Follow the Constitution and Everything Will Work Out: The 9-0 Supreme Court vote against removing Trump from the ballot

As I said all along and spent several videos explaining, the Supreme Court decision on President Trump was evident from the start, and even some of the Democrat-leaning judges had to vote in support of keeping the president on the ballot, shutting down the efforts in Colorado and other states of removing him ahead of the elections in 2024.  It was a 9-0 decision that any attorney should have understood clearly.  Yet, the caution in this story is how many experts incorrectly advised that there was a danger.  This reminder is something I have said with increasing frequency: these challenges to the American Constitution in the courts are coming purely from a Marxist standpoint.  These are attempts at case law by a liberalized Bar Association connected to European efforts at establishing a post-constitutional legal foundation rooted in the United Nations, and they have nothing to do with American law.  This is an effort of the global citizen movement at a one-world government to manipulate elections and undo American sovereignty.  It has been an effort to destroy the concept of American law and certainly had no intentions of justice or fairness.  In this case, as in many, the hope was to challenge Constitutional parameters and achieve an excuse for the courts in the future that would change how everything was done, with a more global perspective in mind.  Legally, that is why I advocate on behalf of our Constitution and Bill of Rights specifically as some of the best philosophies ever produced, and it can’t be abandoned over some slack-jawed Marxist attack on our legal system.  However, that was always exactly what the attempt was to take Trump off the ballot in several states.  It should have been viewed as an insurrection and clearly showed intent to commit election fraud.  However, anybody reading the Constitution as law would know that this was a case that was never going to go in the way of the Marxists and yet another attempt by the radical political left was going to fail to stop Trump from an office he deserves, and had won in 2020 if not for the actual insurrection, the stolen election that many thousands thought they would get away with but haven’t.

The danger is what people who should know better said leading up to the Supreme Court verdict.  It is terrifying how stupid so many people could be, besides the Secretaries of State who advocated the challenge to the Constitution.  They didn’t have a solid legal review to understand a case going to the Supreme Court and had so little standing.  Yet they did it anyway and talked about it in the media as if even a traffic cop judge in Illinois was going to be able to knock Trump off the ballot to keep Old Man Loser Joe in the White House.  How many thousands of hours of commentary were done on television and radio by people who should have known better and who believed Trump could be removed from a national election in such a way?  It’s astonishing how many stupid people there are out there and what they say in public.  I never thought the case had a five-second chance in the Supreme Court, and that was precisely what happened.  As I listened to the reasoning of so many legal experts, I would shake my head, wondering where they were getting these dumb ideas on legal standing from, and as it turns out, they were woefully ignorant of the law and hoping with more than luck that their control over the law was going to advance their cause. 

I said much the same thing during COVID-19 when so many governors were openly violating the law of the Constitution with lockdowns and mandates that the government did not have the power to enact.  I told everyone then, just as I did in this voting viability case, that the government would lose in court every time someone challenged them, which is what happened.  COVID-19 died on the vine because people started to figure out about nine months into the lockdowns that the government could not do what they were doing.  After all, the COVID lockdowns came from European challenges to an American legal system assuming that globalism would override regional legal standards.  Suppose it hasn’t been evident to everyone. In that case, this is a reoccurring theme, even regarding open border policy, that the sovereign nature of law has been attacked and challenged excessively by the radical left, a European export.  And under the chaos of radicalism, the hope has been to get American judges to blink and rule in ways that would erode the concept of law by exploiting ignorance in such a devastating way.  However, the COVID cases fell apart quickly once people started getting court victories due to the unconstitutional mandates the government enforced during COVID-19.  This is why the Constitution is all about limited powers the government can have, not infinite power.  This is also why America has been so prosperous because the laws empower individuals to function without the tyrannical government disrupting their lives as much as they do in other places around the world.  So long as America has a Constitution that keeps the government in check from the radicalism they are inclined to against personal rights, much of the Marxist efforts around the world for global communist governments will fail under the weight of competition. 

