with the 34 counts against him in a communist show trial is purely a regional thing that will be overturned, and the court will be embarrassed for centuries.  The short-term thinking that Democrats propping up Biden conducted in this case against Trump in New York was that cheating card in poker a player losing has up their sleeve that they only pull out at the last minute to cover a significant loss.  Their entire political future is invested in this effort, the Bragg case, which is a political experiment funded by George Soros and the American insurgents like him, who are openly seeking to collapse our government.  Yet the failure mode that none of them have yet dealt with is that Americans don’t need a king or a leader.  So, just because they have demonstrated that they control the courts and can go after anybody, any time, over anything, the downside is that people won’t listen to them either.  They can obtain power by manipulating the law, but once they have it and have shown the world that it doesn’t matter, they’ll be forced to fight in the streets against the people they have just angered.  And they are not the fighting types, so they have just painted themselves into a corner from which they will never get out.  Of course, George Soros doesn’t care if America survives all this.  We have natural domestic enemies who have been trying to collapse our political system, and financial system since America was started.  And this Alvin Bragg case where a crooked judge put together a phony trial with all kinds of constitutional problems in New York to squeeze out a guilty verdict from a confused jury on a Thursday evening, right on time for what I said it would be weeks out, was an all in strategy that the communists had no other option.  But to show their hand, which they did.

Trump’s response, which was to give a speech again at Trump Tower, where all this began the day after the guilty verdict, was appropriate and resolute.  He doesn’t have to do any of this, but this is the fight we are in, and we either stand with him or turn away like cowards.  I can tell you where I am on that.  It should be obvious.  I think it’s a waste of time to play games with these losers; I’d just as soon jump into a Mad Max world where power and force rule the day and those with the biggest guns win.  I think I’ll do well in that world, so I’m okay with it.  I don’t believe that people like Fat Alvin, who prosecuted this case in New York, will do so well or that this ridiculous judge, Juan Merchan, will thrive in such a society.  Watching them and listening to them, I don’t think they realized what they have unleashed.  They are like those smug teachers in school who think they are in control when, in fact, they are vastly outnumbered by students who are always on the precipice of rebellion.  They will not get the compliant sheep they thought they were out of all this, but many angry wolves who are looking for blood.  And they’ll get their blood, literally or metaphorically.  As I have said from the beginning, all this is born out of desperation, a need to hide their past crimes and hold on to power to keep themselves from going to jail.  But now they’ve opened the door to a world they will never be able to control.

Republicans have to stop playing so fairly and in a friendly manner.  And to stop depending on a human sense of fairness to keep polite society managed.  These people are never going to be a part of polite society again.  They have crossed the line, and there is no coming back.  One of the hidden indicators in our society is the box office results of Furiosa, a pretty good Mad Max movie.  But it was made under the woke premise of replacing Max with a woman, Furioso, and the public didn’t go see it.  The box office bomb will be felt for years on that one, as it will never recover its budget and will remain underwater from a public that is rejecting it just because the public is tired of woke, Democrat-driven Hollywood.  Hollywood has lost its brand with the public, just like Bud Light has, and they will never get it back.  Neither will the Democrats.  Two-thirds of the country can identify with MAGA, Making America Great Again.  And taking that away from people and giving them a parental communist government that wants to micromanage every aspect of their lives, from the cars they drive to the stoves they cook on, isn’t going to work.  Americans have tasted the kind of freedom the rest of the world has not, and they won’t give back those freedoms to appease some political yearning for a one-world government run by the United Nations, managed by the World Economic Forum, and made equal with a communist country like China.  These pinhead types who come up with all this administrative state stuff just never figured out what motivates people in life, and they miss the mark every time. 

That was certainly the case with this New York case where the perpetrators of injustice think they can play keep away with Trump and that they will manage to hold power.  But the power isn’t in the White House; it’s purely in deceit, and the Democrat party has forever lost that influence.  Their arrogance was cultivated in the halls of academia, away from the world of reality where real people live.  That is where this short-term menace to our legal system was born.  But it can now be applied toward them, toward Obama, Clinton, and Biden; if the game is to give political figures a label of criminal conduct, then that can undoubtedly be applied to all political figures from now until the end of time.  And before our world descends into a Mad Max movie, as George Soros and his gang of global progressives think they want, the only thing that protected them from an angry public was that nobody thought they would be that stupid to try such a thing.  Because the basic premise of the law, in Amendments 4, 5, and 6, was assumed to be built on a foundation of fairness.  But Democrats threw all that out the window so they could have a purely cosmetic conviction that might disrupt the Republican Convention as if that would change anything at this point.  Sentencing for these 34 charges takes place on July 11th, just a few days from the convention on the 15th, where Trump will accept the official party nomination for President.  And that all these courtroom theatrics will change the direction of the world at this point is ridiculously foolish.  Hollywood has shown that it couldn’t see it, even though they were warned.  They are making the same mistake politically.  Because they never really understood people, they tried to make the world less scary for them by destroying it.  And now they are stuck with what they have done and won’t like the worms that come out of the can they opened because they won’t live with what they created.  And they won’t like the result.

Rich Hoffman

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