Sodomizing a 17-Year-Old Girl in the Butler County Jail: When all the adults let down kids

The trouble with stories like this one is that I like many of the people involved.  But here’s the thing, and this goes for all adults: it is a privilege to have the trust of children, and they need us to help guide them into their first functions in life.  The wonderful thing about kids is that they have their whole lives in front of them, so I think trade schools like Butler Tech do great things by giving kids specific skills that will launch them into life.  I am very supportive of Butler Tech in my neighborhood as I live within a few miles of their three major campuses and know many of the people who run it personally.  Putting kids in contact with a valuable skill, or skills in technical fields, is a great way to start in life, so I am very supportive of Butler Tech in Butler County, Ohio, and their mission.  But often, intent does not match reality, and by the time you start putting a bunch of lazy slugs into the mix you end up moving from a dream of conception to a nightmare reality and that is what we learned about on a national story from the Louder with Crowder Show who unraveled an alarming story of national importance right in our back yard, yet again.  Why can’t the adults in these schools behave themselves?  Wait, I know the answer, I’m just being rhetorical. 

So this wasn’t a one-time, oops, where a young 17-year-old girl, who was an intern for the Butler Tech criminal justice program, was left alone with inmates at the Butler County Jail.  This was a systemic problem day in and day out where nobody was managing the poor kid even as she was being exposed to hardened criminals and murderers, freely.  And the best answer to come from Tony Dwyer was, “Well, she’ll be 18 soon, and we hire 18-year-olds at the jail.”   The permissive attitude is going on at the jail where this young lady was able to have sexual relationships with at least two of the inmates and send letters to the extent that they wanted to marry her and were claiming her as their own over the other inmates.  And the sex went to such an extent that she was sodomized, which was all indicated in letters to her from the inmates.  The first problem is that she, as a criminal justice intern, was so unsupervised that she had time to build up all these relationships that led to so much sex.  Obviously, nobody was watching what was going on, and if they did know about it, they were so brain-dead that the atmosphere of permissiveness was a long way away from community expectations.  What was pathetic was that once the Louder with Crowder report hit the national news, all the news outlets from traditional media made the story all about the contraband she helped smuggle into the jail.  Very few news outlets caught the actual crime of the story, in how the Butler Tech structure left this poor kid completely unsupervised and exposed to all these dangerous elements over a sustained period.  This relationship building between the student and these inmates went on for a long time, and once caught, nobody seemed to be responsible, and the only person who got into trouble was the little girl.  They are prosecuting her for smuggling in contraband to the inmates and other poor conduct. The responsibility was the other way around; all the adults who were supposed to teach her criminal justice let her down detrimentally.  And they all embarrassed us in our community by making a good thing bad on a national stage. 

Upon hearing this story, I first thought that Julie Shaffer was now on the board at Butler Tech, along with many other presidents of school boards from our local region.  Lakota schools are the closest to these Butler Tech facilities, so she is just one of the guiding voices on the board.  But all this happened recently, in March of 2024.  Julie just won an election, even though people know about the stories of her out-of-control drinking in public, the loss of clothing at educational events, and being found in embarrassing and compromising ways.  People voted for her anyway, and she played a crucial role in using lawfare to eliminate school board members she didn’t like, who were elected by the community.  And she hasn’t just done that once recently, but on several occasions.  When people make mistakes, she has used those mistakes to pound them into destruction, and she is one of the guiding voices at Butler Tech.  So when we see teachers who fall short of expectations, which we have in this case, it all starts from the top, from the board members.  They all love to play house and use the kids to make themselves feel important.  But when it comes time to take responsibility for anything, everyone else always has the problem.  Never them.  But when the question is asked, why did Butler Tech’s teachers think it was all right to let 17-year-old girls run around in the general population of a county jail unsupervised? Julie Shaffer and the board members are the first to be responsible.  They love the authority of board positions and to be called leadership.  But when someone needed to look out for the well-being of this young girl, they blamed the girl.

Julie has advocated for all kinds of permissive sexual lifestyles, most recently the whole superintendent controversy at Lakota.  No wonder the staff and teachers have such permissive attitudes about sex, especially after the excuses the Lakota school board had while they tried to keep their superintendent even after the public learned about his reckless sexual lifestyle.  They even helped him find another job.  So what could go wrong when many of these same people were responsible for putting a 17-year-old kid in jail unsupervised with murderers and sexual deviants?  All the adults wanted to say to the public was that there was a program to teach kids about criminal justice by giving them access to real-world scenarios.  They left the whole sodomizing out of the story, and when the rest of the news reported the story, it was all to protect the adults from their responsibility in the matter.  It became all about contraband, while sex with minors was pushed entirely to the back of consideration.  And that is the problem with all these education institutions these days; they are entirely too permissible about sexual lifestyles to the point where they can’t see right from wrong, even right in front of their faces.  Is sex that easy in jail?  Who runs these places?  Why do inmates get to call people all the time?  And how could a young girl walk around jail and go behind closed doors and have sex with so many people, and the guards didn’t do anything about it?  And when an independent journalist breaks open the story, the only person, all the adults, wanted to blame was the kid they were supposed to be teaching?  You have to be kidding?  Yet, that is what we are dealing with, and it isn’t very encouraging.  Extremely embarrassing.  When adults have permissive attitudes about anything, this is the result we end up with.  And all these adults, in this case, were way too permissive, and they have let down so many kids who are looking for real mentors to show them the way in life.  In the case of this young girl, they showed her the ugliest side of life and threw her into the deep end, only to blame her when it all went wrong.  How pathetic!

Rich Hoffman

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