As dark and evil as things have looked over the last three to four years if I’ve said it thousands of times over that duration, I’ll say it just as much going forward.  If people stick with the Constitution, things will end up making a lot more sense.  The people who lied to the public regarding this Colorado case of taking Trump off the ballot, hoping to beat him before there was ever an election because everyone knows that they cheated in 2020 to give Biden 81 million votes.  There is no real support for Biden, there never was, not in 2020 and certainly not in 2024.  Biden is a theater production of misfits and losers who thought they could challenge the American Constitution, even get rid of it by the time 2024 came around.  They never counted on a Supreme Court to vote 9-0 on anything by the time we arrived at the next election.  And that so many people were willing to lie to the public tells you everything you need to know about why preserving the Constitution is the best way to function in society, no matter where in the world someone might be.  Without the American rule of law that keeps government power in check, the corruption intended by open Marxists everywhere will ruin the world for everyone in it.  But so long as there is an America and a Constitution that governs its laws, we will all come out fine in the end.  So long as people preserve the Constitution and stand by it under assault, as we all did with this Trump case and any others that are put forward for the same dumb reasons.  These challenges in the courts are no different than the communist revolutions that have toppled many countries over the years. Still, in this case, they are coming out in courtrooms rather than domestic terrorists from the Weather Underground.  But they are terrorists just the same, and so long as people follow the Constitution, then the power of government to protect itself from justice as they have been caught committing crimes will prevent them from their menace and keep people free of their intentions. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Shooting ‘Old Yeller’: What the Darbi Boddy case at Lakota schools means to the world of American politics

It’s never wrong to learn the truth about things.  But it can be painful, disillusioning even.  And that is certainly the case at Lakota schools with the Darbi Boddy situation on the school board.  You can talk about these kinds of things in a conspiracy kind of format, but there is nothing like the truth to tell the world what is going on, and this is undoubtedly the case in all politics, from a local school board to state races, federal positions, even governorships.  Politics, at its most fundamental level, is about managing people’s needs for government.  Government is not meant to be an aristocratic position where the public serves those in government but a condition where politicians serve the people through it.  And in many ways, I can’t blame people for getting it all wrong.  These are problems people have had for thousands of years.  The United States has fixed the problem better than anybody else, and we wrote it down in our Constitution.  But living up to that high measure is extremely difficult for most people.  And when we put three conservatives on the school board at Lakota in 2022, we did so believing in the Constitutional law system and community representation.  But wherever money is involved, there will always be thieves and cutthroats to bring corruption to the task, and that is precisely what we find ourselves dealing with at all levels of government, from the Darby Boddy situation at Lakota to tax money being sent to Ukraine.  It’s all the same game for the same ridiculous reasons.  That doesn’t mean you pack up your toys, go home, and use corruption as an excuse not to participate.  But if you stick around and try to solve the problem, you will be very disappointed, and I am, on many levels. 

Many people have asked me a million different ways to get involved in one of these elected positions.  And I would never say I won’t do it.  But I have a very mobile life that has every hour of the day extremely spoken for.  It is not uncommon for me to do one thing one day, and 24 hours later, I’m on the other side of the world doing something completely unrelated.  And political life takes a certain level of commitment to stability that I just don’t have.  But I do respect people with that level of dedication, and I try to help them whenever possible.  I respect people who provide that commitment, even if they do things not as I would.  I respect them for doing government work because it ultimately takes good people to be in government for the right reasons to even hope for a good government.  And with that said, I have a lot of friends who are in politics whom I like quite a lot.  Darbi Boddy is one of them, indeed.  I remember talking to her about getting on the school board, and she innocently said yes for all the reasons I wanted her to.  I wanted a good person to do good work in government for all the right reasons.  And for all those same reasons, I wanted Trump to run and win in 2016, and we are seeing the after-effects of those types of people colliding with the corrupt forces that were always there.  I would say I am as much of an insider in politics without actually being a politician myself as a person can get.  But I was certainly surprised to learn the raw facts of this Lakota case with Darbi.  I’m glad I did, and it answers a lot of questions I have always had.  And it certainly helps articulate a solution to these many problems. But in the end, it is very disappointing to see so many people functioning on such a preposterously foolish level. 

When Darbi was first elected, I kept hearing all this crazy talk about elections being elections and governing is governing.  The thought was that if Darbi intended to be the school board member she ran her campaign on, there would be trouble.  Which is something I have thought for a long time.  The school board positions, as well as just about every elected position in our country, have an assumption that you say one thing to get elected.  Then you serve some blind aristocracy once you are in office.  There is a belief from the donor base that they own the rights to your opinions because they gave you the power you ultimately wouldn’t have through campaign contributions.  This is what we see with the Never Trumper movement behind Nikki Haley, in which they are learning the same hard lessons as we speak.  And it took some time to unravel the Darbi Boddy story, even as I was very close to it.  But pulling away all the tape to get to the core problem took time.  And what we found out is that the law firms run Lakota schools.  They have no intention of ever letting a real representative elected by actual voters handle the quarter-billion-dollar tax-fueled budget that the union-controlled public school runs.  That’s why primarily stupid people end up on these school boards, the Joe Biden types.  Because they are easy to control, and Darbi refused to be controlled.  So they conspired to get rid of her, and ultimately, the lawyers had to show their cards in their role in the whole scam, which was disappointing. 

