The WarRoom Will Only Gain More Audience: Democrats want to trade a scruffy-looking pirate for a Barbi doll; what were they thinking?

Only the dumb communists of the Democrat party would think that trading out Steven Bannon as host of the WarRoom podcast, who always looks like he just rolled out of bed and put on the nearest thing he could find from the laundry pile, is better than the backup host who will fill his spot much of the time while he’s in jail with Natalie Winters, who makes Barbi dolls look like homeless people selling four-day-old pizzas from the trash.  I must admit that I enjoy Steve Bannon’s level of commentary on world events.  But as a fellow John Paul Jones fan that I know he is, he gets the role of a pirate in Revolutionary Wars over the years and has already done his part. by putting him in jail now, which is their goal by the dates they established, to impose a four-month sentence on him starting July 1st, which takes him off the public relations table during the rest of the election, they have caused a lot of trouble for themselvs.  Democrats who are running the courts these days, with obviously corrupt lawfare, think it will help Biden if Steve Bannon is in jail and can’t speak.  Well, news flash, I think the WarRoom will only grow in popularity over that period, and all the political left did was give more justification for the punishment that is coming their way once Trump is back in office.  And Steve Bannon will never let it go; I can promise that.  But Natalie Winters is something different altogether.  She’s young, and she’s very attractive, and she will be mostly what replaces Bannon while he’s in jail.  And I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all.  Rather, I think it will expand the WarRoom audience to younger people and will backfire dramatically on the Democrats. 

The over-30 crowd loves the WarRoom because of the play-by-play that Steve Bannon provides.  But they already know who they are voting for and what they’re planning to do as members of the WarRoom posse.    Expanding that tent to the younger people, those under 30, is needed.  And increasingly, over the last several years, Natalie Winters has been bringing that sentiment to the WarRoom podcast with great results.  Young Natalie had built an excellent reputation as a college student who would do fantastic news reporting on global events, such as COVID-19, and established herself as different among the young reporters and commentators with a tenacity that did not match her Barbie doll appearance.  In many ways, for Democrats, she is far more dangerous.  She has been dipping her toe in the water more as a commentator than a reporter once she graduated college and seems to enjoy the fight as much as we all do.  The difference is that she has her whole life in front of her, and she has learned from Steve Bannon the keys to delivering a message.  But she does it as someone who is as attractive to look at as anybody in the news business.  Much different from the Honeybadger, Steve Bannon looks like a scrappy wild animal caught in the trash at 2 AM with a sudden surprise inspection.  I don’t think they are going to be very happy with the result of not having Steve Bannon on the daily podcast that best represents Trump’s MAGA movement every day from 10 AM to noon.  Then again from 5 PM to 7.  And 10 AM to noon every Saturday.  The guests will still be the guests and the topics, the topics.  But the delivery will come from a Barbi Doll instead of a scrappy-looking pirate.  What could go wrong for the Marxist left who is trying to rid the world of personal beauty, not put it on center stage?

The critical problem here is that to do all this, which will give them nothing, will only make the WarRoom stronger. As a result, Democrats have sold their soul, literally.  The targeting of Trump’s people as direct White House staff, and putting them in jail only opens the door for the future prosecutions of people who did wrong.  The Biden family will undoubtedly be open to legal scrutiny now, along with many White House personnel who knew what was happening but enabled behavior detrimental to our country.  And, of course, the continued terrorism from the Obama administration and all the characters involved in that, including Eric Holder.  Since the statute of limitations no longer matters, and just about anything can be twisted into national security, the case law established against Trump’s administration can now be applied to anything.  Prosecutions can now be used, even to Hillary Clinton and her role as Secretary of State.  Oh, of course, they didn’t think this through.  They are communist bullies who expect compliance and nothing else.  They do not understand or expect the kind of anger that will come from Trump and his people once they are out of prison like General Flynn is now and Peter Navarro will be.  And, of course, Steve Bannon will return after four months, ready to rip the heads off of some gold monkeys.  There will be stories to tell that will last a lifetime.  And the Democrats will be stuck holding the bill for it all, and they will have to pay, which they are beginning to see. 

Meanwhile, Natalie Winters and others will carry on the WarRoom podcast hell or high water.  They get it, they understand what a vital news source they are, and they will keep the information flowing.  I maintain my blog the way I do every day, seven days a week, all weeks of the year, for a decade and a half now because I know who reads it and watches it.  It’s on a different scale than Bannon’s WarRoom, but the consumers of that information know they can depend on it no matter what’s going on in the world.  To do that, I could tell a lot of stories about technical difficulties, access to the internet, and just about every catastrophe you can imagine because the consumers of my information, who are mostly industry VIPs and influencers rather than everyday people, want to know that the clock is ticking and the things they can count on in life are always there for them.  And the WarRoom will be there for people who want the information.  Steve Bannon is nice to have around but not necessary. Rather, Natalie Winters will be able to expand the role the WarRoom plays in media with access to a younger audience and continue to feed news to the MAGA supporters with on-the-spot news refreshing daily.  For Bannon, this is similar to when John Paul Jones raided the English homeland.  The invasion news was more psychologically devastating to the enemy than the actual effort.  And putting Steve Bannon in jail only opens the door to vast amounts of anger toward the communist Democrats that will require retribution.  And all the Democrats will get from it is an open exercise of lawfare that people only speculated about up until this point.  And Democrats have proved all the suspicions right.  And they will be left holding the whole bag of tricks in the aftermath with nowhere to go.  Through it all will be that perky Natalie Winters smile and youthful affection for making a positive mark on the world that will only grow the movement against the global communists’ intent on its destruction.

Rich Hoffman

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