When it comes to school boards and public schools, I am done trying to help fix them.  I’m certainly not done criticizing them, but I have no faith in government-run schools because we should always be wary of government because of the vast amounts of confiscated wealth they control.  I’m not an anti-government guy.  And I’m not “a my way or the highway” kind of guy regarding politics.  But I would expect everyone to at least follow the Constitution, which is not even close to the reality of it.  And these lawyers who have acted to subvert it openly have been disgusting.  It violates everything the Bar Association intended to establish by the rule of law in America.  But it’s not just at Lakota; the entire Washington D.C. Beltway operates precisely the same way, and that’s why they hate Trump and are terrified of him reentering the White House.  When money is involved, many bad people will do anything in the world to be Lords of Easy Money, except work hard to earn it.   The public schools are just as corrupt as money in Ukraine or most things the government gets involved in.  And when you realize that, it’s like learning that the old dog you have loved all your life has become sick, and you must put it down for its own good.  That’s the plot of the movie Old Yeller.  It was sad to shoot the dog at the film’s end because it had acquired rabies and was turning on those it was supposed to love.  And as I see how the lawyers have similarly twisted our Constitution, we must understand what that means.  It’s time to take those corrupt, sick lawyers out back and keep them from biting innocent kids with their diseased personalities for the good of our Republic.  They may have been good dogs in the past, but now they are sick, and we can’t let such sick minds run our government and harm innocent people in the process, as they have been doing.

The Old Yellers Are Sick Beyond Help

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Trouble with a Police State: A “swatting” strategy designed to test the fences

Over the last few years, there have been several times that I thought it was time for a very unpleasant experience involving the police. This started around the time of the lockdowns in Ohio, where I was one of the only people still behaving normally as it looked like road checkpoints might be a genuine concern to keep people off the roads and complying with a corrupt governor’s insane mandates. I lived my life mostly normal generally during the Covid lockdowns, and for a few weeks, it wasn’t clear if, at any moment, there might be some shootout with corrupt forces trying to impose on society a direct violation of the Bill of Rights. I kept playing the mistakes made by the FBI at Ruby Ridge and Waco through my head and considered how I might approach that problem differently. And probably because of the region and the type of people in it, that checkpoint problem never happened, and everyone eventually lived happily ever after. But those same concerns returned on Christmas Day this year as reports of swatting were being reported everywhere, where someone calls the police against a political target and reports that person as being dangerous. It has happened to Steve Bannon on the Warroom several times, Marjorie Taylor Green, and Laura Loomer, and on Christmas morning, it looked like it was happening to me. As my children were coming over to have Christmas at my house, two police vehicles sectioned off my road in front of my house with their noses of their squad cars blocking the road, pointing into traffic, and it looked like that was going to be it. So, figuring that to be the case, since I am on several “political enemy” lists, I did what I did. As it turned out, a few minutes later, they were leaving, which I was not unhappy about. They indicated they were looking for a place to hang out because it was Christmas Day, and they had nowhere else to go. Well, hanging out in front of my house wasn’t a good idea. So we parted ways for that day.

As we get further into 2024, I think this will become a much more prevalent problem as very desperate political characters turn to the police, who serve whatever administration is in power, and use this swatting strategy to harass political opponents.  There have been increased incidents between both Republicans and Democrats of this “swatting” strategy, and they have certainly become more aggressive since the days of Covid, where the apparent problems of a massive police state showed us just how dangerous it is to have too many police on the payroll reporting to corrupt politicians not following the Constitution and honoring our American Bill of Rights.  The Bill of Rights explicitly limits what a government can and cannot do, and for me, there is no compromise, especially regarding the Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments.  I did a radio show many years ago over this topic on WLW with Darryl Parks about the dangers of the newly written NDAA that Congress passed back then and how the military could be weaponized against the people who were supposed to control it.  I have a pretty good relationship with my local law enforcement.  I will always say that we need law enforcement.  But I am always weary of their power and the tendency to abuse it.  I call it the “mall cop” syndrome.  Even the best-intentioned people can turn into maniacs once they gain the ability to carry a gun and kick in someone’s door for the “safety of society.”  This policy idea that your Bill of Rights is suspended until they determine that you are not a threat is completely wrong as far as I am concerned.  And when someone “swats” you, the assumption is that the police then have a constitutional breaking mandate to violate your rights until they prove to the contrary, which is at the heart of the problem.   

I would go even further and discuss this as a strategy of sheer evil that steps beyond the veil of conscious reality, which is why I have been writing a lot lately about the hostility of the spirit world and those occult practices that seek an alliance with help from the quantum realm.  My interest is in what makes people do bad things and why they think the things they do, especially under a crisis management scenario.  I took the incident on Christmas Day at my house as the raptors testing the fences to see what they could and couldn’t get away with.  But what made them want to try?  Those are the things I spend a lot of time thinking about.  Behind that concern is this push to continuously expand the reach of government with more police with prominent stories that we hear about all the time, where police brutality causes race riots, and it forces society to pick one side or the other.  The Democrats come up with a “defund the police” strategy to decrease police killings of innocent people.  Republicans want to fund more police and “back the blue.”  But the real menace is the political characters, both spiritual and terrestrial, who want to play these forces against each other with the result of getting people screaming for more police protection and submission of their Bill of Rights over to a police state of massive government expansion so that when they do come and arrest you in the middle of the night by kicking down your door and you suddenly have to “prove you are not guilty” before they let you go, you won’t expect anything else.  You’ll want police brutality so that you can be “safe” when the real bad guys are out there causing the trouble to begin with.

This isn’t, after all, a conspiracy strategy; we have seen lawfare applied to President Trump, a former president, so the blueprint is out.  Big governments run by corrupt people expect that they can raid your home, go through your wife’s underwear drawer, and push your face into the ground with your hands behind your back whenever they decide to.  They might apologize later, but they genuinely do intend to embarrass you in front of your friends and neighbors to show that they have domination over you.  They don’t care about the arrest; they care about letting people see how much power they have so that you’ll be ready to submit if they decide to use it.  And when they want to go after political targets, one way to diminish them in the eyes of their followers is to show the world how little power they have.  This is why conservatives have been getting swatted a lot lately.  And I think it will continue to increase as the insanity of the communist left realizes they are losing power and that crimes they have been involved in will now have to be paid for.  While they can, they plan to abuse their power for all its worth.  So we should expect to deal with these things accordingly.  No matter what party you are affiliated with, this is a problem for everyone because it is a strategy of the Deep State that has no respect for the American Constitution, and they intend to cause trouble that we beg for more police so that the police can then become an extension of government power who then give them the right and ability to violate your rights with just a phone call and to take out political enemies so that the state can grow and gain public power as a net result.  We saw during COVID-19 that this is a real problem; the bad guys were testing out what they could and could not get away with regarding massive abuses of authority.  And since then, this swatting strategy has become much more frequent.  And on Christmas Day of 2023, I thought my knowledge of the Constitution would be tested.  Which everyone knows there is no compromise on.  We live in that world, and I advise everyone not to take the bait.  Keep government as minimal as possible, including the amount of local police you have.  Because with just a phone call, they can indeed become your enemy at a moment’s notice.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Law to Live or Die: It’s time to punish those who used Covid to go to war with America

There is a reason that in America, we have a tradition of swearing on a Bible, an oath of office, or courtroom testimony. And there is a reason that the attackers against America have been trying to swipe away the Ten Commandments in our courtrooms and schools and even shut down churches on Sundays during Covid lockdowns. They were trying to rip away from you the ability to know right from wrong and to have a sense of justice because they knew what they had planned to do. Many Americans are guilty of sedition and treason, like Larry Fink, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and many in the political classes, the globalists who sold out our country for stock tips that have made them very rich. There is a lot of guilt to go around, and from the Americans who see what has been done to them, I would suggest turning to the Bible to resurface your resolve. People are pretty broken up, and after the elections that we have all been waiting for to occur on November 8th, 2022, they need to be restored. Because the evil that has been cast our way has been tremendous and ominous, I have been thinking a lot about the Ten Commandments lately, and what Moses said upon finding his people worshipping false ideas, the law to live, or to die by, in many cases we must enforce our law now that we have caught so many malicious characters who deliberately broke our American laws and intended great harm on us. 

The tough admission that we all must come to is that a group of powerful people, powerful because they acquired a great deal of wealth and formed a group called the World Economic Forum, whom I call the Desecrators of Davos, to purposely use their influence over corporations and the governments of the world to attack all of us, and to put us under the rule of their hidden army, the Administrative State. Through this Administrative State, which was funded by people like Bill Gates, Larry Fink, and Mark Zuckerberg and patrolled by government bureaucrats such as Anthony Fauci, they engineered, through gain of function research, the Covid virus in the Wuhan lab in China as a bioweapon to remove President Trump from office, rig our 2020 elections, destroy our economy, and enslave us all to the intentions of the World Economic Forum, which intended to use the United Nations to rule the world. China is a creation of these people; without the Desecrators of Davos, there would not be a China to act as an enemy against America today, just as Ukraine is another propped-up country by the same villainous people for the same purposeful schemes of destruction and mayhem. But they were caught, the American Constitution was always designed to give us freedom from these people, and it worked. The American Bill of Rights, which I carry with me every day, everywhere I go, stopped these plans, and now revenge is upon us as a result of this 2022 election. And the day after that election, we must then enforce our law for the freedom of mankind around the world. 

But it was war they wanted, those Desecrators of Davos. Their Covid bioweapon was an act of terrorism meant to kill people, rob us of our republic, and enslave us into the tyranny of the technocrats, who openly plotted their menace without fear of punishment. They did not respect our laws, didn’t respect us, and went to work to destroy us utterly and enslave us to their pagan worship of mother earth and its failed religions of the past. Their desire to remove us from our Bible and our guns has been to their thirst for power and need to control every aspect of human life with their new weapons of technology meant to give them power they never deserved. They went for our throats and had no care who survived or lived, only that they intended to rob us of our freedoms, thoughts, and sense of any honor. It was a war by a different method. If they had attacked us with planes as they did at Pearl Harbor, then we would have a face for the enemy, and we’d go and fight them. Or when 9/11 happened, we had a face, and we moved to attack them, and in many ways, those wars are still being fought in the Middle East and in Afghanistan. But this fight, it was an invisible enemy, hidden in the condos of Davos behind trillions of dollars of fake, printed money made by the Federal Reserve, distributed through BlackRock and used against us through all our jobs, all our means to a good life, and confiscated all ability to reason by sabotaging capitalism through crony arrangements and tricking us into attacking our very means of survival, hoping that we would all jump ship and run to Chinese style communism. 

What they did to America and the world has been the worst human rights violations known to planet earth during any development phase. And it was so big and so bad that people couldn’t even grapple with the concept of such a vast evil. Yet there it is; it’s before us now. And we must inflict justice upon those who attacked us. They must pay for what they did and for as many years as it takes. After this election, and the Republicans are in the House and Senate and in many governor positions across the country, the fight doesn’t stop. It will just be beginning. The lowly Democrats will attempt to blame their terrible economy on the newcomers because the poison is already in the body. And they will attempt to appear as the victim as impeachment trials will have to commence. And congressional hearings on Covid will have to transpire.   Senator Rand Paul will just be the start of it. There will be a lot of crying for mercy from the Democrats. But don’t listen to them. Don’t unlock the cage and let them go free. They will try to appeal for mercy, but don’t give it to them, just as you would not provide a murderer your mercy. If the enemy breaks our laws, they must pay. Don’t let them think that our Bibles say to turn the other cheek to inspire injustice. Reread the Bible for yourself and harden your resolve to punish those wrongdoers and all their evil intentions. And send them a message that the rule of law is back in fashion in America. And the war that was cast upon us will be a victory for America and inspire new songs and folk heroes far into the future. This is one of the evillest times in the history of mankind, and it is on our watch to rectify the crimes, and recollection will judge our resolve. Thousands of years from now, we will be considered, so I suggest we set a good example and deal with the criminals in our lives with steel and hearts inspired by justice, a love of law, and order. Then to set the example to evil everywhere that their mechanisms have failed, and to punish them so thoroughly, that they will never try such an act again. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Honor of Dueling: We had a better and more honest society when fighting to the death was important

I often talk about the books I keep right next to my reading chair. The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers are a few that I look at often as I think about Constitutional applications to modern society and the vast history of human achievement that brought us all to this point in history. Because of my study of those books, I think of the American Constitution as the most outstanding philosophy for a mass society ever put to paper. It could have only occurred under the unusual circumstances of America’s creation and early evolution. But with those books, I have another one that I glaze through several times a week just for the pleasure of it. Of course, I’ve read it many times, but the frequent visits to its contents have a nobility to them that I get nowhere else. John Lyde Wilson’s little guidebook for dueling was written in 1838 called The Code of Honor. Wilson had been governor of South Carolina and felt a guidebook for dueling needed to be put to paper because so many people had gunfights to solve personal matters. Wilson, like President Jackson, would eventually feel dueling to the death to be an unfortunate thing to do. But, they also understood the premise of the personal possession of the concept of the words “I” and “My.” In their time, “my reputation” had meaning, significant meaning, and it was worth fighting to the death to defend it. Understanding this little nuance of intellectual philosophy helps to understand the premise of the American Constitution as it was written at the time to reflect this necessity of protecting personal virtue. 

As I have pointed out in Ayn Rand’s work, specifically her dystopian novel, Anthem, the word “I” was pushed entirely out of their culture and replaced strictly with “we,” and society devolved along the known Vico Cycle to the point where they had to discover the light bulb once again, literally. In that future society, The Council of Candle Makers ran everything. The nature of that collective-based society was to do everything for the greater good as interpreted by those in charge of that interpretation. All personal needs and values are surrendered to the mass of culture in general, which means that the direction of the entire society gets dumbed down to the weakest links of social discourse instead of the best and brightest. That is why those societies always fail, as they are in our present time. Ayn Rand provided significant warnings about these collective philosophies because she came from the Soviet Union as a young woman and saw up close and personal the results. As the last century evolved, we watched communism spread through most of the Asian world coming out of Russia, and it is to this day, the influence is seeking to conquer the West. China is not shy about their statements, and they have bought off many of our political class with stolen wealth to do precisely as Ayn Rand warned about in her book Anthem. That is why there is more of an emphasis on “teams” and “teambuilding” over individual development. Such emphasis is a process in erasing individual effort for the good of the whole, and it is the biggest challenge of our present time.

Clearly, to achieve their goals, the foreign and domestic forces that are the enemies of our Constitutional law desire to “progress” beyond such a concept into a world of global governance ruled by the United Nations. Study history, as I often do. You can see the apparent path of achievement by the international governing class that has been trying to undermine the American Constitution since it was written. English nobility was never crazy about the Magna Carta in their society. They indeed found it preposterous that the American colonies Declared Independence from them during the Revolution and that a new country was formed in the wake. Among the aristocracies of Europe, they never understood the concept of “I” and “My” to the level that it developed in the vacuum of power, when people were far from their overly controlling governments, how people tended to evolve into personal virtue instead of concern for collective based reasoning. And it was in such a breakaway environment some of the best forms of government have ever been created by mankind, starting with the democracy that was invented in pirate societies in the Caribbean then evolving into the Republic of America. In both cases, pirates helped topple the powers of Europe, first with John Paul Jones during the Revolution, then when England tried to take New Orleans during the War of 1812, it was Jean Lafitte who joined with Andrew Jackson to defeat the British forces, who were much more superior. The unregimented individualism of America, with all its variety and creativity, continued to win out over the old forces of collectivism from Europe eventually Asia, time and time again. And that attitude then went on to create the greatest economy the world has ever seen, and it still outpaces all the ruthless mechanisms to bring it under the control of Europe and Asia to this present day. 

Much of that magic came from discovering and protecting the self that the American Constitution afforded people everywhere, including the European concept of slavery. Free people simply outperformed those under the team concept of collective-based societies. Dying for the Queen or an emperor did not match the efforts of gunfighting for the right to a good life and all that could be built with it under the premise of the self. And when the honor of that self was questioned, it meant more to the people who wrote the Constitution to defend their honor to the death than to surrender that concept over to mass society and the bureaucracy of an administrative state which we find ourselves in now. Clearly, we were a better society of law, order, and economy when we fought to the death to preserve our individual honor than when we punt that honor to lawyers and governments to fight on our behalf. We have found that corruption tends to seep into such a society at a maddening pace because there is no individual honor to check it at the door. Without any fear of individual judgment and death by dishonor, there is nothing to keep a criminal class from rising out of chaos and forming right under our noses since honor and personal satisfaction of all concepts of the word “I” have been abandoned in favor of collective rule. When the criminals seek to hide their actions behind the “team” concept, there is no mechanism to identify the evil as individual achievement. Therefore, nobody is ever punished for committing the crime. The crimes then become collective-based because individual judgment can’t be applied to mass culture. That is how criminals are flourishing and why they see to it their best strategy of getting rid of the American Constitutional altogether and thinking of it as archaic. Yet looking back over history, it is clear that we were a better society when individuals could call on each other to have a duel to the death if the value of “I” and “My” needed to be defended. History shows us that protecting “we” has no meaning if the value of personal responsibility is surrendered in the process. And with that in mind, perhaps we should bring back dueling in America and worldwide. I think we would find the behavior of the criminal class that seeks to hide their malice behind rules and regulations under the protections of inefficient mass governments suddenly at a severe disadvantage. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Why I Support the Ghost Guns of Defense Distributed: The law of the Bill of Rights is being “law-abiding”

I probably am one of the most law-abiding citizens that anybody will ever meet, except for of course speed limits. I hate speed limits and drive over them all the time because they are just too damn slow. But I love our society and want to see people enjoying it based on the constitution that formed our republic. I certainly don’t support chaos and anarchy or more laws just so a political class can stay in power. I treat people fair, until they do me wrong, and generally want what’s best for even my enemies. With all that said I am a big supporter of all the amendments of the Constitution, especially the first ten. The original Constitution I wasn’t all that crazy about as it was way too Federalist for me. As there are worse figures in history other than Alexander Hamilton, for which I was born and raised in the city named after him, I felt that his influence on George Washington and our Constitution as a whole was way too “big government.” I’m much more Jeffersonian, or even the kind of thinking that Ben Franklin was, and I have a distrust understood by history of people who have too much power and use the legislature to ruin the lives of mankind. So, in that regard I take the 2nd and 1st Amendments very seriously and for me there is no gray area that needs to be interpreted in the Supreme Court.

As much of a Trump supporter as I have been, I do not support at all his turn toward red flag laws, as well as many prominent GOP governors into enacting them to pacify the radical political left. I see the NRA as my gun lobby because they represent me and those like me who see the 2nd Amendment as a necessary protection from the kind of corruption that often occurs when people legislatively stand over other people. And making it easier for that kind of power to reside over individuals is simply not in the cards, so no matter what gun controls are passed, my position is that they are not valid and should be discarded as useless, the way many liberals behaved about marijuana laws and other intoxicants. The behavior may be illegal, but the law turns a blind eye toward the behavior. Prostitution is also illegal, yet you can see prostitutes walking the streets openly just a few streets from the White House. So more gun laws are not something that gun owners like me are going to wake up and say, “oh, alright. Here are my guns.” No, any new laws will be opposed and ignored and will only serve to give politicians a platform to run for office on.

It is for all those reasons and more actually, that I support Defense Distributed’s work as an online open-source hardware organization that develops digital schematics for building “ghost guns.” Ghost guns are firearms that are manufactured at your home by either small CNC milling machines where you can upload the cut files off the internet and make your own guns out of blocks of aluminum, or other metals. There have even been strides in building guns off 3D printers that have hardly enough metal in them to set off a metal detector. The argument against ghost guns is that terrorists could use them to get into airports and shopping centers and cause mass havoc. But the premise is already faulty by the time we get to that statement because first you must assume that the government is competent enough to protect us, which of course they aren’t.

One of the first excuses that the prison that allowed Jeffery Epstein to disappear, either by death, or some other means from high security as soon as names were being named in that case of sex trafficking that looks to implicate so many powerful people, was that the guards were overworked. Unlike years gone by, labor unions control most government jobs, including law enforcement and they take little responsibility for anything that their members do and over emphasize everything else so that taxpayers keep voting for tax increases to give them their bottomless pit of money expectations. There are no consequences for failure in government and law enforcement is attached to that low expectation. To get in trouble as a law enforcement officer, you must do something really stupid, and often many things to keep the union from explaining away the failures.

Stephen Paddock the Las Vegas shooter after years of investigations could not be found to have a motive in the killing of 58 people and causing 851 injuries as he shot his bump stock equipped guns into a crowd of concert goers just trying to live life. There are still reports that the attack involved more than Paddock, but after a lot of money spent on the investigation it was concluded that he shot himself in the end before police stormed his room to find him dead. Trump talked the NRA into taking a stand against bump stocks and everyone lived happily ever after, only nobody still understands why he did it and how he had the kind of money to gamble away $10,000 a day as a high roller in Vegas. Many say he was a professional bank robber. Officially he made his money as a real estate investor acquiring over $2 million in assets making the rest off gambling. But the guy went from a postal worker, to a high roller in a rather dramatic fashion so there is obviously much more to the story, for which we will never know.

And that is always the case with these killers, we are never given the real story. Most of the news we get are in the first 48 hours before the FBI puts down the clamps on information getting out to the media, as we are told to “trust them.” And with each tragedy we find there are more laws going on the books to make our lives even worse with compliance. When none of those solutions and answers are even relevant to the circumstances. The real solution is to put more guns in the hands of individuals motivated to solve the problem—people not hampered by labor union expectations and politics but people who could have stopped Paddock much faster, or any other mass murderer for that matter. And when we do catch some vile evil doer, like Epstein, that they aren’t removed before they reveal more of the dirt behind the scenes of what is really going on.

Knowing how dirty our political and legal system can be, we must guard against their tyranny with the rights we have, which is where I point to the Bill of Rights and say that I can agree with those and follow that law. Not the law of modern politicians who are up to no good and want to use new laws to hide their malice. But the rules of conduct that were intended to create a functioning republic that stands for truth justice and the American way. And for that reason, I support ghost guns because the government, especially one that is involved in so much criminal conduct, does not have a right to take away our defenses and rule over us. We may need those guns to enforce a change in government, so in that context, Trump is wrong to support more gun control. All the governors are wrong. Everyone is wrong, because as much as they want you to trust them, the evidence says that we can’t. And we won’t.

Rich Hoffman

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Guns in the Ohio Constitution

We have been hearing and seeing so much about what the Democrats want for America, from open border policies, to high taxation, murderous abortions, and abuses of the standing armies to raid private citizens in the middle of the night and throw them in jail just over political maneuverings, an obvious abuse of authority. I’ve always been a bit of a Constitutional hound, I trust mostly the decisions of the Supreme Court at the federal level, even when they don’t go my way. When I don’t like the direction of the country for instance, instead of taking up guns and overthrowing the government, like we are expected to do when things get out of control, I settle on elections. That’s why I supported Donald Trump for president, he was a needed change done in the most peaceful manner. However, after the arrest of Roger Stone, Trump’s first campaign manager into the 2016 elections and the obvious bad treatment of other people directly connected to President Trump by the FBI I have been going back and rereading the Constitutions that have founded our nation and thinking differently about what to do next. It started for me by asking what I would do if the FBI or local police were instigated to come to my door to arrest me, how would I handle it. That answer provoked me to revisit the law and consider the correct options.

But too often we assume that the federal government has supremacy law over the states, which we know from the Tenth Amendment that it doesn’t which means that the Constitutions of whatever state you live in are important considerations as well, and I can say that the Ohio Constitution is not an easy thing to put your civilian hands on, which it should be. Anyway, I picked one up and for current reading. A previous copy I had from something like thirty years ago was missing so a new one was needed and once it arrived, I found a modern reading of it to be quite refreshing. Assuming that I have to say I know a few Ohio Supreme Court Justices, not well enough that we swap spit in the shower, but well enough to call them neighbors whom I speak with from time to time so I understand the nature of case-law which has been shaped by the Ohio Constitution over time, but what I want to focus on are a few very nice quotes listed in the Preamble of the Article I: Bill of Rights, which read very similarly to the federal Bill of Rights inspired by the Anti-Federalist Papers.

Specifically, I found the language of #2 of the Ohio Bill of Rights to be much more specific than the federal Second Amendment which we all hear so much about. It makes it quite clear what the intention of a society of gun owners is supposed to be doing and why they have the power to do it. There is no mistake about it, it says: Right to alter, reform, or abolish government, and repeal special privileges. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform, or abolish the same, whenever they may deem it necessary: and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted, that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the General Assembly. Essentially, if the government of Ohio gets too far out of control, everyday people need to be able to abolish it and start over. Things that come to my mind as causes for such a thing to happen would be massive debt and abuses of authority. Lucky for all of us living in Ohio, it’s a pretty well-run state, but part of the reason why is that there are a lot of gun owners who don’t have much tolerance for nonsense. We are not obligated to just deal with a bunch of spoiled brat government employees. If they screw up and over extend themselves, we have an obligation to end that government and start a new one.

Another part of the Ohio Bill of Rights that jumped out at me was #4 Bearing arms; standing armies: military power. The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; by standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power. Now this was written in 1851, not that long ago. And when reading it I can’t help but think of the Roger Stone case and the corruption we have seen at the level of the FBI under James Comey and Andrew McCabe. Granted, these actions were not in Ohio, Stone was arrested in Florida and the core of the FBI characters were likely regulated by other constitutional parameters not specific to Ohio, but the intent behind the language could not be clearer. A standing army in times of peace tends to breed corruption, when a police state is established where they represent the arm of a corrupt government and they have power over people who don’t, bad things tend to happen, and we see it all the time. I find this portion of the Ohio Bill of Rights to be particularly potent in establishing legal precedent. Government even at the level of the Supreme Court of the state or at the federal level cannot trump this basic premise with case-law assumptions. Because if we have to abolish the government for whatever reason the grounds for doing so revert back to this basic foundation of law in Ohio for which we all agree is the law of the land.

Maybe this is why the Ohio Constitution isn’t more publicized. I’m sure I read these things before, but in the context of our modern times they are much more distinct than their federal brother. Later during the progressive era of 1912 there were amendments to the Ohio Constitution which complicate things a bit, but essentially the 1851 version is the law of the land, so why don’t more people know this stuff? It should be more broadly broadcast not just through the state of Ohio, but in other states trying to understand the foundations of their own government. I mean without question the State of Ohio evokes the privileges of eminent domain and public welfare rights in regard to private property as written in the 1851 Ohio Constitution, so why not apply the same to the #2 and #4 section of the Preamble where gun rights are the obvious emphasis? The obvious answer of course is that much of the Constitutions that make our country what it is at both the federal level and the level of the state are interpreted by government employees for the benefit of themselves. But behind it all is the expectation that the people for whom the constitutions are written are expected to enforce justice when needed, and in these modern times, it looks like its needed. There are worse things than violence in a society, and that is a civilization that is just asleep at the wheel and has lost itself to the powers of government reverting back to an aristocratic existence. It is far more dangerous to become an overly compliant society that has lost its freedoms than to take up arms to remove corruption from office. Just a few things to think about as we learn more about how our government really operates and what little respect they have for our current president or the people who put him in office.

Rich Hoffman

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